Chem120week5assignment - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
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CHEM120 Week 5 Assignment: Redox and Organic Chemistry – With 100% Correct Answers- Download To Score An A+
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CHEM120 Week 5 Assignment: Redox and Organic Chemistry – With 100% Correct Answers- Download To Score An A+ 1. For the following redox reactions, determine what is oxidized and what is reduced: ( each, 2 points total) 3 Hg2+ + 2 Fe (s) Fe oxidized, He reduced 2 As(s) + 3 Cl2(g) Cl reduced, As oxidized 3 Hg2 + 2 Fe3+ 2 AsCl3 2. List and describe 3 common things that occur during oxidation-reduction reactions (1.5)? 1. Combustion- flames (not explosions) 2. Disproportionation- simultaneous reduc...

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