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Law of Agency
Article 2. _____ 
Article 3. _____ 
Article 4. _____ _____ - Integrity, Competency, Consumer Information 
An agency relationship exists when one person,_______, acts for or on behalf of another 
person,_____, who is also known as the client. This relationship is a fiduciary relationship, 
meaning that it is based on trust. p. 9 - the agent, the principal 
_____ is the relationship between two parties, a principal, and an agent. - Agency 
The _____ is the one who hires and gives authority to th...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Article 2. _____ 
Article 3. _____ 
Article 4. _____ _____ - Integrity, Competency, Consumer Information 
An agency relationship exists when one person,_______, acts for or on behalf of another 
person,_____, who is also known as the client. This relationship is a fiduciary relationship, 
meaning that it is based on trust. p. 9 - the agent, the principal 
_____ is the relationship between two parties, a principal, and an agent. - Agency 
The _____ is the one who hires and gives authority to th...
Procurement Logistics
an opening - wolny etat 
logistics procurement analyst - analityk d/s logistyki zaopatrzenia 
responsibilities - obowiązki 
Request for Proposal (RFP) - zapytanie ofertowe 
negotiate contracts - negocjować umowy 
supplier - dostawca 
seek, sought, sought - szukać, poszukiwać 
goal-orientated individual - osoba ukierunkowana na cel 
achieve - osiągnąć 
strategic objectives - cele strategiczne 
tactical objectives - cele taktyczne 
relevant - istotny, odnoszący się do tematu 
preferable -...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
an opening - wolny etat 
logistics procurement analyst - analityk d/s logistyki zaopatrzenia 
responsibilities - obowiązki 
Request for Proposal (RFP) - zapytanie ofertowe 
negotiate contracts - negocjować umowy 
supplier - dostawca 
seek, sought, sought - szukać, poszukiwać 
goal-orientated individual - osoba ukierunkowana na cel 
achieve - osiągnąć 
strategic objectives - cele strategiczne 
tactical objectives - cele taktyczne 
relevant - istotny, odnoszący się do tematu 
preferable -...
DECA Business Administration Core Exam with 100% correct answers
Franchise - a contractual agreement between a 
parent company and a franchisee to distribute goods and services 
Corporation - a form of business ownership that is owned by stockholders who 
have purchased units or shares of the company 
Elastic Demand - demand that changes according to changes in price 
Inelastic Demand - demand that is not affected by changes in price. 
Unitary Demand - when sales remain the 
same because changes in supply and demand are equal 
Tort - a private wrongdoing that...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
Franchise - a contractual agreement between a 
parent company and a franchisee to distribute goods and services 
Corporation - a form of business ownership that is owned by stockholders who 
have purchased units or shares of the company 
Elastic Demand - demand that changes according to changes in price 
Inelastic Demand - demand that is not affected by changes in price. 
Unitary Demand - when sales remain the 
same because changes in supply and demand are equal 
Tort - a private wrongdoing that...
Level 3 Business Administration with 100% verified answers
A formal summary of the organisation's identity and aim is known as a... - Mission statement 
Which of the following is ALWAYS included in a business mission? 
1. Long term planning 
2. Secondary purpose 
3. Short term targets 
4. Primary purpose - 4. Primary purpose 
Why is it important to communicate aims and objectives in a business? - To ensure staff awareness 
Which of the following factors is responsible for a weakening of currency? 
1. Labour market 
2. Financial market 
3. Globalisatio...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
A formal summary of the organisation's identity and aim is known as a... - Mission statement 
Which of the following is ALWAYS included in a business mission? 
1. Long term planning 
2. Secondary purpose 
3. Short term targets 
4. Primary purpose - 4. Primary purpose 
Why is it important to communicate aims and objectives in a business? - To ensure staff awareness 
Which of the following factors is responsible for a weakening of currency? 
1. Labour market 
2. Financial market 
3. Globalisatio...
Philosophy 201 with 100% correct answers
Cedric cannot seem to draw a conclusion about a certain political controversy. Instead of hitting 
the books (or doing some internet research), he asks someone he looks up to what his position is. 
He then makes that person's position his own without thinking much about any support for the 
-This is what it means to create an argument. 
-This is a vice of critical thinking. 
-This is a virtue of critical thinking. - This is a vice of critical thinking. 
Which of the following is t...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 37 pages •
Cedric cannot seem to draw a conclusion about a certain political controversy. Instead of hitting 
the books (or doing some internet research), he asks someone he looks up to what his position is. 
He then makes that person's position his own without thinking much about any support for the 
-This is what it means to create an argument. 
