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NR 511 Final Exam Study Guide 1.
Week 1 
1. Define diagnostic reasoning 
a. Involves critical thinking in a way that evaluates new data to support the 
hypothesis and reduce alternative hypothesis. This is done by evaluating all the 
avenues to reach a conclusion that gives the best evidence to support the main 
theory or hypothesis. 
b. Examples of diagnostic reasoning are problem solving, health promotion, and 
screening for disease or illness. All of these will require sensitivity, complexity, 
contest, and a sense of probab...
- Summary
- • 42 pages •
Week 1 
1. Define diagnostic reasoning 
a. Involves critical thinking in a way that evaluates new data to support the 
hypothesis and reduce alternative hypothesis. This is done by evaluating all the 
avenues to reach a conclusion that gives the best evidence to support the main 
theory or hypothesis. 
b. Examples of diagnostic reasoning are problem solving, health promotion, and 
screening for disease or illness. All of these will require sensitivity, complexity, 
contest, and a sense of probab...
NR511 Final Exam Study Guide
1. Impetigo Impetigo iis ia isuperficial ibacterial iinfection iof ithe iskin. iIt iis iclassified iinto iprimary iimpetigo iwhen ithere iis ia idirect ibacterial iinvasion iof ipreviously inormal iskin ior isecondary iimpetigo iwhen ithe iinfection iarises iat isites iof iminor iskin itrauma. iThe ioccurrence iof isecondary iimpetigo iis ireferred ito ias iimpetiginization. 
Impetigo iis imost ifrequently iobserved iin ichildren iages i2–5 iyears iof iage, ialthough iolder ichildren iof iany ...
- Summary
- • 74 pages •
1. Impetigo Impetigo iis ia isuperficial ibacterial iinfection iof ithe iskin. iIt iis iclassified iinto iprimary iimpetigo iwhen ithere iis ia idirect ibacterial iinvasion iof ipreviously inormal iskin ior isecondary iimpetigo iwhen ithe iinfection iarises iat isites iof iminor iskin itrauma. iThe ioccurrence iof isecondary iimpetigo iis ireferred ito ias iimpetiginization. 
Impetigo iis imost ifrequently iobserved iin ichildren iages i2–5 iyears iof iage, ialthough iolder ichildren iof iany ...
NR 509 Final Exam Study Guide .
Chapter I5 
Behavior/Mental IHealth IAssessment Iand IModification Ifor IAge 
• Unexplained Iconditions Ilasting I>6weeks Ishould Iprompt Iscreening Ifor Idepression, Ianxiety, Ior Iboth 
• PRIME-MD I(Primary ICare IEvaluation Iof IMental IDisorders). I26 Iquestions Iand Itake I10 Iminutes Ito Icomplete. IUsed Ifor Ithe I5 Imost Icommon=anxiety, Idepression, Ialcohol, Isomatoform, Iand Ieating Idisorders. 
• Patient Iindications Ifor IMental IHealth IScreening: 
1. Medically Iunexplaine...
- Summary
- • 52 pages •
Chapter I5 
Behavior/Mental IHealth IAssessment Iand IModification Ifor IAge 
• Unexplained Iconditions Ilasting I>6weeks Ishould Iprompt Iscreening Ifor Idepression, Ianxiety, Ior Iboth 
• PRIME-MD I(Primary ICare IEvaluation Iof IMental IDisorders). I26 Iquestions Iand Itake I10 Iminutes Ito Icomplete. IUsed Ifor Ithe I5 Imost Icommon=anxiety, Idepression, Ialcohol, Isomatoform, Iand Ieating Idisorders. 
• Patient Iindications Ifor IMental IHealth IScreening: 
1. Medically Iunexplaine...
NR 509 Final Exam Review.
