Bus 660 topic - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Bus 660 topic? On this page you'll find 231 study documents about Bus 660 topic.
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BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- $25.49
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1.	Question:Acompanymakestwoproductsfromsteel; onerequires 2tonsofsteelandtheotherrequires3tons.Thereare100tonsofsteelavailabledaily.Aconstraintondaily production could bewrittenas:2x1+3x2≤100. 
2.	Question:Letx1,x2,andx3be0-1variableswhosevaluesindicatewhethertheprojectsarenotdone(0)oraredone(1).Whichanswerbelowindicatesthatatleasttwooftheprojectsmust bedone? 
3.	Question:The constraintx1 +x2+x3 +x4 ≤2 meansthattwooutofthefirstfourprojectsmust be selected. 
4.	Question:Eachpointontheefficie...

BUS 660 Topic 4 Midterm Exam (Spring Session) Grand Canyon
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2023
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- $29.99
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1.	Question:A posterior probability associated with sample information is of the form 
2.	Question:When production volume exceeds the breakeven point, we can expected 
3.	Question:Which of the following exponential smoothing constant values puts the same weight on the most recent time series value as does a 5-period miming average? 
4.	Question:The decision variables of a model are also known as the 
5.	Question:An experiment consists of tossing 4 coins successively. The number of sample poi...

BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)
- Other • 11 pages • 2023
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- $24.99
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BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)

BUS 660 Topic 4 Linear Programming Applications in Marketing, Finance, and Marketing Management
- Other • 13 pages • 2023
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- $17.49
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BUS 660 Topic 4 Linear Programming Applications in Marketing, Finance, and Marketing Management

BUS 660 Topic 2 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting - Homework
- Other • 9 pages • 2023
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- $18.49
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BUS 660 Topic 2 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting - Homework
BUS 660 Topic 4 Midterm Exam (Summer Term)
BUS 660 Topic 5 Linear Programming Distribution and Network Models - Homework

BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term) Grand Canyon
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $39.99
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1.	Question:Acompanymakestwoproductsfromsteel; onerequires 2tonsofsteelandtheotherrequires3tons.Thereare100tonsofsteelavailabledaily.Aconstraintondaily production could bewrittenas:2x1+3x2≤100. 
2.	Question:Letx1,x2,andx3be0-1variableswhosevaluesindicatewhethertheprojectsarenotdone(0)oraredone(1).Whichanswerbelowindicatesthatatleasttwooftheprojectsmust bedone? 
3.	Question:The constraintx1 +x2+x3 +x4 ≤2 meansthattwooutofthefirstfourprojectsmust be selected. 
4.	Question:Eachpointontheefficie...

BUS 660 Topic 3 Introduction to Linear Programming - Homework Grand Canyon
- Other • 19 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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Problem 8-25(Algorithmic) 
GeorgiaCabinetsmanufactureskitchencabinetsthataresoldtolocaldealersthroughouttheSoutheast.Becauseofalargebacklogofordersfor oakand cherrycabinets,the company decidedto contract with threesmaller cabinetmakersto do the final finishing operation. For thethree cabinetmakers, the number of hours required to complete all the oak cabinets, the number of hours required to complete all the cherrycabinets,thenumberofhoursavailableforthefinalfinishingoperation,andthecostperhour...

BUS 660 Topic 6 Integer Linear Programming and Advanced Optimization Applications - Homework (v1).docx
- Other • 10 pages • 2023
- $20.49
- 1x sold
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BUS 660 Topic 6 Integer Linear Programming and Advanced Optimization Applications - Homework (v1).docx

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