Vsim feedback log - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Vsim feedback log? On this page you'll find 534 study documents about Vsim feedback log.
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PHARMACOLO NU120 Juan Carlos Vsim Feedback LOG graded A+
Mona Hernandez VSIM Feedback Log & Score
Edith Jacobson VSIM Feedback Log & Score 2019
VMona Hernandez VSIM Feedback Log & Score
Surgical Scenario 5: Lloyd Bennett 
vSim Feedback Log 96%
Mona Hernandez VSIM Feedback Log & Score.
Kim Johnson VSIM Feedback Log & Score

Brenda Patton VSIM Feedback Log Score | Rupture of membranes. Labor assessment
- Case • 5 pages • 2023
- $19.49
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Brenda Patton VSIM 
Feedback Log Score. Rupture of membranes. Labor assessment. 
You arrived at the patient. 
0:00 You introduced yourself. 
0:09 You washed your hands. To maintain patient safety it is important to wash your 
hands as soon as you enter the room. 
0:10 Patient status - Heart rate: 89. Pulse: Present. Blood pressure: 118/71 mmHg. 
Respiration: 20. Conscious state: Appropriate. SpO2: 97%. Temp: 37 C. EFM:
PHARMACOLO NU120 Juan Carlos Vsim Feedback LOG
Josephine Morrow VSIM Feedback Log & Score

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