Biol 251 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Biol 251? On this page you'll find 179 study documents about Biol 251.
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BIOL 251 Week 14 Quiz 10 (10 Questions and Answers) American Public Univeristy
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- $19.99
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1.	Question: Without SRY expression, an embryo will develop: 
2.	Question: If the average length of a woman's ovarian cycle is 30 days, the average length of her uterine cycles is most likely ____ days 
3.	Question: What controls whether an embryo will develop testes or ovaries? 
4.	Question: All of the following statements concerning oogenesis are correct EXCEPT: 
5.	Question: What are the female gonads called? 
6.	Question: Why do estrogen levels fall after menopause? 
7.	Question: After ovul...

BIOL251 Quiz 1 Exam Questions with Answers
- Other • 9 pages • 2024
- $23.49
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BIOL251 Quiz 1 Exam Questions with Answers 
Which of the following statements about insulin is true? 
A. Insulin acts as a transport protein, carrying glucose across the cell membrane. 
B. Insulin facilitates the movement of intracellular glucose transporters to the cell membrane. 
C. Insulin stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose. 
D. Insulin stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb glucose into the bloodstream. 
E. Two of the above are true statements. 
The parathyroid glands are s...

BIOL 251 W3 Unit Exam 1 (53-Additional Questions and Answers) American Public
- Exam (elaborations) • 14 pages • 2023
- $44.99
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1.	Question:Hormones produced and released from sex organs include which of the following? 
2.	Question:How many hormones are produced by the posterior pituitary? Question options: 
3.	Question: The development of a goiter indicates that	_. 
4.	Question: The alpha cells of the pancreatic islets produce and secrete 
5.	_________. Question options: 
6.	Question: Which general type of hormone can easily pass through the cell membrane and into the cytoplasm of the cell? 
7.	Question: The function of...

- Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2023
- $18.39
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Which of the following statements about insulin is true? 
 A. Insulin acts as a transport protein, carrying glucose across the cell membrane. 
 B. Insulin facilitates the movement of intracellular glucose transporters to the cell membrane. 
 C. Insulin stimulates the breakdown of stored glycogen into glucose. 
 D. Insulin stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb glucose into the bloodstream. 
 E. Two of the above are true statements. 
The parathyroid glands are s...

BIOL251 W7 Quiz 5
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $29.99
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1.	Question: Production of less than 50 mL/day of urine is called ________. 
2.	Question: Diabetes insipidus or diabetes mellitus in very poor control would most likely be indicated by ________. 
3.	Question: The following statement(s) is/are true of the act of micturition: 
4.	Question: A cross-sectional view of a kidney shows the outer _______ of the organ and the inner ______ of the organ. 
5.	Question: The volume of filtrate formed by both kidneys per minute is termed the ______________ . 

BIOL251 W1 Quiz 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 13 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $30.48
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1.	Question: Which of the following is an anterior pituitary hormone? 
2.	Question: The adrenal glands are wedges of glandular and neuroendocrine tissue adhering to the top of the _________. 
3.	Question: In contrast to the nervous system, the endocrine system uses only one method of communication: _________ signaling. 
4.	Question: How can the anterior part of the pituitary gland control the secretion of thyroid hormones? 
5.	Question: The gonads produce what class of hormones? 
6.	Question: Th...

BIOL251 W2 Quiz 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $29.99
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1.	Question: The pH of a liquid is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. The normal range of pH of blood is: 
2.	Question: What is the typical lifespan of a leukocyte? 
3.	Question: The term formed elements in blood includes which of the following? 
4.	Question: Which of the following is/are important in the process named coagulation? 
5.	Question: Which of the following is/are true of the molecule named hemoglobin? 
6.	Question: Which of the following is/are true of red blood cells? 
7.	Quest...

BIOL251 W6 Unit Exam 2
- Exam (elaborations) • 22 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $32.48
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1.	Question: Capillaries that have a perforated lining are called__________. 
2.	Question: Capillaries that are lined with phagocytes are called _________. 
3.	Question: The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the______. 
4.	Question: The following is a list of vessels. Place them in the order that blood would go through entering the systemic circulation. 1. Left ventricle 2. Aorta 3. Vena cavae 4. Pulmonary trunk 5. Pulmonary veins 6. Right atrium 7. Right ventricle 8. Left atrium 
5.	Question: _...

BIOL251 W3 Unit Exam 1
- Exam (elaborations) • 29 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $32.99
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1.	Question: Hormones produced and released from sex organs include which of the following? 
2.	Question: In contrast to the nervous system, the endocrine system uses only one method of communication: _________ signaling. 
3.	Question: Hormones regulate certain target cell responses. These can include which of the following? 
4.	Question: One of the major functions of the adrenal glands is to respond to ________. 
5.	Question: The beta cells of the pancreatic islets produce and secrete _________...

BIOL251 W4 Quiz 3
- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $22.48
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1.	Question: Capillaries that have a perforated lining are called ________ _. 
2.	Question: The amount of blood pumped by either ventricle in one minute is called. 
3.	Question: Cardiac output equals: 
4.	Question: Venous return is affected by all EXCEPT: 
5.	Question: The pulmonary arteries carry blood to the ____ _. 
6.	Question: Which of the following does not play a role in blood pressure? 
7.	Question: These control the blood flow through a capillary bed. 
8.	Question: The following is a li...

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