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Reproductive System Anatomy with correct answers
testes - B 
Function: produce testosterone and sperm 
tunica albuginea - Location:covers testis 
Function: divide testis into 250-300 wedge-shaped compartments containing 1-4 seminiferous 
tubules each 
scrotum - A 
Function: to keep the temperature of the testes slightly lower than that of the rest of the body 
epididymis - C 
Function: stores the sperm and secretes it to the duct in ejaculation 
ductus deferens (vas deferens) - D 
Function:transport the sperm to the urethra 
spermatic cord - ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
testes - B 
Function: produce testosterone and sperm 
tunica albuginea - Location:covers testis 
Function: divide testis into 250-300 wedge-shaped compartments containing 1-4 seminiferous 
tubules each 
scrotum - A 
Function: to keep the temperature of the testes slightly lower than that of the rest of the body 
epididymis - C 
Function: stores the sperm and secretes it to the duct in ejaculation 
ductus deferens (vas deferens) - D 
Function:transport the sperm to the urethra 
spermatic cord - ...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases With correct answers
Chlamydia - A bacterial infection that affects the reproductive organs of both males and 
Gonorrhea - a venereal disease involving inflammatory discharge from the urethra or vagina. 
Trichomoniasis - an infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis; also 
known as trich 
HIV - A virus that attacks and destroys the human immune system. 
Syphilis - A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact that starts as a painless sore. 
Genital Herpes - a viral STD that...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Chlamydia - A bacterial infection that affects the reproductive organs of both males and 
Gonorrhea - a venereal disease involving inflammatory discharge from the urethra or vagina. 
Trichomoniasis - an infection caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis; also 
known as trich 
HIV - A virus that attacks and destroys the human immune system. 
Syphilis - A bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact that starts as a painless sore. 
Genital Herpes - a viral STD that...

RQI 2025 ACLS Healthcare Provider
Within the first 10 minutes, on the basis of the patient showing symptoms suggestive of 
myocardial ischemia, what will your first actions include (if not completed by EMS before 
o Obtain a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) 
o Administer a blood thinner 
o Administer aspirin and establish IV access 
o Activate the ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) team 
o If SPO2 is less than 90%, start oxygen 
o Assess airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) 
o Administer epinephr...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Within the first 10 minutes, on the basis of the patient showing symptoms suggestive of 
myocardial ischemia, what will your first actions include (if not completed by EMS before 
o Obtain a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) 
o Administer a blood thinner 
o Administer aspirin and establish IV access 
o Activate the ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) team 
o If SPO2 is less than 90%, start oxygen 
o Assess airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) 
o Administer epinephr...

ATI health assessment with correct answers
The primary reason for assessing this patient's vital signs is to 
A. establish a baseline when the patient reports no specific health-related problem. 
B. determine the presence of any acute or chronic illness or disease process. 
C. initiate the nursing process. - A. establish a baseline when the patient reports no specific 
health-related problem. 
Which of the following accurately describes body temperature? 
A. The difference between heat produced by and lost from the body 
B. The tota...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
The primary reason for assessing this patient's vital signs is to 
A. establish a baseline when the patient reports no specific health-related problem. 
B. determine the presence of any acute or chronic illness or disease process. 
C. initiate the nursing process. - A. establish a baseline when the patient reports no specific 
health-related problem. 
Which of the following accurately describes body temperature? 
A. The difference between heat produced by and lost from the body 
B. The tota...

Health Assessment Practice Exam with 100% correct answers
Conducting a health assessment involves collecting, validating, and analyzing subjective data and 
objective data. Which of the following is an example of subjective data? 
A) pain 
B) rash 
C) perspiration 
D) fever - A 
A nurse is conducting a health assessment. How will the information collected from the patient be used? 
A) as a basis for the nursing process 
B) to illustrate nursing competence 
C) to facilitate nursepatient caring 
D) as one component of medical care - A 
A home health nur...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
Conducting a health assessment involves collecting, validating, and analyzing subjective data and 
objective data. Which of the following is an example of subjective data? 
A) pain 
B) rash 
C) perspiration 
D) fever - A 
A nurse is conducting a health assessment. How will the information collected from the patient be used? 
A) as a basis for the nursing process 
B) to illustrate nursing competence 
C) to facilitate nursepatient caring 
D) as one component of medical care - A 
A home health nur...

