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Realidades 2- 2A
acostarse - to go to bed 
afeitarse - to shave 
arreglarse el pelo - to fix one's hair 
bañarse - to bathe 
cepillarse - to brush 
cepillarse los dientes - to brush one's teeth 
cepillarse el pelo - to brush one's hair 
cortarse el pelo - to cut your hair 
despertarse - to wake up 
ducharse - to take a shower 
levantarse - to get up 
lavarse - to wash oneself 
lavarse la cara - to wash one's face 
pedir prestado - to ask to borrow 
pintarse las uñas - to paint one's nails 
ponerse - to pu...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
acostarse - to go to bed 
afeitarse - to shave 
arreglarse el pelo - to fix one's hair 
bañarse - to bathe 
cepillarse - to brush 
cepillarse los dientes - to brush one's teeth 
cepillarse el pelo - to brush one's hair 
cortarse el pelo - to cut your hair 
despertarse - to wake up 
ducharse - to take a shower 
levantarse - to get up 
lavarse - to wash oneself 
lavarse la cara - to wash one's face 
pedir prestado - to ask to borrow 
pintarse las uñas - to paint one's nails 
ponerse - to pu...

Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linear equation - An equation that can be written in the form a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = b, 
where b and the coefficients a1, ..., an are real or complex numbers. 
coefficients - 
system of linear equations (linear system) - A collection of one or more linear equations 
involving the same set of variables, say, x1, ... , xn. 
solution - A list (s1, s2, ..., sn) of numbers that makes each equation in the system a true 
statement when the values s1, ..., sn are substituted for x1, ..., xn, resp...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Linear equation - An equation that can be written in the form a1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = b, 
where b and the coefficients a1, ..., an are real or complex numbers. 
coefficients - 
system of linear equations (linear system) - A collection of one or more linear equations 
involving the same set of variables, say, x1, ... , xn. 
solution - A list (s1, s2, ..., sn) of numbers that makes each equation in the system a true 
statement when the values s1, ..., sn are substituted for x1, ..., xn, resp...

Electrical Engineering with 100% correct answers
Ammeter (to measure the amount of Amps passing through the circuit.) - What is this? 
(What is its purpose?) 
Battery (voltage source) - What is this? (What is it also known as?) 
light bulb - What is this? 
No (because it isn't complete) - Will this circuit be able to light the bulbs up? (Why or why 
Parallel - What kind of circuit is this? 
resistor - What is this? 
Series - What kind of circuit is this? 
switch - What is this? 
potential difference (voltage) - Charge will flow when ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Ammeter (to measure the amount of Amps passing through the circuit.) - What is this? 
(What is its purpose?) 
Battery (voltage source) - What is this? (What is it also known as?) 
light bulb - What is this? 
No (because it isn't complete) - Will this circuit be able to light the bulbs up? (Why or why 
Parallel - What kind of circuit is this? 
resistor - What is this? 
Series - What kind of circuit is this? 
switch - What is this? 
potential difference (voltage) - Charge will flow when ...

Mechanical Engineering with 100% correct answers
Gear - A circular toothed object used to transfer rotary motion and torque through 
interlocking teeth. 
Pressure Angle - The angle between the LOA and the line normal to the center line; The 
angle defining the LOA 
Pitch Diameter - The diameter of the pitch circle of a gear. 
Circular Pitch - The length of the arc between corresponding points on adjacent teeth 
measured along the pitch circle 
Backlash - Difference between the space width and the tooth thickness along the pitch circle. 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Gear - A circular toothed object used to transfer rotary motion and torque through 
interlocking teeth. 
Pressure Angle - The angle between the LOA and the line normal to the center line; The 
angle defining the LOA 
Pitch Diameter - The diameter of the pitch circle of a gear. 
Circular Pitch - The length of the arc between corresponding points on adjacent teeth 
measured along the pitch circle 
Backlash - Difference between the space width and the tooth thickness along the pitch circle. 

HHD Unit 3 AOS 2 with 100% correct answers
Old public health - Government actions that focused on changing the physical environment to prevent 
the spread of disease, such as providing safe water, sanitation and sewage disposal, improved nutrition, 
improved housing conditions and better work conditions 
New public health - An approach to health that expands the traditional focus on individual behaviour 
change to one that considers the ways in which physical, sociocultural and political environments impact 
on health. 
The biomedica...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
Old public health - Government actions that focused on changing the physical environment to prevent 
the spread of disease, such as providing safe water, sanitation and sewage disposal, improved nutrition, 
improved housing conditions and better work conditions 
New public health - An approach to health that expands the traditional focus on individual behaviour 
change to one that considers the ways in which physical, sociocultural and political environments impact 
on health. 
The biomedica...

