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Chapter 7 Medicare Prospective Payment Systems Questions & Answers
Bad Debt - ANSWERSWhen a health care facility provides services to a patient fully expecting to be paid but the payer does not pay, the amount for the service is charged off to this account. 
Comorbidity - ANSWERSA specific patient condition that is secondary to a patient's principal diagnosis. 
Diagnosis-Related Groups - ANSWERSGroups that are assigned to each patient based on their diagnosis at the time of discharge. 
Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) - ANSWERSA hospital that trea...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
Bad Debt - ANSWERSWhen a health care facility provides services to a patient fully expecting to be paid but the payer does not pay, the amount for the service is charged off to this account. 
Comorbidity - ANSWERSA specific patient condition that is secondary to a patient's principal diagnosis. 
Diagnosis-Related Groups - ANSWERSGroups that are assigned to each patient based on their diagnosis at the time of discharge. 
Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) - ANSWERSA hospital that trea...
Chapter 6 Medicare-Medicaid Prospective Payment Systems for Inpatients Questions & Answers Already Passed
add-on - ANSWERSpayment adjustment in a federal system that increases reimbursement; often temporarily authorized 
Arithmetic mean length of stay AMLOS - ANSWERSSum of all lengths of stay in a set of cases divided by the number of cases. The national average number of day patients within a given diagnosis related group DRG hospitalized. 
case-mix - ANSWERSset of categories of patients (type and volume) treated by a healthcare organization and representing the complexity of the organization...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
add-on - ANSWERSpayment adjustment in a federal system that increases reimbursement; often temporarily authorized 
Arithmetic mean length of stay AMLOS - ANSWERSSum of all lengths of stay in a set of cases divided by the number of cases. The national average number of day patients within a given diagnosis related group DRG hospitalized. 
case-mix - ANSWERSset of categories of patients (type and volume) treated by a healthcare organization and representing the complexity of the organization...
Acute Inpatient PPS (IPPS) Questions & Answers Latest Updated
how was IPPS created? - ANSWERSSection 1886 SSA 
How are IPPS paid? - ANSWERSHospitals contract with Medicare to furnish acute hospital inpatient care and agree to accept predetermined acute IPPS rates as payment in full. The inpatient hospital benefit covers patients for 90 days of care per episode of illness with an additional 60-day lifetime reserve. Illness episodes begin when patients are admitted and end after they have been out of the hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) for 60 co...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
how was IPPS created? - ANSWERSSection 1886 SSA 
How are IPPS paid? - ANSWERSHospitals contract with Medicare to furnish acute hospital inpatient care and agree to accept predetermined acute IPPS rates as payment in full. The inpatient hospital benefit covers patients for 90 days of care per episode of illness with an additional 60-day lifetime reserve. Illness episodes begin when patients are admitted and end after they have been out of the hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) for 60 co...
Chapter 5 Medicare Hospital Acute Inpatient Payment System (REVIEW) Questions & Answers 100% Verified
CMS has articulated its vision for healthcare quality—to optimize health outcomes by improving clinical quality and transforming the health system (CMS 2014, 3). Based on this vision, CMS has established three aims: - ANSWERS1. Better care for individuals 
2. Better health for the population 
3. Lower cost through improvements (CMS 2014, 4) 
CMS has established six goals for the CMS Quality Strategy: - ANSWERS1. Make care safer by reducing harm caused while care is delivered 
2. Help patient...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
CMS has articulated its vision for healthcare quality—to optimize health outcomes by improving clinical quality and transforming the health system (CMS 2014, 3). Based on this vision, CMS has established three aims: - ANSWERS1. Better care for individuals 
2. Better health for the population 
3. Lower cost through improvements (CMS 2014, 4) 
CMS has established six goals for the CMS Quality Strategy: - ANSWERS1. Make care safer by reducing harm caused while care is delivered 
2. Help patient...
RHCSA 9 commands Questions & Answers
Get default run level - ANSWERSsystemctl get-default 
Change default run level - ANSWERSsystemctl set-default t 
Change run level immediately - ANSWERSsystemctl isolate t 
Fix SELinux security contexts at boot - ANSWERSfixfiles onboot or touch /.autorelabel 
Get process's scheduling priority and policy - ANSWERSchrt -p <pid> 
Change process's scheduling priority - ANSWERSchrt -p <priority> <pid> 
Change process's scheduling policy to fifo - ANSWERSc...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Get default run level - ANSWERSsystemctl get-default 
Change default run level - ANSWERSsystemctl set-default t 
Change run level immediately - ANSWERSsystemctl isolate t 
Fix SELinux security contexts at boot - ANSWERSfixfiles onboot or touch /.autorelabel 
Get process's scheduling priority and policy - ANSWERSchrt -p <pid> 
Change process's scheduling priority - ANSWERSchrt -p <priority> <pid> 
Change process's scheduling policy to fifo - ANSWERSc...
