Amal practice exam 1 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
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AMAL Practice Exam "1. Which of the following is the most common method of laundering money through a legal money services business? A. Exchanging currency and remitting money B. Smuggling bulk cash C. Transferring funds through payable through account
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AMAL Practice Exam 
"1. Which of the following is the most common method of laundering money 
through a legal money services business? 
A. Exchanging currency and remitting money 
B. Smuggling bulk cash 
C. Transferring funds through payable through accounts (PTAs) 
D. Exchanging Colombian pesos on the black market 
"2. In general, the three phases of money laundering are said to be: placement 
A. structuring and manipulation. 
B. layering and integration. 
C. layering and ...

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