Calculus Early Transcendentals / Ch.11 with correct answers
Sequences - a sequence is a function which takes the natural numbers as its domain 
Monotonic Sequence - A sequence that is increasing or decreasing 
Geometric Series Formula - Sn=a1(1-r^n)/(1-r) 
Telescopic Series - see pic 
Divergence Test - lim_(k->infinity) [a_k] doesn't equal zero, then the series Σa_k must 
Harmonic Series - diverges 
Comparison Test - If 0≤An≤bn and if ∑bn converges, then ∑An converges 
Limit Comparison Test - if lim as n approaches ∞ of ratio of ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Sequences - a sequence is a function which takes the natural numbers as its domain 
Monotonic Sequence - A sequence that is increasing or decreasing 
Geometric Series Formula - Sn=a1(1-r^n)/(1-r) 
Telescopic Series - see pic 
Divergence Test - lim_(k->infinity) [a_k] doesn't equal zero, then the series Σa_k must 
Harmonic Series - diverges 
Comparison Test - If 0≤An≤bn and if ∑bn converges, then ∑An converges 
Limit Comparison Test - if lim as n approaches ∞ of ratio of ...

Cranial Nerves
1. Olfactory (sensory) - smell 
2. Optic (sensory) - vision 
3. Oculomotor (motor) - eye movement 
4. Trochlear (motor) - eye muscles "pulley" 
5. Trigeminal (Sensory & motor) - face; chewing 
6. Abducens (motor) - moves eye muscles 
7. Facial (sensory & motor) - taste; chewing 
8. (auditory) Vestibulocochlear (sensory) - hearing & vestibulur (balance, position of head, 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
1. Olfactory (sensory) - smell 
2. Optic (sensory) - vision 
3. Oculomotor (motor) - eye movement 
4. Trochlear (motor) - eye muscles "pulley" 
5. Trigeminal (Sensory & motor) - face; chewing 
6. Abducens (motor) - moves eye muscles 
7. Facial (sensory & motor) - taste; chewing 
8. (auditory) Vestibulocochlear (sensory) - hearing & vestibulur (balance, position of head, 

Oxford 3000 Version
Abandon - (v.) to give up completely, to leave behind /Example: People often simply ____ 
their pets when they go abroad. 
able - (adj.) having the necessary means or skill to do something /Example: She is ______ to 
swim fast. 
about - (adv) approximately; near in time,number, etc... /Example: It costs _____ 10 dollars. 
above - (prep.) in or to a higher place than /Example: The sound came from the room _____ , 
so he went upstairs to check. 
abroad - (adv.) to or in a foreign country /Examp...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 137 pages •
Abandon - (v.) to give up completely, to leave behind /Example: People often simply ____ 
their pets when they go abroad. 
able - (adj.) having the necessary means or skill to do something /Example: She is ______ to 
swim fast. 
about - (adv) approximately; near in time,number, etc... /Example: It costs _____ 10 dollars. 
above - (prep.) in or to a higher place than /Example: The sound came from the room _____ , 
so he went upstairs to check. 
abroad - (adv.) to or in a foreign country /Examp...

HHD unit 3 AOS 2 with correct answers
Biomedical model - focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness. It is 
a medical model of care practiced by doctors and health professionals and is associated with the 
diagnosis, cure and treatment of diseases. 
Social model of health definition - a conceptual framework within which improvements in 
health and well being are acheived by directing effort towards addressing the social, economic, 
and environmental determinants of health. 
-the model is based on the un...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Biomedical model - focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness. It is 
a medical model of care practiced by doctors and health professionals and is associated with the 
diagnosis, cure and treatment of diseases. 
Social model of health definition - a conceptual framework within which improvements in 
health and well being are acheived by directing effort towards addressing the social, economic, 
and environmental determinants of health. 
-the model is based on the un...

Numerical Analysis
Taylor's Theorem with Remainder - 
Fixed Point Convergence - If g is continuously differentiable, g(r)=r, and ‖g'(r)‖<1, then the 
fixed point iteration converges linearly with rate S to the fixed point r. 
Newton's Method - Approximates the root of non-linear functions by finding the root of the 
tangent line. 
In the second iteration, plug in the approximation from the first iteration as "x_n". 
Repeat recursively. 
Newton's Method Convergence - Newton's Method...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
Taylor's Theorem with Remainder - 
Fixed Point Convergence - If g is continuously differentiable, g(r)=r, and ‖g'(r)‖<1, then the 
fixed point iteration converges linearly with rate S to the fixed point r. 
Newton's Method - Approximates the root of non-linear functions by finding the root of the 
tangent line. 
In the second iteration, plug in the approximation from the first iteration as "x_n". 
Repeat recursively. 
Newton's Method Convergence - Newton's Method...