RHCSA EX200 Questions & Answers
In Bash what is an alias - ANSWERSUser defined command: 
[alias newcmd=oldcmd 
what is an internal command - ANSWERSRuns as part of the shell itself 
what is an external command - ANSWERSExists as an executable file on the computer 
what is the $Path - ANSWERSDefines a list of directories that search for a filename when a user enters a command 
Explain the following file descriptors 
< - ANSWERS> - Redirects stout - creates files or overwrites 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
In Bash what is an alias - ANSWERSUser defined command: 
[alias newcmd=oldcmd 
what is an internal command - ANSWERSRuns as part of the shell itself 
what is an external command - ANSWERSExists as an executable file on the computer 
what is the $Path - ANSWERSDefines a list of directories that search for a filename when a user enters a command 
Explain the following file descriptors 
< - ANSWERS> - Redirects stout - creates files or overwrites 
RHCSA, EX200, Red Hat Certified Systems Admin Questions & Answers Highly Rated
how to redirect errors to a file? - ANSWERScommand 2> <$filename> 
2> will over write the file and 2>> will append 
how to redirect both standard error and output to a file and have no outputs show on screen? - ANSWERS&> 
how to redirect standard error into standard output? - ANSWERS2 > &1 
how to grep opposites? - ANSWERSgrep -v 
select all that do not start with l,i,n,u,x - ANSWERSgrep -v '[^linux]' 
returns everything not beginning with the letters: l, i, n,...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
how to redirect errors to a file? - ANSWERScommand 2> <$filename> 
2> will over write the file and 2>> will append 
how to redirect both standard error and output to a file and have no outputs show on screen? - ANSWERS&> 
how to redirect standard error into standard output? - ANSWERS2 > &1 
how to grep opposites? - ANSWERSgrep -v 
select all that do not start with l,i,n,u,x - ANSWERSgrep -v '[^linux]' 
returns everything not beginning with the letters: l, i, n,...
RHCSA Exam Questions & Answers Already Passed
How do you Secure Shell into another system? - ANSWERSssh <user>@<host> 
How do you execute commands on a remote system via Secure Shell without actually opening a new shell? - ANSWERSssh <user>@<host> <command> 
How do you generate a public key and private key file for SSH authentication? - ANSWERSssh-keygen 
How do you export a public key for SSH authentication on a different machine? - ANSWERSssh-copy-id <user>@<host> 
How do you export a *spe...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
How do you Secure Shell into another system? - ANSWERSssh <user>@<host> 
How do you execute commands on a remote system via Secure Shell without actually opening a new shell? - ANSWERSssh <user>@<host> <command> 
How do you generate a public key and private key file for SSH authentication? - ANSWERSssh-keygen 
How do you export a public key for SSH authentication on a different machine? - ANSWERSssh-copy-id <user>@<host> 
How do you export a *spe...
Music Part 1 Quiz: Teen Detective 23.0 (Practice) Questions & Answers
Where was the strange noise coming from? - ANSWERSfrom the Denon wing where the Mona Lisa hangs 
Why did Summer and Jake decide to not use the elevator? - ANSWERSAll of the above. 
How did Jake distract the guard? - ANSWERSby tossing a coin
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
Where was the strange noise coming from? - ANSWERSfrom the Denon wing where the Mona Lisa hangs 
Why did Summer and Jake decide to not use the elevator? - ANSWERSAll of the above. 
How did Jake distract the guard? - ANSWERSby tossing a coin
Keystone A Unit 1 "Teenage Detectives" Questions & Answers
idiom - ANSWERSan expression that has a different meaning than the individual words 
pun - ANSWERSa joke with words that can be formed by using a word with two meanings, or using words that have the same sounds but different meanings 
aware - ANSWERSrealizing that something is true, exists, or is happening 
intelligent - ANSWERShaving a high ability to learn, understand, and think about things 
motive - ANSWERSthe reason that makes someone do something, especially when this reason is kep...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
idiom - ANSWERSan expression that has a different meaning than the individual words 
pun - ANSWERSa joke with words that can be formed by using a word with two meanings, or using words that have the same sounds but different meanings 
aware - ANSWERSrealizing that something is true, exists, or is happening 
intelligent - ANSWERShaving a high ability to learn, understand, and think about things 
motive - ANSWERSthe reason that makes someone do something, especially when this reason is kep...