-This is a vice of critical thinking. 
-This is a virtue of critical thinking. - This is a vice of critical thinking. 
Which of the following is t...
Discrete Math 100% correct solution
Statement - A statement (proposition) is a sentence that is either true or false, but not both. 
Negation - A negation of a statement p is the statement "not p" or "it is not the case that p," 
and is denoted by ⌐p. A statement and its negation always have the opposite truth value. 
Conjunction - The conjunction of two statements p and q is the statement "p and q," and is 
denoted by p ᴧ q. The conjunction p ᴧ q is true if both p and q are true and is false otherwise. 
Disjunction ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Statement - A statement (proposition) is a sentence that is either true or false, but not both. 
Negation - A negation of a statement p is the statement "not p" or "it is not the case that p," 
and is denoted by ⌐p. A statement and its negation always have the opposite truth value. 
Conjunction - The conjunction of two statements p and q is the statement "p and q," and is 
denoted by p ᴧ q. The conjunction p ᴧ q is true if both p and q are true and is false otherwise. 
Disjunction ...
Discrete Math 100% correct solution
Statement - A statement (proposition) is a sentence that is either true or false, but not both. 
Negation - A negation of a statement p is the statement "not p" or "it is not the case that p," 
and is denoted by ⌐p. A statement and its negation always have the opposite truth value. 
Conjunction - The conjunction of two statements p and q is the statement "p and q," and is 
denoted by p ᴧ q. The conjunction p ᴧ q is true if both p and q are true and is false otherwise. 
Disjunction ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Statement - A statement (proposition) is a sentence that is either true or false, but not both. 
Negation - A negation of a statement p is the statement "not p" or "it is not the case that p," 
and is denoted by ⌐p. A statement and its negation always have the opposite truth value. 
Conjunction - The conjunction of two statements p and q is the statement "p and q," and is 
denoted by p ᴧ q. The conjunction p ᴧ q is true if both p and q are true and is false otherwise. 
Disjunction ...
Discrete Math and its Applications
connectives - logical operators used to form new propositions from two or more existing 
conjunction - "and"; true only when both propositions are true 
disjunction - "or"; false only when both propositions are false 
exclusive or - true only when exactly one of the propositions is true and false otherwise 
implication - conditional statement; "if p, then q" false when p is true and q is false, true 
converse of p->q - q->p; equivalent to inverse 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
connectives - logical operators used to form new propositions from two or more existing 
conjunction - "and"; true only when both propositions are true 
disjunction - "or"; false only when both propositions are false 
exclusive or - true only when exactly one of the propositions is true and false otherwise 
implication - conditional statement; "if p, then q" false when p is true and q is false, true 
converse of p->q - q->p; equivalent to inverse 
Weather Forecasting: Quiz with correct answers
Which description refers to short-range forecasts? 
A: cover five days or less 
B: do not require computers 
C: cover more than 10 days 
D: impacted by butterfly effect - A: cover five days or less 
How far in advance is weather forecasting most accurate? 
A: one week 
B: one month 
C: multiple years 
D: multiple months - A: one week 
How is radar used to forecast weather? 
A: It shows areas of high and low pressure. 
B: It collects data in the upper atmosphere. 
C: It collects weather data as p...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Which description refers to short-range forecasts? 
A: cover five days or less 
B: do not require computers 
C: cover more than 10 days 
D: impacted by butterfly effect - A: cover five days or less 
How far in advance is weather forecasting most accurate? 
A: one week 
B: one month 
C: multiple years 
D: multiple months - A: one week 
How is radar used to forecast weather? 
A: It shows areas of high and low pressure. 
B: It collects data in the upper atmosphere. 
C: It collects weather data as p...
Saxon Math course 3 with correct answers
Mean - The sum of the data points divided by the number of data points (the average) 
Median - From least to greatest, the middle data point 
Mode - The data point that repeats itself the most 
Range 1) - The difference between the smallest and largest data point 
Rational - Fractions, repeating decimals 
Irrational - Non-terminating and non-repeating 
Perimeter - The length around a polygon 
Circumference - The distance around a circle 
Area - The size of the surface of a flat shape 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Mean - The sum of the data points divided by the number of data points (the average) 
Median - From least to greatest, the middle data point 
Mode - The data point that repeats itself the most 
Range 1) - The difference between the smallest and largest data point 
Rational - Fractions, repeating decimals 
Irrational - Non-terminating and non-repeating 
Perimeter - The length around a polygon 
Circumference - The distance around a circle 
Area - The size of the surface of a flat shape 