Btm 200 excel - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
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BTM 200 Excel with 100% correct answers 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2024
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- $13.99
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Semi-selection or pointing 
A) indicates a cells relative location from the cell containing the formula. 
B) indicates a cell's specific location and the reference does not change when you copy the formula. 
C) is the process of using the mouse to select cells while building a formula. 
D) creates an Equals (=) sign. 
A formula in Excel must begin with 
A) a cell's specific location. 
B) a cells relative location. 
C) both an absolute and a relative cell reference. 
D) an Equals (=...

BTM 200 - Chapter 2 Exam Questions And Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2024
- $10.49
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BTM 200 - Chapter 2 Exam Questions And 
What are the 4 major functions of a Computer? - Answers1. It gathers data (Input) 
2. It processes that data 
3. It outputs that data 
4. It stores data 
Data - AnswersIs a representation of a fact, a figure or an idea 
Information - AnswersData that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion 
Binary Language - AnswersConsists of 0 and 1's 
Binary Digit - AnswersEach 0 and 1...

BTM 200 - Excel Chapter 1 exam questions and answers 2024.
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2024
- $16.49
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1) A spreadsheet 
A) is the core of a slide presentation. 
B) is an electronic file that is used to write text and graphics on the web. 
C) is an electronic file that contains a grid of columns and rows for related data. 
D) is another word for a letter written on a computer. 
Answer: C 
2) A spreadsheet PROGRAM is defined as 
A) a software application used to create and modify spreadsheets. 
B) a software application used to create and modify text-based documents. 
C) a software applicati...

Fundamentals of Information Technology Test Bank/BTM 200 Test Bank
- Exam (elaborations) • 152 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- $26.49
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Fundamentals of Information Technology Test Bank/BTM 200 Test Bank 
Chapter 2: 
1) ________ is data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful fashion. 
A) Information 
B) A number 
C) A character 
D) A symbol 
Answer: A 
Diff: 1 
Section Ref: Computers Are Data Processing Devices 
2) Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a 
A) gathering data 
B) processing data into information 
C) analyzing the data or information 
D) ...

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