● Onset 
● Location 
● Duration 
● Characteristic 
● Aggravating ifactors 
● Relieving ifactors 
● Treatment
- Summary
- • 50 pages •
● Onset 
● Location 
● Duration 
● Characteristic 
● Aggravating ifactors 
● Relieving ifactors 
● Treatment
NR 508 Week 6 TD, Quiz and Summary
Jonathon Iis Ia I56 Iyear-old Iretired Iautomobile Imechanic Iwho Ihas Inot Ibeen Ito Ithe Idoctor Iin Iapproximately I6-7 Iyears. IHe Ipresents Ito Iyour Ioffice Icomplaining Ithat Ithree Iweeks Iago Ihe Iwas Iawoken Iwith Isevere Ipain Iand Iinflammation Iin Ihis Iknee, Iwhich Ihas Ibeen Iconsistent Isince Ithat Iinitial Inight. IUpon Iphysical Iexamination Iof Ihis Iknee, Iit Iappears Iswollen Iand Ierythematous Iwith Iperiarticular Iinvolvement. IUpon Iphysical Iexamination Iand Ilaboratory ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 28 pages •
Jonathon Iis Ia I56 Iyear-old Iretired Iautomobile Imechanic Iwho Ihas Inot Ibeen Ito Ithe Idoctor Iin Iapproximately I6-7 Iyears. IHe Ipresents Ito Iyour Ioffice Icomplaining Ithat Ithree Iweeks Iago Ihe Iwas Iawoken Iwith Isevere Ipain Iand Iinflammation Iin Ihis Iknee, Iwhich Ihas Ibeen Iconsistent Isince Ithat Iinitial Inight. IUpon Iphysical Iexamination Iof Ihis Iknee, Iit Iappears Iswollen Iand Ierythematous Iwith Iperiarticular Iinvolvement. IUpon Iphysical Iexamination Iand Ilaboratory ...
NR 508 Final Exam.
A ipatient iwho ihas idiabetes ireports iintense idiscomfort iwhen ineeding ito ivoid. iA iurinalysis iis inormal. iTo itreat ithis, ithe iprimary icare iNP ishould iconsider iprescribing: 
flavoxate i(Urispas). 
bethanechol i(Urecholine). 
phenazopyridine i(Pyridium). 
oxybutynin ichloride i(Ditropan iXL). 
This ipatient iis idescribing iurge iincontinence, ior ioveractive ibladder, iwhich ioccurs iwhen ithe idetrusor imuscle iis ihyperactive, icausing ian iintense iurge ito ivoid ibefore ithe ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 41 pages •
A ipatient iwho ihas idiabetes ireports iintense idiscomfort iwhen ineeding ito ivoid. iA iurinalysis iis inormal. iTo itreat ithis, ithe iprimary icare iNP ishould iconsider iprescribing: 
flavoxate i(Urispas). 
bethanechol i(Urecholine). 
phenazopyridine i(Pyridium). 
oxybutynin ichloride i(Ditropan iXL). 
This ipatient iis idescribing iurge iincontinence, ior ioveractive ibladder, iwhich ioccurs iwhen ithe idetrusor imuscle iis ihyperactive, icausing ian iintense iurge ito ivoid ibefore ithe ...
NR 508 Final Exam Practice Q&As with Rationale.pdf
1. A Ipatient Iwho Ihas Idiabetes Ireports Iintense Idiscomfort Iwhen Ineeding Ito Ivoid. IA Iurinalysis Iis Inormal. ITo Itreat Ithis, Ithe Iprimary Icare INP Ishould Iconsider Iprescribing: Ioxybutynin Ichloride I(Ditropan IXL). 
This Ipatient Iis Idescribing Iurge Iincontinence, Ior Ioveractive Ibladder, Iwhich Ioccurs Iwhen Ithe Idetrusor Imuscle Iis Ihyperactive, Icausing Ian Iintense Iurge Ito Ivoid Ibefore Ithe Ibladder Iis Ifull. IUrge Iincontinence Iis Iassociated Iwith Imany Icondition...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
1. A Ipatient Iwho Ihas Idiabetes Ireports Iintense Idiscomfort Iwhen Ineeding Ito Ivoid. IA Iurinalysis Iis Inormal. ITo Itreat Ithis, Ithe Iprimary Icare INP Ishould Iconsider Iprescribing: Ioxybutynin Ichloride I(Ditropan IXL). 
This Ipatient Iis Idescribing Iurge Iincontinence, Ior Ioveractive Ibladder, Iwhich Ioccurs Iwhen Ithe Idetrusor Imuscle Iis Ihyperactive, Icausing Ian Iintense Iurge Ito Ivoid Ibefore Ithe Ibladder Iis Ifull. IUrge Iincontinence Iis Iassociated Iwith Imany Icondition...
