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DAANCE STUDY EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GRADED A+ Nose/nasal passages, sinuses, pharynx - What consists of the upper airway? Larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, pulmonary alveoli - What consists of the lower airway? Immediate hypersensitivity response that involves antigen-antibody reactions (IgE) - What is the most severe type of allergic reaction? Liver - What is the largest gland in the body? Pediatric patients - What age group of patients will hypoxia occur much more rapidl...

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  •  • 37 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Exam Questions and Answers Rated A Score

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DAANCE Exam Questions and Answers Rated A Score Wave of Depolarization - an advancing wave of charge reversal as the nerve impulse advance a long the neuron Wakefullness system - consists of a central core in the brainstem with neurons that radiate to the cortex Vomiting Center - the center in the brainstem that induces vomiting Vital Centers - centers in the brainstem that control such physiologic processes as blood pressure and pulse, depth and rate of respiration Vestibular ner...

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  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Practice Exam Questions and Answers Proven 100%

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DAANCE Practice Exam Questions and Answers Proven 100% The "T" wave on an ECG tracing is evidence of what change in polarization? - Repolarization of the ventricles What anatomical structure located at the top of the larynx closes the airway and prevents foreign bodies from entering the trachea? - The epiglottis Which structure is most likely to cause obstruction of the airway when an anesthetized patient is lying in a supine position? - The tongue What is the "supine" position? ...

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  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE ANESTHESIA EQUIPMENT EXAM WITH VERIFIED ANSWERS Determines the rate that the nitrous and oxygen mixture is delivered - Flow meter Nitrous and oxygen are measured in - Liters per minute An alarm sounds if the oxygen delivered to patient is less than - 20% What measures the amount of oxygen delivered to the patient - Oxygen analyzer Where is the oxygen analyzer placed - Inflow limb of the circuit Facilitates conversion of liquid anesthetic agent to gas - Vaporizer List ...

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  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Practice test Q&A with accurate solution

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DAANCE Practice test Q&A with accurate solution Class III - Mallampati Classification - Visualization of the soft palate and the base of the uvula The unique ability of the cardiac muscle to contract on its own without stimulation by nerves is known as: - Automacity When reduced oxygen supply weakens the heart cells but does not actually kill them - Ischemia The QRS wave on ECG tracing is evidence of what change in polarization - Depolarization of the Ventricles Sequence of anatom...

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  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE Module 3 Exam Questions and Answers Graded A +

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DAANCE Module 3 Exam Questions and Answers Graded A + Pulmonary artery - One of two arteries that carry venous (oxygen poor) blood from heart to lungs What type of intubation is preferred with emesis with aspiration? - ETT. LMA or combitube acceptable. What emergency would a cricothyrotomy typically be performed? - Airway obstruction Atropine would be given in which emergency? - Symptomatic bradycardia Adenosine would be given in which emergency? - SVT Amiodarone would be given...

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  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE ANESTHETIC MEDICATIONS EXAM ANSWERED CORRECTLY What medication is not as highly bound to fat as others? - Brevital This may cause hiccups, tachycardia, and respiratory depression - Brevital You should use this cautiously in patients with cardiac dysrhythmias - Local Anesthetic What is Valium (Diazepam) used for? - To sedate the patient What medication is used as an antagonist for narcotics? - Naloxone (Narcan) This medication can cause bad dreams with emergence - Ketamin...

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  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE module 3-anesthetic drugs and techniques Accurate 100%

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DAANCE module 3-anesthetic drugs and techniques Accurate 100% analgesia and medications that do it - inability to feel pain fentanyl, ketamine amnesia - loss of memory benzodiazepines: versed®/ midazolam , valium®/ diazepam what drugs provide relaxation and immobility - benzodiazepines: versed/ midazolam , valium/ diazepam propofol/ deprival® brevital®/ methohexital ketamine (everything except fentanyl??) drugs that cause loss of consciousness/ hypnosis - propofol/ depriv...

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  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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DAANCE DRUGS STUDY GUIDE propofol (diprivan) - Produces both rapid anesthesia and recovery, has antiemetic, hypnotic agent and commonly used for outpatient surgery. Wakefulness, intracranial pressure, cerebral blood flow with anticonvulsive. Decreases blood pressure by vasodiliation, and sleep apena may be notice after induction. ketamine (ketalar) - Anesthesia for short procedures, gives a dysphoric effect, hallucinations, and amnesia. Is a profound analgesia thiopetothal sodium (pent...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by Academicmines • 
  • uploaded  17-04-2024
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