Bus 660 topic 8 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Bus 660 topic 8? On this page you'll find 39 study documents about Bus 660 topic 8.
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BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- $25.49
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1.	Question:Acompanymakestwoproductsfromsteel; onerequires 2tonsofsteelandtheotherrequires3tons.Thereare100tonsofsteelavailabledaily.Aconstraintondaily production could bewrittenas:2x1+3x2≤100. 
2.	Question:Letx1,x2,andx3be0-1variableswhosevaluesindicatewhethertheprojectsarenotdone(0)oraredone(1).Whichanswerbelowindicatesthatatleasttwooftheprojectsmust bedone? 
3.	Question:The constraintx1 +x2+x3 +x4 ≤2 meansthattwooutofthefirstfourprojectsmust be selected. 
4.	Question:Eachpointontheefficie...

BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)
- Other • 11 pages • 2023
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- $24.99
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BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)

BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term) Grand Canyon
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
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- $39.99
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1.	Question:Acompanymakestwoproductsfromsteel; onerequires 2tonsofsteelandtheotherrequires3tons.Thereare100tonsofsteelavailabledaily.Aconstraintondaily production could bewrittenas:2x1+3x2≤100. 
2.	Question:Letx1,x2,andx3be0-1variableswhosevaluesindicatewhethertheprojectsarenotdone(0)oraredone(1).Whichanswerbelowindicatesthatatleasttwooftheprojectsmust bedone? 
3.	Question:The constraintx1 +x2+x3 +x4 ≤2 meansthattwooutofthefirstfourprojectsmust be selected. 
4.	Question:Eachpointontheefficie...

BUS 660 Topic 8 Simulation - Homework
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
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- $11.49
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BUS 660 Topic 8 Simulation - Homework

BUS 660 Topic 8 DQ 1, DQ 2
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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- $25.99
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Bus 660 Topic 8 DQ 1 & DQ 2 
DQ 1: Describe a current problem facing your department, organization, or industry that would indicate the need for a simulation model. How best would this problem be solved by simulation versus the other modeling techniques covered in the course? Support your response with rationale from the readings. 
DQ 2: Consider some of the examples you have brought up in earlier discussion forums about applying models to real-world problems. Choose one of the models covered ea...

BUS 660 Topic 8 Final Exam (April Term)
- Exam (elaborations) • 11 pages • 2023
- $18.49
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1.	Question:Acompanymakestwoproductsfromsteel; onerequires 2tonsofsteelandtheotherrequires3tons.Thereare100tonsofsteelavailabledaily.Aconstraintondaily production could bewrittenas:2x1+3x2≤100. 
2.	Question:Letx1,x2,andx3be0-1variableswhosevaluesindicatewhethertheprojectsarenotdone(0)oraredone(1).Whichanswerbelowindicatesthatatleasttwooftheprojectsmust bedone? 
3.	Question:The constraintx1 +x2+x3 +x4 ≤2 meansthattwooutofthefirstfourprojectsmust be selected. 
4.	Question:Eachpointontheefficie...

BUS 660 Topic 8 Simulation - Homework
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
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Problem 16-03:Grear Tire Company has produced a new tire with an estimated mean lifetime mileage of 36,500 miles. Management also believes that the standard deviation is 5000 miles and that tire mileage is normally distributed. To promote the new tire, Grear has offered to refund some money if the tire fails to reach 30,000 miles before the tire needs to be replaced. Specifically, for tires with a lifetime below 30,000 miles, Grear will refund a customer Si per 100 miles short of 30,000. 
a.	Fo...

BUS 660 Topic 8 DQ 2
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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DQ 2: Consider some of the examples you have brought up in earlier discussion forums about applying models to real-world problems. Choose one of the models covered earlier in the course and describe the key differences in solving a problem with that model versus with a simulation model. In your opinion, which is more effective? How does the problem at hand determine which type of model to use?

BUS 660 Topic 8 DQ 1
- Other • 2 pages • 2023
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- $17.99
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DQ 1: Describe a current problem facing your department, organization, or industry that would indicate the need for a simulation model. How best would this problem be solved by simulation versus the other modeling techniques covered in the course? Support your response with rationale from the readings.

BUS 660 Topic 8 Simulation - Homework
- Other • 5 pages • 2023
- $19.49
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Problem 16-03:Grear Tire Company has produced a new tire with an estimated mean lifetime mileage of 36,500 miles. Management also believes that the standard deviation is 5000 miles and that tire mileage is normally distributed. To promote the new tire, Grear has offered to refund some money if the tire fails to reach 30,000 miles before the tire needs to be replaced. Specifically, for tires with a lifetime below 30,000 miles, Grear will refund a customer Si per 100 miles short of 30,000. 
a.	Fo...

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