Hsm 542 health - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Hsm 542 health? On this page you'll find 28 study documents about Hsm 542 health.
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 1 Discussion 1 Intentional Torts in Healthcare all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 44 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 1 Discussion 1 Intentional Torts in Healthcare all Correct Answers Graded A 
Intentional Torts in Healthcare (graded) 
Select one of the intentional torts discussed in your text and provide an example of 
how this tort takes place in healthcare. As leader of your own healthcare facility, 
what steps could you take and what processes could you implement to reduce the 
risk of this tort occurring in your own facility? 
This section lists options ...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 8 all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 40 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 8 all Correct Answers Graded A 
Delineation of Clinical Privileges (graded) 
How does a hospital medical staff determine that a physician applicant is qualified 
and competent to perform all procedures requested on his or her delineation of 
clinical privileges? By way of process, what happens next once the medical staff has 
completed this assessment process? Why is regular reappointment to the ...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 4 all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 159 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 4 all Correct Answers Graded A 
How does a hospital medical staff determine that a physician applicant is qualified and 
competent to perform all procedures requested on his or her delineation of clinical 
privileges? By way of process, what happens next once the medical staff has completed 
this assessment process? Why is regular reappointment to the medical staff important 
for patient safety?

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 5 all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 
Delineation of Clinical Privileges 5 all Correct Answers Graded A 
How does a hospital medical staff determine that a physician applicant is qualified and competent to 
perform all procedures requested on his or her delineation of clinical privileges? By way of process, what 
happens next once the medical staff has completed this assessment process? Why is regular 
reappointment to the medical staff important for patient safety?...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 6 You Decide Case Study Malpractice, Tort Reform, Institutional Ethics all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 6 You Decide Case 
Study Malpractice, Tort Reform, Institutional Ethics all Correct 
Answers Graded A 
Risk Management Plan for Little Falls Hospital 
Patient Safety & Risk Management Program 
1. Purpose: 
The Risk Management Plan is designed to support the mission & vision of Little Falls Hospital as it 
pertains to clinical risk & patient safety as well as visitor, third party, volunteer, & employee safety & 
potential business, operational, &...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 8 Final Exam all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 8 Final Exam all 
Correct Answers Graded A 
1. (TCO H) Ethics is defined by Pozgar as "a branch of philosophy that deals with values 
relating to human contact with respect to the rightness and wrongness of actions and the 
goodness and badness of motives and ends." Describe two ethical dilemmas you may 
encounter in a healthcare setting related to patient care. In the description, define at least 
one law or regulation that may apply to eac...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 You decide Assignment Margie Whitson Case 2 all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 You decide Assignment Margie Whitson Case 2 all Correct Answers Graded A 
Margie Whitson is a 95 year old patient who is being kept alive with a pacemaker. In the 
past five years she has experienced a great deal of loss with the pass of her son and husband. 
Margie believes that the only reason she is alive is due to the pace maker which is only 
prolonging her existence. She feels that she should have the right to turn the pa...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 3 Assignment Pregnancy legal & ethical issues all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 3 Assignment Pregnancy legal & ethical issues all Correct Answers Graded A 
Should A Pregnant Woman Be Punished For Exposing Her Fetus To Risk” 
When a woman becomes pregnant, it is very important for her to lead a healthy life to eat 
plenty of nourishing food, get plenty of rest, & exercise regularly. It is also vital that she avoid 
anything that might harm her or her baby-to-be. For a pregnant woman, drug abuse is doubly 
dangerous. Accord...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 You decide Assignment Margie Whitson Case 3 idea all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 You decide Assignment Margie Whitson Case 3 idea all Correct Answers Graded A 
The case before the ethics committee of Marion General Hospital is of Margie Whitson, a 
95 year old woman that is requesting to have her pacemaker deactivated and allowed to die. Mrs. 
Whitson believes that the pacemaker is delaying her passing and feels there is no longer a need 
for the delay. She has reached this conclusion after a very trying 5 ...

HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 Delineation of Clinical Privileges 3 all Correct Answers Graded A
- Exam (elaborations) • 4 pages • 2023
- $7.99
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HSM 542 Health Rights and Responsibilities Week 2 Discussion 1 
Delineation of Clinical Privileges 3 all Correct Answers Graded A 
How does a hospital medical staff determine that a physician applicant is qualified and competent to 
perform all procedures requested on his or her delineation of clinical privileges? By way of process, what 
happens next once the medical staff has completed this assessment process? Why is regular 
reappointment to the medical staff important for patient safety?

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