Passionate tech/grad from an accredited Diagnostic Medical Sonography program! I am one who understands the obstacles and judgements faced while trying to succeed and obtain this type of medical degree. By popular request and encouragement from peers, I've decided to upload/sell & share my work over the years. I hope others find it useful to pass a class/registry! Feel free to message me personally with questions. Share amongst peers, but please do NOT upload my work online- copyright protection
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33 Reviews received
7 items

Pictures & drawings I created to help visualize concepts in OBGYN ultrasound : ) Separate from the OBGYN outline/study guide I have available for purchase also.
- Other
- • 24 pages •
Pictures & drawings I created to help visualize concepts in OBGYN ultrasound : ) Separate from the OBGYN outline/study guide I have available for purchase also.

Physics freebies
I remember needing some extra help with conversions, so here is some visual FREEBIES to help you get jump started in ultrasound physics !! 
Check out the physics outline for purchase that covers ALL chapterwork : )
- Other
- • 8 pages •
I remember needing some extra help with conversions, so here is some visual FREEBIES to help you get jump started in ultrasound physics !! 
Check out the physics outline for purchase that covers ALL chapterwork : )

OB/GYN Ultrasound!
Welcome to OBGYN Ultrasound! This document is 105 pages consisting of my own typed outline. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own interpretation. Topics include Normal/Abnormal Pregnancy, Fetal Head & Heart, CNS, Fetal GI Tract, Biometry, Chromosomal Abnormalities, Placenta, Twins, Maternal Complications, GYN anomalies & much more! My personal drawings could NOT be attached within. Therefore, there is a separate document available for purchase of about 24 images/dr...
- Study guide
- • 105 pages •
Welcome to OBGYN Ultrasound! This document is 105 pages consisting of my own typed outline. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own interpretation. Topics include Normal/Abnormal Pregnancy, Fetal Head & Heart, CNS, Fetal GI Tract, Biometry, Chromosomal Abnormalities, Placenta, Twins, Maternal Complications, GYN anomalies & much more! My personal drawings could NOT be attached within. Therefore, there is a separate document available for purchase of about 24 images/dr...

Abdomen Ultrasound
Welcome to Abdomen Ultrasound! This document is 33 pages consisting of my own typed outline. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and interpretation. I utilized the abdomen registry review book to create this, which helped me pass the exam first try! Topics include Liver, Renal, Bladder, Spleen, Panc, Biliary/GB, Peritoneal, Retroperitoneum, Hernias, Adrenal Glands, Lab Values, Gut, Neonatal Hip and some MSK. Pictures could NOT be attached without degraded...
- Study guide
- • 54 pages •
Welcome to Abdomen Ultrasound! This document is 33 pages consisting of my own typed outline. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and interpretation. I utilized the abdomen registry review book to create this, which helped me pass the exam first try! Topics include Liver, Renal, Bladder, Spleen, Panc, Biliary/GB, Peritoneal, Retroperitoneum, Hernias, Adrenal Glands, Lab Values, Gut, Neonatal Hip and some MSK. Pictures could NOT be attached without degraded...

Breast Ultrasound
Welcome to Breast Ultrasound! This document is 21 pages consisting of my own typed outline of breast notes from class and a review book. It includes terminology, helpful images, and personal drawings to better understand concepts. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and understanding. As stated, I do not mind students sharing with close peers/classmates, but please do NOT upload my notes to online resources, forums, etc.- copyright protection. I encourage...
- Study guide
- • 21 pages •
Welcome to Breast Ultrasound! This document is 21 pages consisting of my own typed outline of breast notes from class and a review book. It includes terminology, helpful images, and personal drawings to better understand concepts. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and understanding. As stated, I do not mind students sharing with close peers/classmates, but please do NOT upload my notes to online resources, forums, etc.- copyright protection. I encourage...

Abdomen Poster! Relative to Ultrasound : )
Here is a free picture/poster I made in the beginning of my program. We have all needed that beginning refresher on abdominal organs, relative to ultrasound. Sorry words may be blurry. I encourage you to recreate this poster yourself : ) It helps!!
- Visual
- • 1 pages •
Here is a free picture/poster I made in the beginning of my program. We have all needed that beginning refresher on abdominal organs, relative to ultrasound. Sorry words may be blurry. I encourage you to recreate this poster yourself : ) It helps!!

Ultrasound Physics 1 & 2 - Pictures/Drawings included!!
Welcome to ultrasound physics! This document is 152 pages consisting of my own typed outline WITH drawings/pictures. It includes terminology, helpful images, and personal drawings to better understand concepts. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and understanding. I utilized these notes, along with my required textbook at the time, to help pass the SPI first try and help other peers! As stated, I do not mind students sharing with close peers/classmates, ...
- Summary
- • 152 pages •
Welcome to ultrasound physics! This document is 152 pages consisting of my own typed outline WITH drawings/pictures. It includes terminology, helpful images, and personal drawings to better understand concepts. Please feel free to message me with any questions, as this is my own outline and understanding. I utilized these notes, along with my required textbook at the time, to help pass the SPI first try and help other peers! As stated, I do not mind students sharing with close peers/classmates, ...
Abdomen Poster! Relative to Ultrasound : )
Abdomen Ultrasound
Abdomen Ultrasound
OB/GYN Ultrasound!