NR 508 Week 4 Mid-Term
iOsteopenia iis idiagnosed iin ia i55-year-old iwoman iwho ihas inot ihad ia iperiod iin i15 imonths. iShe ihas ia ipositive ifamily ihistory iof ibreast icancer. iThe iprimary icare iNP ishould irecommend: 
testosterone itherapy. 
estrogenonly itherapy. 
nonhormonal idrugs ifor iosteoporosis. 
estrogenprogesterone itherapy ifor i1 ito i2 iyears. 
Flag ithis iQuestion Question i22 ipts iA iwoman iis iin iher ifirst itrimester iof ipregnancy. iShe itells ithe iprimary icare inurse ipractitioner i...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 32 pages •
iOsteopenia iis idiagnosed iin ia i55-year-old iwoman iwho ihas inot ihad ia iperiod iin i15 imonths. iShe ihas ia ipositive ifamily ihistory iof ibreast icancer. iThe iprimary icare iNP ishould irecommend: 
testosterone itherapy. 
estrogenonly itherapy. 
nonhormonal idrugs ifor iosteoporosis. 
estrogenprogesterone itherapy ifor i1 ito i2 iyears. 
Flag ithis iQuestion Question i22 ipts iA iwoman iis iin iher ifirst itrimester iof ipregnancy. iShe itells ithe iprimary icare inurse ipractitioner i...
Peripheral ivascular idisease: 
Deep ivenous ithrombosis i(DVT) iis iclotting iof iblood iin ia ideep ivein iof ian iextremity i(usually icalf ior ithigh) ior ithe ipelvis. iDVT iis ithe iprimary icause iof ipulmonary iembolism. iDVT iresults ifrom iconditions ithat iimpair ivenous ireturn, ilead ito iendothelial iinjury ior idysfunction, ior icause ihypercoagulability. 
Lower iextremity iDVT imost ioften iresults ifrom iimpaired ivenous ireturn i(eg...
- Summary
- • 13 pages •
Peripheral ivascular idisease: 
Deep ivenous ithrombosis i(DVT) iis iclotting iof iblood iin ia ideep ivein iof ian iextremity i(usually icalf ior ithigh) ior ithe ipelvis. iDVT iis ithe iprimary icause iof ipulmonary iembolism. iDVT iresults ifrom iconditions ithat iimpair ivenous ireturn, ilead ito iendothelial iinjury ior idysfunction, ior icause ihypercoagulability. 
Lower iextremity iDVT imost ioften iresults ifrom iimpaired ivenous ireturn i(eg...
NR 507 Advanced Pathophysiology Midterm Study Guide
▪ Review Iconcepts Irelated Ito Ianticholinergic Idrugs Iand Ithe Itreatment Ifor Iasthma 
o (Block Iacetylcholine Ibinding I(primarily Iin Ilung) I-> Ibronchodilation Ithrough Idecreased Iparasympathetic Iresponse 
▪ Tiotropium, IIpratropium 
o Short-acting Ibeta-adrenergic Iagonists I(SABA) I– Iactivate Ibeta Ireceptors Iprimarily Iin Ithe Ilung I-> Ibronchodilation Ithrough Iincreased Isympathetic Iresponse 
▪ Albuterol 
o Oral Icorticosteroids I– Iinhibit Iinflamm...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 16 pages •
▪ Review Iconcepts Irelated Ito Ianticholinergic Idrugs Iand Ithe Itreatment Ifor Iasthma 
o (Block Iacetylcholine Ibinding I(primarily Iin Ilung) I-> Ibronchodilation Ithrough Idecreased Iparasympathetic Iresponse 
▪ Tiotropium, IIpratropium 
o Short-acting Ibeta-adrenergic Iagonists I(SABA) I– Iactivate Ibeta Ireceptors Iprimarily Iin Ithe Ilung I-> Ibronchodilation Ithrough Iincreased Isympathetic Iresponse 
▪ Albuterol 
o Oral Icorticosteroids I– Iinhibit Iinflamm...