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NR 565 Midterm Exam Study Guide
Roles iand iResponsibilities iof iAPRN iPrescribers 
APRN iprescriber iis iresponsible ifor ithe ifinal idecision ion iwhich idrug ito iuse iand ihow ito iuse iit. iDegree iof iautonomy iin ithis irole iand ithe ibreadth iof idrugs ithat ican ibe iprescribed ivary ifrom istate ito istate ibased ion ithe inurse ipractice iact iof ithat istate. iNurse ipractitioner iprescriptive iauthority iis iregulated iby ithe iState iBoard iof iNursing ifor ieach istate. 
• Advanced iKnowledgeoAdditional ikn...
- Summary
- • 42 pages •
Roles iand iResponsibilities iof iAPRN iPrescribers 
APRN iprescriber iis iresponsible ifor ithe ifinal idecision ion iwhich idrug ito iuse iand ihow ito iuse iit. iDegree iof iautonomy iin ithis irole iand ithe ibreadth iof idrugs ithat ican ibe iprescribed ivary ifrom istate ito istate ibased ion ithe inurse ipractice iact iof ithat istate. iNurse ipractitioner iprescriptive iauthority iis iregulated iby ithe iState iBoard iof iNursing ifor ieach istate. 
• Advanced iKnowledgeoAdditional ikn...
NR 565 Final Exam Study Guide
CYP450 Ienzyme IGI Iinteractions: ICimetidine IH2 Ireceptor Iantagonist, IOmeprazole IPPI, IAlosetron I(IBS-D) 
H. IPylori ITesting: Iconsider Iif Ipatient Ihas IGERD Iabdomen Ipain Iunresolved, Istarting Iaspirin Itherapy, Istomach Ior Iduodenal Iulcer, Iafter Itreatment Ifor Ih. Ipylori 
H. IPylori ITreatment: I10-14 Iday Iantibiotic Itherapy, IPPI Ior IH2 
Preferred Itherapy: Ilow Iresistant Iregion Iclarithromycin-based Itriple Itherapy I(clarithromycin, Iamoxicillin, IPPI). I**PCN Iallergy,...
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
CYP450 Ienzyme IGI Iinteractions: ICimetidine IH2 Ireceptor Iantagonist, IOmeprazole IPPI, IAlosetron I(IBS-D) 
H. IPylori ITesting: Iconsider Iif Ipatient Ihas IGERD Iabdomen Ipain Iunresolved, Istarting Iaspirin Itherapy, Istomach Ior Iduodenal Iulcer, Iafter Itreatment Ifor Ih. Ipylori 
H. IPylori ITreatment: I10-14 Iday Iantibiotic Itherapy, IPPI Ior IH2 
Preferred Itherapy: Ilow Iresistant Iregion Iclarithromycin-based Itriple Itherapy I(clarithromycin, Iamoxicillin, IPPI). I**PCN Iallergy,...
NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology midterm study guide.
Week i1 
• - iDrug iSchedules iDescriptions iof ieach ischedule 
• Examples iof idrugs iin ieach ischedule 
Schedule iI iControlled iSubstances 
Substances iin ithis ischedule ihave ino icurrently iaccepted imedical iuse iin ithe iUnited iStates, ia ilack iof iaccepted isafety ifor iuse iunder imedical isupervision, iand ia ihigh ipotential ifor iabuse. 
Some iexamples iof isubstances ilisted iin iSchedule iI iare: iheroin, ilysergic iacid idiethylamide i(LSD), imarijuana i(cannabis), ipeyot...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
Week i1 
• - iDrug iSchedules iDescriptions iof ieach ischedule 
• Examples iof idrugs iin ieach ischedule 
Schedule iI iControlled iSubstances 
Substances iin ithis ischedule ihave ino icurrently iaccepted imedical iuse iin ithe iUnited iStates, ia ilack iof iaccepted isafety ifor iuse iunder imedical isupervision, iand ia ihigh ipotential ifor iabuse. 
Some iexamples iof isubstances ilisted iin iSchedule iI iare: iheroin, ilysergic iacid idiethylamide i(LSD), imarijuana i(cannabis), ipeyot...
NR 565 Advanced Pharmacology Fundamentals Week 3 Chapter 1
Alpha1 iReceptors: iMostly iassociated iwith iexcitation ior istimulation iand iare ifound imainly iin ithe ieye, isalivary iglands, iarterioles, ipostcapillary ivenules, iand iGI iand iGU isphincters. 
Alpha2 iReceptors: iMostly iassociated iwith irelaxation ior iwith iinhibition iof inorephinephrine irelease, iand ithe imajority iare ilocated iin ithe ipresynaptic inerve iterminals iof ismooth imuscles, ithe iislet icells iof ithe ipancreas, isalivary iglands, iskin, iand imucosa. 
Beta1 iRece...
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
Alpha1 iReceptors: iMostly iassociated iwith iexcitation ior istimulation iand iare ifound imainly iin ithe ieye, isalivary iglands, iarterioles, ipostcapillary ivenules, iand iGI iand iGU isphincters. 
Alpha2 iReceptors: iMostly iassociated iwith irelaxation ior iwith iinhibition iof inorephinephrine irelease, iand ithe imajority iare ilocated iin ithe ipresynaptic inerve iterminals iof ismooth imuscles, ithe iislet icells iof ithe ipancreas, isalivary iglands, iskin, iand imucosa. 
