Robert bakewell - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Robert bakewell? On this page you'll find 22 study documents about Robert bakewell.
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Agricultural Revolution with correct answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
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Agricultural Revolution - A time when new inventions such as the seed drill and the steel 
plow made farming easier and faster. The production of food rose dramatically. 
Open field system - Common lands were open and strips of land for agriculture were not 
divided by fences or hedges 
Cornelius Vermuyden - most famous of Dutch engineers in drainage techniques 
Charles Townsend - Developed crop rotation and later drained much land back at home in 
crop rotation - The practice of rot...

- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
- $4.99
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Animal Breeding Correct Answer: The science of using the principles of genetics to make 
improvement in a livestock species 
Robert Bakewell Correct Answer: "Father of animal breeding" 
Leased out males 
Mate the 'best of the best' 
shorthorn cattle Correct Answer: First organized breed of livestock 1580 
Gregor Mendel Correct Answer: Father of genetics 
Established basic genetic principles 
population genetics Correct Answer: Branch of genetics which deals with the factors tha...

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