Nsbt 515 exam 4 - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
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NSBT 515 Exam 4 – Question And Answers

NSBT 515 Exam 4 - Question and Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2022
- $20.49
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NBST 515 Exam 4 
1. According to the presentations, the message of the book of Revelation is “in the end, God wins!” 
2. According to Elwell, which of John’s letters is addressed to “the chosen lady?” 
3. According to Elwell, John likely died on the island of Patmos. 
4. According to Elwell, the primary reason scholars reject Johannine authorship of epistles attributed to him is that they attribute their authorship to a Johannine circle or community or school rather than to the apostle...

NBST 515 Exam 4 with Answers ( 100 out of 100 points)
- Exam (elaborations) • 5 pages • 2022
- $20.48
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NBST 515 Exam 4 
100 out of 100 points 
1. According to the presentations, the message of the book of Revelation is “in the end, God wins!” 
2. According to Elwell, which of John’s letters is addressed to “the chosen lady?” 
3. According to Elwell, John likely died on the island of Patmos. 
4. According to Elwell, the primary reason scholars reject Johannine authorship of epistles attributed to him is that they attribute their authorship to a Johannine circle or community or school rat...

NBST 515-C02 LUO Exam 4 - Question and Answers
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2022
- $20.49
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NBST 515-C02 LUO Exam 4 
95 out of 100 points 
1. According to Elwell, which of the General Epistles seeks to assure readers that what God promised through the prophets, spoke through his word, and taught through his apostles is true? 
2. According to Elwell, with which of the General Epistles does Jude bear much similarity? 
3. According to Elwell, Peter made use of a professional scribe in composing his New Testament letters. 
4. According to Elwell, the letter that speaks of Paul’s writings...

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