Nu 211 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nu 211? On this page you'll find 61 study documents about Nu 211.
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NU 211 (Oxygenation, Circulation, Perfusion, Vitals) questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 31 pages • 2023
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- $14.99
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1, 5 (Oxygen, Carbon dioxide) Answer Which gases are primarily exchanged during respiration? Select All That Apply. 
1. Oxygen 
2. Chloride 
3. Nitrogen 
4. Hydrogen 
5. Carbon dioxide 
4 (Pink and frothy sputum) Answer Which finding would the nurse expect when assessing a client with pulmonary edema? 
1. Black sputum 
2. Green sputum 
3. Foul-smelling sputum 
4. Pink and frothy sputum

NU 211 - Exam 1 - contusions, strains, and sprains questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
- $13.99
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contusion Answer -soft tissue injury produced by blunt force, such as a blow, kick, or fall that results in bleeding into soft tissue (ecchymosis or bruising) 
-a hematoma (collection of blood within a tissue) develops when bleeding is sufficient to form an appreciable solid swelling 
strain Answer -"pulled muscle" 
-injury to musculotendinous unit cause by overuse, over stretching, or excessive stress 
-tendon connects muscle to bone, whereas ligament connects bone to bone 
sprain Answer...
This is a comprehensive and detailed testbank on:TB-Chapter 13 Crisis Intervention. 
NU-211 questions with correct answers

NU 211 Review questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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- $13.99
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What is a correctly written nursing diagnosis? 
A. Acute Pain related to tissue ischemia as evidenced by statement of my chest pain scale of 8. 
B. Ineffective breathing related to pneumonia and flu. 
C. Impaired physical activity related to IV lines, generalized weakness and dehydration Answer A. Acute Pain related to tissue ischemia as evidenced by statement of my chest pain scale of 8. 
What is a clinical guideline or protocol? Answer DOCUMENT THAT ASSIST THE CLINICIAN IN MAKING DECISIONS A...

NU 211: Exam 3 TEST NEWEST ACTUAL EXAM COMPLETE 200 QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) |ALREADY GRADED A+ The nurse is administering a blood transfusion to a patient in shock. After 30 min the patient spikes a fever and reports
- Exam (elaborations) • 49 pages • 2024
- $13.49
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NU 211: Exam 3 TEST NEWEST 
The nurse is administering a blood transfusion to a patient in shock. After 30 min the patient spikes a 
fever and reports chest pain. Their blood pressure falls suddenly and they become tachycardic. What 
type of reaction is this patient experiencing? 
-circulatory overload - ANSWER-hemolytic rxn 
NU 211 Tests Bundle Set
NU 135 Exam One- 2/11 questions with correct answers

NU 211: Exam 3 questions with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 51 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $15.49
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You are the nurse assessing a patient. What are some signs of excess fluid volume (hypervolemia) - correct answer edema/ascites, crackles in the lungs, pale, cool skin, elevated blood pressure, bounding pulse 
What med will help with fluid volume excess? - correct answer diuretic (lasix) med will help pt urinate out excess fluid--> may cause potassium loss 
A patient who is obese is admitted with a diagnosis of congestive heart failure. The nursing history reveals the patient has diabetes...
Clinical Practice PRNU 
2114: Exam 1 Practice 

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