Nursing research - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Nursing research? On this page you'll find 35419 study documents about Nursing research.
Popular textbooks 'Nursing research' · Show all (15)
Nursing Research in Canada - E-Book
Mina Singh, Lorraine Thirsk, Sarah Stahlke, Ramesh Venkatesaperumal, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber
114 documents
Jennifer R. Gray, Susan K. Grove
153 documents
Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber
44 documents
Susan K. Grove, Jennifer R. Gray
40 documents
Susan K. Grove, Nancy Burns
13 documents
Janet Houser
8 documents
Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber, Cherylyn Cameron, Mina Singh
7 documents
Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, PhD, RN, FAAN, Judith Haber, Judith Haber, PhD, RN, FAAN
5 documents
Rebecca Keele
3 documents
Denise F. Polit
3 documents
BT Basavanthappa
2 documents
Nancy Burns, Susan K. Grove
2 documents
Nancy Burns, Susan K. Grove
1 documents
Mina Singh, Lorraine Thirsk, Ramesh Venkatesaperumal, Geri LoBiondo-Wood, Judith Haber
3 documents
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