Chem120 assignment - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Chem120 assignment? On this page you'll find 39 study documents about Chem120 assignment.
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CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project Presentation - Vitamins & Minerlas.

CHEM 120 Week 5 Assignment; Topic Approval
- Other • 18 pages • 2023
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Week 5 Assignment: Topic Approval 
Week 8 Assignment Requirements Instructions: 
Students will work in groups of 2-3 students. Working as a group, students will pick a topic based on course outcomes (COs), research that topic for its connection to nursing/health care. Students may pick a topic from the suggested topics list or instructors may choose to assign specific topics to students. Additionally, students may choose a different topic that is relevant to the COs as long as the faculty approv...

CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Stoichiometry & Dosage Calculation (CO 4)
- Other • 16 pages • 2023
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CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Stoichiometry & Dosage Calculation (CO 4)

CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project Presentation - Vitamins & Minerlas
- Other • 15 pages • 2023
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CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project Presentation - Vitamins & Minerlas

CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Chemistry of Nutrition
- Other • 13 pages • 2023
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CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Chemistry of Nutrition

CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Chemistry of nutrition (CO 10)
- Other • 11 pages • 2023
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CHEM 120 Week 8 Assignment; Group Project - Chemistry of nutrition (CO 10)

CHEM 120 Week 6 Assignment; Energy, Nuclear Chemistry, (20 points)
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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1.	In your own words, describe what is occurring during the process of electron beta decay, explaining what is ejected from the unstable nucleus and focusing subatomic changes. (2 points for clear and accurate description). 
2.	Write balanced chemical reactions for the following: (1 point each, 4 points total) 
a.	Cobolt-60 undergoes beta decay 
b.	Americium-241 undergoes alpha decay 
c.	Copper-60 undergoes positron emission 
d.	Gallium-66 undergoes electron capture 
3.	Strontium-89 is an is...

CHEM 120 Week 1 Assignment; Atoms, Dimensional Analysis, and the Scientific Method(v2)
- Other • 4 pages • 2023
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For the problems given below, show ALL work and always write appropriate units at all times. 
1.	Question: You have samples of 3 different sanitizer bottles. They cost $10 a gallon, $20 a gallon and $30 a gallon respectively. You would like to determine which one is the most effective. State your hypothesis, design an experiment, and state a result that would support your hypothesis. (3 points) 
2.	Question: If a medicine has a dosage of 20 ml, how many doses are in a 4-gallon bottle? (2 poin...

CHEM 120 Week 7 Assignment; Biochemistry Part 2 and Flow of Genetic Information (15 Points)
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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MC/Select all that apply: 1 point each) 
1.	Which of the following are examples of proteins? Select all that apply. 
A)	Antibodies 
C)	Enzymes 
E)	Hemoglobin 
2.	You find a mRNA fragment reads in part as AAU-UUA-GAU-UAA. The template strand of the DNA that coded for this fragment would read: 
3.	Choose the carbohydrates that are classified as a polysaccharides. More than one answer may be correc...

CHEM 120 Week 2 Assignment; Bonding and Naming of Molecules
- Other • 3 pages • 2023
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1.	In terms of electrons, what is an excited state? Give an example of an electron configuration for an excited state. (1 points) 
2.	Give the ground state electron configuration for Fe. (1 points) 
3.	What is a valance electron? How many valance electrons does Si have? (1 points) 
4.	What is the shorthand electron configuration of a potassium ion (K+)? (1 points) 
5.	Give the chemical formula (with charge) for each of the following polyatomic ions: (0.5 points each, 2.5 points total) 
6.	What ...

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