Commerce questions and 100% verified answers
What is the principal of payment? - A payment toward the original amount of a loan that is owed 
How do you calculate a simple interest? - multiply the principal amount by the interest rate and the 
Why is budgeting important? - Budgeting keeps your spending in check and makes sure that your 
savings are on track for the future 
Why is learning about interests important? - It is one of the main ways that we pay for goods and 
services is by using credit cards 
When borrowing money? - Y...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
What is the principal of payment? - A payment toward the original amount of a loan that is owed 
How do you calculate a simple interest? - multiply the principal amount by the interest rate and the 
Why is budgeting important? - Budgeting keeps your spending in check and makes sure that your 
savings are on track for the future 
Why is learning about interests important? - It is one of the main ways that we pay for goods and 
services is by using credit cards 
When borrowing money? - Y...

Quiz 2 - Business Solutions prep
The company should use Automated Fingerprint Verification. When someone tries to access 
files, they should be required to scan their finger to see if it matches the fingerprint on file. - 
Company ABC has always used passwords to protect the highly confidential information in their 
company. Recently, someone who was unauthorized accessed the company's confidential 
information. In one to two sentences, describe what Company ABC should do. 
Miguel should send an e-mail to the entire staff i...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
The company should use Automated Fingerprint Verification. When someone tries to access 
files, they should be required to scan their finger to see if it matches the fingerprint on file. - 
Company ABC has always used passwords to protect the highly confidential information in their 
company. Recently, someone who was unauthorized accessed the company's confidential 
information. In one to two sentences, describe what Company ABC should do. 
Miguel should send an e-mail to the entire staff i...

Sickle Cell Anemia with 100%correct answers
What is the most clinically significant hemoglobinopathy in the United States? - Hemoglobin 
S disease (sickle cell anemia) 
What is the defect in hemoglobin S? - A mutation in exon 1 of the β-chain gene results in a 
change in the sixth amino acid of the protein from glutamic acid to valine. 
What is the pathophysiology of hemoglobin S disease? - On deoxygenation, hemoglobin S 
becomes relatively insoluble and aggregates into long strands or fibers, resulting in a 
characteristic RBC shape...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
What is the most clinically significant hemoglobinopathy in the United States? - Hemoglobin 
S disease (sickle cell anemia) 
What is the defect in hemoglobin S? - A mutation in exon 1 of the β-chain gene results in a 
change in the sixth amino acid of the protein from glutamic acid to valine. 
What is the pathophysiology of hemoglobin S disease? - On deoxygenation, hemoglobin S 
becomes relatively insoluble and aggregates into long strands or fibers, resulting in a 
characteristic RBC shape...

Sickle Cell Disease with 100%verified answers
Which factor should the nurse suspect precipitated a sickle cell crisis in a patient? - Going 
snow skiing on Vacation 
The nurse is analyzing and synthesizing assessment data related to the care of the patient with 
sickle cell disease (SCD). 
Which nursing diagnosis represents the highest priority when planning nursing care for the 
patient with SCD? (NANDA-I © 2014) - Gas Exchange, Impaired 
The patient with sickle cell disease (SCD) is ordered to receive hydroxyurea. To correctly 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Which factor should the nurse suspect precipitated a sickle cell crisis in a patient? - Going 
snow skiing on Vacation 
The nurse is analyzing and synthesizing assessment data related to the care of the patient with 
sickle cell disease (SCD). 
Which nursing diagnosis represents the highest priority when planning nursing care for the 
patient with SCD? (NANDA-I © 2014) - Gas Exchange, Impaired 
The patient with sickle cell disease (SCD) is ordered to receive hydroxyurea. To correctly 

Sickle Cell Anemia NCLEX Questions with 100% verified answers
Which statement about how sickle cell anemia is passed to offspring is CORRECT?* 
A. This disease is an x-linked recessive disease. 
B. Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal dominant disease. 
C. This condition is an autosomal recessive disease. 
D. Sickle cell anemia is rarely passed to offspring and is an autosomal x-linked dominant 
disease. - C 
Which type of hemoglobin is present in a patient who has sickle cell anemia?* 
A. Hemoglobin AA 
B. Hemoglobin AS 
C. Hemoglobin SS 
C. Hemoglobin AC ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Which statement about how sickle cell anemia is passed to offspring is CORRECT?* 
A. This disease is an x-linked recessive disease. 
B. Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal dominant disease. 
C. This condition is an autosomal recessive disease. 
D. Sickle cell anemia is rarely passed to offspring and is an autosomal x-linked dominant 
disease. - C 
Which type of hemoglobin is present in a patient who has sickle cell anemia?* 
A. Hemoglobin AA 
B. Hemoglobin AS 
C. Hemoglobin SS 
C. Hemoglobin AC ...