Beatles exam 3 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Beatles exam 3? On this page you'll find 71 study documents about Beatles exam 3.
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MUS 354 Exam 3-scored A-2023-2024

Arizona State University MUS 354 / MUS354 Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2022
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- $13.69
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Arizona State University 
MUS 354 / MUS354 
Exam 2 
The song "Ticket To Ride" was also featured prominently during their film... 
Magical Mystery Tour 
Yellow Submarine A Hard Day's Night Let It Be 
Though John was the primary composer of this song, it also features... 
three-part harmony arranged by George Martin 
George's improvised sitar parts 
Ringo overdubbing cowbell and maracas 
none of the above	 
Paul wrote this '65 song about girlfriend Jane Asher, feat...

MUS 354Exam3 /assignment 100% correct
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
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MUS 354: The Beatles After the Beatles (Spring B 2013) 
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Exam #3 
____________ was recorded at AIR London and Montserrat between December of 1980 
and July of 1983, with George Martin producing and helping with the arrangements. 
Most critics agree that Paul's energy was focused on the Give My Regards to Broad Street 
project, and that this release was a "rush job" and the first album of new Paul so...

- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023
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Who was Homer Cape hart? - CORRECT ANSWER-Invented the Simplex (device that enhances jukeboxes) 
What was the importance of jukebox operators? - CORRECT ANSWER-They pulled the industry out of the Great Depression 
Who was Louis Armstrong? - CORRECT ANSWER-Originator of Swing 
What kind of music was played earlier in the evening? - CORRECT ANSWER-Sweet Jazz 
Who was Benny Goodman? - CORRECT ANSWER-Primary instrument was clarinet; signed b...

TABE Review Test of Adult Basic Education Exam (all subjects Q&A 2021)
- Exam (elaborations) • 48 pages • 2021
- $18.49
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TABE Review Test of Adult Basic Education Exam (all subjects Q&A 2021) 
Test of Adult Basic Education 
The Test of Adult Basic Education, TABE, meets the State of Florida requirements for an entrance level exam for admissions to Workforce Development Programs. Different vocational programs have different TABE score requirements as determined by the Florida Department of Education. Scores are given in numerical form. A score of 10.9 is interpreted as 10...

MUS 354: The Beatles After The Beatles Exam 3 | Already Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2021
- $10.99
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MUS 354: The Beatles After The Beatles Exam 3 1 was written by Paul upon a request by director Jon Landis to provide the title song for his Warner Bros. film of the same name. Paul plays all inst ruments but one synth part, and Paul's cousin sings back-up vocals. "Spies Like Us" "Coming Up" "Ebony and Ivory" "Give My Regards to Broad Street" 2 From a 1980 album, wrote and sand this song. Paul McCartney Bob Dylan John Lennon Ringo Starr 3 Released as the B-side of the studio version from...

TABE Review Test of Adult Basic Education
- Exam (elaborations) • 49 pages • 2022
- $15.49
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Test of Adult Basic Education 
Florida Gateway College 149 SE College Way Lake City, Florida 32025 
The Test of Adult Basic Education, TABE, meets the State of Florida requirements for an entrance level exam for admissions to Workforce Development Programs. Different vocational programs have different TABE score requirements as determined by the Florida Department of Education. Scores are given in numerical form. A score of 10.9 is interpreted as 10th grade 9th mon...

MUS 354 Beatles after Beatles (MUS354) (MUS 354 Beatles after Beatles /Arizona State University MUS 354 | MUS354 Exam 3 test bank, all questions and answers.
- Exam (elaborations) • 55 pages • 2021
- $16.59
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Arizona State University MUS 354 | MUS354 Exam 3 test bank, all questions and answers. 1. Critics disliked this late '67 Beatles film with its disjointed plot, though it has now become a cult classic. It is A. A Hard Day's Night MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR 2. One John song, with lyrics inspired by Alice in Wonderland, got its rhythm from a police car siren. It is A. "Strawberry Fields Forever" I AM THE WALRUS 3. Paul added flute and recorder to this song from Magical Mystery Tour with lyrics tellin...

Arizona State University MUS 354 / MUS354 Exam 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2022
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- $11.99
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Arizona State University 
MUS 354 / MUS354 
Exam 1 
Score 29/30 1 
One of the Beatles spent much of his time in the hospital as a child, spending two months in a coma at age six, and suffering from pleurisy at age thirteen. He is... 
Paul McCartney 
George Harrison 
John Lennon 
Pete Best	 
This song was originally recorded by the female Motown group... 
Miracles Supremes 
Unfortunately, in 1976, the Beatles suffered a personal loss when... 
Pete Bes...

Arizona State University MUS 354 / MUS354 Exam 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- $13.49
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Arizona State University 
MUS 354 / MUS354 
Exam 3 
Your Score 
Not everyone associated with the Beatles was taking drugs, as 	expressed in June of 1998 at a Chief of Police Officers conference, where he stated, "my relationship with them was a bit like that of a teacher with his class" and "everybody does it - that's what frightens me." 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Mal Evans 
Brian Epstein 
Dick James 
Paul and the group built this album title song during studio rehea...

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