Sharon lauberstein - Study guides, Class notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Sharon lauberstein? On this page you'll find 2 study documents about Sharon lauberstein.
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Exam |With elaborations| NURS 521 Advanced Pharmacology - Questions and Answers-Mid Term
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $17.49
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Pharmacologyadvanced pharmacologyAmerican SentinelLauren Stehlingsharon laubersteinnursingexamtestassignmentsWhich of the following patients should the nurse assigned to a LPN/LVN? A. A 78-year-old patient, admitted with a fractured hip, postoperative day 4. The wound requires a sterile dressing change daily. B. A 36-year-old woman, two days after an appendectomy, who requires ambulation. C. A new colostomy patient, who requires fitting of the drainage appliance and the first irrigation procedur...

Exam |With elaborations| NURS 521 Advanced Pharmacology - Questions and Answers-Mid Term
- Exam (elaborations) • 7 pages • 2021
- $17.49
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Pharmacologyadvanced pharmacologyAmerican SentinelLauren Stehlingsharon laubersteinnursingexamtestassignmentsWhich of the following patients should the nurse assigned to a LPN/LVN? A. A 78-year-old patient, admitted with a fractured hip, postoperative day 4. The wound requires a sterile dressing change daily. B. A 36-year-old woman, two days after an appendectomy, who requires ambulation. C. A new colostomy patient, who requires fitting of the drainage appliance and the first irrigation procedur...

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