Coun 6723 exam answers - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries

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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. Do counselors typically rate their own multicultural competency higher or lower than client’s rate the counselor’s multicultural competency? 2. Annie, the client who worked with Dr. Agnes Kwong, shared that she felt in the counseling session with Dr. Kwong. 3. Research shows clients typically want a counselor who: 4. Multicultural Orientation model can help counselors: 5. When preparing to work with transgender and gender nonconforming clients, practitioners 6....
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COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz 1. Multicultural Panelist Mariangelly Sierra describes her sexuality as “pansexual.” Pansexual is: 2. Racism is 3. Racism contributes to: 4. The termination rate for white clients is around and the termination rate for clients of color is . 5. Groups in which members share a cultural heritage from one generation to another. 6. The color-blind approach comes from the viewpoint, where all people are viewed as equal. 7. In counseling, broaching refers to… 8. ......
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COUN-6723-36-Multicultural Counseling- COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz
  • COUN-6723-36-Multicultural Counseling- COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 9 pages • 2022
  • COUN-6723-36-Multicultural Counseling-2022-Spring-QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-10 COUN 6723 Quiz - Week 7 1. Ethnocentricity is: 2. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) developed counseling competencies which include all of the following EXCEPT: 3. Poverty is influenced by: 4. Multicultural Panelist Mariangelly Sierra describes her sexuality as “pansexual.” Pansexual is: 5. An umbrella term that encompasses a number of understandings of gender and ...
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COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 7 Quiz 1. Counselors who maintain race-neutral perspectives are: 2. The Association for Spiritual, Ethical and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) developed counseling competencies which include all of the following EXCEPT: 3. The pronoun “their” can be . Selected 4. Microaggressions can be: 5. According to the Multicultural Panelist Avis Garcia, how many Indigenous North American/American Indian/Native American tribes are in the United States? 6. The termination ra...
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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. Multicultural Orientation consists of two major domains: 2. Formalismo refers to: 3. A multicultural counselor’s diagnosis: 4. Cultural genograms chart culture-specific information such as: 5. Annie, the client who worked with Dr. Agnes Kwong, shared that she felt in the counseling session with Dr. Kwong. 6. has historically been discouraged, yet can be very helpful to build trust and deepen the therapeutic relationship to empower clients. 7. Racial color blin...
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COUN-6723-17-Multicultural Counseling- COUN 6723 Week 3 Quiz
  • COUN-6723-17-Multicultural Counseling- COUN 6723 Week 3 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
  • COUN-6723-17-Multicultural Counseling-2021-Fall-QTR-Term-wks-1-thru-10 Quiz - Week 3 1. During this stage of Helm’s White Racial Identity Development Model, individuals deny the existence of racism. 2. Which of the following is considered a part of culture? 3. What does the “R” in the ADDRESSING-GSA model refer to? 4. Microaggressions can be: 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the developmental domains of the Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies? 6. In the d...
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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. Racial color blindness/color blind racial attitudes refers to: 2. Multicultural Orientation consists of two major domains: 3. Cultural resilience refers to: 4. Annie, the client who worked with Dr. Agnes Kwong, shared that she felt in the counseling session with Dr. Kwong. 5. Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client’s point of view. This counselor is taking the perspective. 6. Accordin...
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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. The multicultural assessment examines contextual areas through four domains: 2. According to Comas-Diaz (2012), immigration is an example of a cultural journey. Practitioners working with immigrants need to explore: 3. Clients may experience time differently than clinicians due to: 4. Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client’s point of view. This counselor is taking the perspective. 5. ...
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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. The multicultural assessment examines contextual areas through four domains: 2. According to Comas-Diaz (2012), immigration is an example of a cultural journey. Practitioners working with immigrants need to explore: 3. Clients may experience time differently than clinicians due to: 4. Connie tells each of her clients that the best way she can help them is to attempt to look at the world from the client’s point of view. This counselor is taking the perspective. 5. ...
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COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz

  • Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2022
  • COUN 6723 Week 9 Quiz 1. Research shows clients typically want a counselor who: 2. Multicultural Orientation consists of two major domains: 3. Multicultural counselors use the following modalities: 4. What five elements does Dr. Thomas Parhan share as his understanding of culture? Selected Answer: Identity, geographic location, language, religion, and customs 5. When preparing to work with transgender and gender nonconforming clients, practitioners Selected Answer: All of the answer options...
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