Beta1 iRece...
NR 511Midterm Exam
Week i1 
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermining iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. i*Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective i& iobjective idata 
- Subjective: iWhat ithe ipt itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. i*Chief icomplaint, iHPI, iROS 
- Objective: iWhat iYOU ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 23 pages •
Week i1 
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermining iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. i*Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective i& iobjective idata 
- Subjective: iWhat ithe ipt itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. i*Chief icomplaint, iHPI, iROS 
- Objective: iWhat iYOU ...
NR 511 Midterm Exam Study Guide
Week i1 
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermining iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. i*Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective i& iobjective idata 
- Subjective: iWhat ithe ipt itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. i*Chief icomplaint, iHPI, iROS 
- Objective: iWhat iYOU ...
- Summary
- • 23 pages •
Week i1 
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermining iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. i*Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective i& iobjective idata 
- Subjective: iWhat ithe ipt itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. i*Chief icomplaint, iHPI, iROS 
- Objective: iWhat iYOU ...
NR 511 Final Exam.
he ieffectiveness iof ibenzodiazepines iin itreating ianxiety idisorders isuggests ithat iwhich iof ithe ifollowing ineurotransmitters iplays ia irole iin ianxiety? 
Gamma-aminobutyric iacid i(GABA) 
The icriteria ifor idiagnosing igeneralized ianxiety idisorder iin ithe iAmerican iPsychiatric iAssociations iDiagnostic iand iStatistical iManual iof iMental iDisorders, i5th iedition i(text irevision) istate ithat iexcessive iworry ior iapprehension imust ibe ipresent imore idays ithan inot ifor i...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 30 pages •
he ieffectiveness iof ibenzodiazepines iin itreating ianxiety idisorders isuggests ithat iwhich iof ithe ifollowing ineurotransmitters iplays ia irole iin ianxiety? 
Gamma-aminobutyric iacid i(GABA) 
The icriteria ifor idiagnosing igeneralized ianxiety idisorder iin ithe iAmerican iPsychiatric iAssociations iDiagnostic iand iStatistical iManual iof iMental iDisorders, i5th iedition i(text irevision) istate ithat iexcessive iworry ior iapprehension imust ibe ipresent imore idays ithan inot ifor i...
NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide Week 1,2,3,4
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione's ithinking ito idetermine iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. 
Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective idata? iWhat ithe ipatient itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. iChief icomplaint 
3. Discuss iand iidentify iobjective idata? 
What iYOU ican ise...
- Summary
- • 52 pages •
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
Reflective ithinking ibecause ithe iprocess iinvolves iquestioning ione's ithinking ito idetermine iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusions ithat iare ibeing idrawn iare ibased ion ievidence. 
Seen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. 
2. Discuss iand iidentify isubjective idata? iWhat ithe ipatient itells iyou, icomplains iof, ietc. iChief icomplaint 
3. Discuss iand iidentify iobjective idata? 
What iYOU ican ise...
NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 3
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
-To isolve iproblems, ito ipromote ihealth, iand ito iscreen ifor idisease ior iillness iall irequire ia isensitivity ito icomplex istories, ito icontextual ifactors, iand ito ia isense iof iprobability iand iuncertainty. -Diagnostic ireasoning ican ibe iseen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. iCritical ithinking iinvolves ithe iprocess iof iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermine iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusi...
- Summary
- • 43 pages •
1. Define idiagnostic ireasoning 
-To isolve iproblems, ito ipromote ihealth, iand ito iscreen ifor idisease ior iillness iall irequire ia isensitivity ito icomplex istories, ito icontextual ifactors, iand ito ia isense iof iprobability iand iuncertainty. -Diagnostic ireasoning ican ibe iseen ias ia ikind iof icritical ithinking. iCritical ithinking iinvolves ithe iprocess iof iquestioning ione’s ithinking ito idetermine iif iall ipossible iavenues ihave ibeen iexplored iand iif ithe iconclusi...
NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 2.
Signs iand isymptoms iand imanagement iof imusculoskeletal isprains/strains/dislocations 
Sprains: istretching ior itearing iof iligaments ithat ioccurs iwhen ia ijoint iis iforced ibeyond iits inormal ianatomical irange 
First idegree- istretching iof iligamentous ifibers 
Second idegree- itear iof ipart iof ithe iligament iwith ipain iand iswelling iThird idegree- icomplete iligamentous iseparation 
Sprain- isudden iinjury ior ifall ithat icaused iacute ipain iand iswelling ithat igot iworse i...
- Summary
- • 27 pages •
Signs iand isymptoms iand imanagement iof imusculoskeletal isprains/strains/dislocations 
Sprains: istretching ior itearing iof iligaments ithat ioccurs iwhen ia ijoint iis iforced ibeyond iits inormal ianatomical irange 
First idegree- istretching iof iligamentous ifibers 
Second idegree- itear iof ipart iof ithe iligament iwith ipain iand iswelling iThird idegree- icomplete iligamentous iseparation 
Sprain- isudden iinjury ior ifall ithat icaused iacute ipain iand iswelling ithat igot iworse i...