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KNPE 355 || with Confirmed Answers.
6 CESP PATH steps correct answers There are 6 steps: 
Ask - get to know the client 
Assess - physical activity, fitness and lifestyle 
Advise - evaluation report and discussion 
Agree - devise and action plan 
Arrange - pricing continuing support 
excess free fatty acids in the liver promote the creation of _____ and the reduction of ____ correct answers promote the creation of LDL and the reduction of HDL 
free fatty acids can disturb which sensor? what will that do? correct answers free fa...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 35 pages •
6 CESP PATH steps correct answers There are 6 steps: 
Ask - get to know the client 
Assess - physical activity, fitness and lifestyle 
Advise - evaluation report and discussion 
Agree - devise and action plan 
Arrange - pricing continuing support 
excess free fatty acids in the liver promote the creation of _____ and the reduction of ____ correct answers promote the creation of LDL and the reduction of HDL 
free fatty acids can disturb which sensor? what will that do? correct answers free fa...
KNPE 355 Week 7 || with Perfect Answers.
What are ways to measure VO2 max correct answers Graded exercise test (GXT), Maximal Exercise Test, Submaximal Exercise Test 
What is submaximal exercise testing? correct answers Measures VO2 max indirectly through predictive equations based on the HR - workload 
Disadvantages of Submaximal Exercise Testing correct answers • this type of test could be a maximal test 
• Client's motivation and pacing strategy during the test can have a profound effect on the 
final outcom...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
What are ways to measure VO2 max correct answers Graded exercise test (GXT), Maximal Exercise Test, Submaximal Exercise Test 
What is submaximal exercise testing? correct answers Measures VO2 max indirectly through predictive equations based on the HR - workload 
Disadvantages of Submaximal Exercise Testing correct answers • this type of test could be a maximal test 
• Client's motivation and pacing strategy during the test can have a profound effect on the 
final outcom...
KNPE 355 quiz || with Authenticated Answers.
Which type of consent is necessary for a practitioner to assess or treat a patient except in rare exceptions such as during emergencies? correct answers informed consent 
Which of the following statements is false regarding informed consent? correct answers informed consent can be given en by signing a form agreeing to treatment 
For a registered kinesiologist to ensure that a client consents to any assessment the following must be true: correct answers 1.The client must be fully informed 
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
Which type of consent is necessary for a practitioner to assess or treat a patient except in rare exceptions such as during emergencies? correct answers informed consent 
Which of the following statements is false regarding informed consent? correct answers informed consent can be given en by signing a form agreeing to treatment 
For a registered kinesiologist to ensure that a client consents to any assessment the following must be true: correct answers 1.The client must be fully informed 
KNPE 355 Final || with Faultless Solutions.
Traditional Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers Smoking 
Family history of CVD and T2D 
New/Emerging Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers Physical inactivity 
Inflammatory markers 
Abdominal obesity 
Insulin resistance 
What are the risk factors needed to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome? correct answers Dyslipidemia 
Abdominal obesity 
Insulin resistance 
How to identify CMR factors? correct answers Screening 
Risk Assessment 
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Traditional Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers Smoking 
Family history of CVD and T2D 
New/Emerging Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers Physical inactivity 
Inflammatory markers 
Abdominal obesity 
Insulin resistance 
What are the risk factors needed to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome? correct answers Dyslipidemia 
Abdominal obesity 
Insulin resistance 
How to identify CMR factors? correct answers Screening 
Risk Assessment 
KNPE 355 FINAL EXAM || with Validated Solutions.
Cardiometabolic Risk correct answers refers to the chances of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) or type II diabetes (T2D). It encompasses a cluster of risk factors that each individually increase the risk of developing CVD or T2D 
Traditional Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers 1) smoking 
2) family history 
3) hypertension (high blood pressure) 
4) dyslipidemia (abnormal amount of lipids in the blood) 
New/Emerging Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers 1) inflammato...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Cardiometabolic Risk correct answers refers to the chances of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) or type II diabetes (T2D). It encompasses a cluster of risk factors that each individually increase the risk of developing CVD or T2D 
Traditional Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers 1) smoking 
2) family history 
3) hypertension (high blood pressure) 
4) dyslipidemia (abnormal amount of lipids in the blood) 
New/Emerging Cardiometabolic Risk Factors correct answers 1) inflammato...
KNPE 355 || with Complete Solutions.
What information will the PAR-Q tell you? correct answers - whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor or a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active 
who should complete a PAR-Q+ before engaging in physical activity? correct answers EVERYONE 
List the criteria for discontinuation with physical activity correct answers - client is pregnant 
- fever or appears ill 
- lower extremity swelling 
- difficulty breathing 
- persistent coughi...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
What information will the PAR-Q tell you? correct answers - whether it is necessary for you to seek further advice from your doctor or a qualified exercise professional before becoming more physically active 
who should complete a PAR-Q+ before engaging in physical activity? correct answers EVERYONE 
List the criteria for discontinuation with physical activity correct answers - client is pregnant 
- fever or appears ill 
- lower extremity swelling 
- difficulty breathing 
- persistent coughi...
KNES355 || with 100% Accurate Solutions.
first sports to modernize correct answers baseball and horse racing 
Spalding and Brothers correct answers -Late 1800's 
-Mass produced bikes and baseball gloves 
-vertical integration 
-diversification (offer products for variety of sports) 
-Development Modern Mgt. Systems 
-Utilize promotional strategies (ads) 
Late 1800'S Industry Trends correct answers used slogans and trademarks for brand recognition 
-started using ads 
College Athleteics correct answers get land grants from s...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
first sports to modernize correct answers baseball and horse racing 
Spalding and Brothers correct answers -Late 1800's 
-Mass produced bikes and baseball gloves 
-vertical integration 
-diversification (offer products for variety of sports) 
-Development Modern Mgt. Systems 
-Utilize promotional strategies (ads) 
Late 1800'S Industry Trends correct answers used slogans and trademarks for brand recognition 
-started using ads 
College Athleteics correct answers get land grants from s...
KNES 355 - Lecture 1: Intro to Growth, Maturation & Development || with 100% Verified Solutions.
What is somatic? correct answers Affecting the body, somatic growth = growth of the body 
Why do we study growth, maturation & development (G, M & D)? correct answers - to learn normal pattern of biological variation at individual and population levels in humans 
What questions are asked in the study of G, M & D? correct answers - how does a child's growth vary over time? 
- how do these variable differ between children & by sex? 
- How do these variable differ between different populat...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
What is somatic? correct answers Affecting the body, somatic growth = growth of the body 
Why do we study growth, maturation & development (G, M & D)? correct answers - to learn normal pattern of biological variation at individual and population levels in humans 
What questions are asked in the study of G, M & D? correct answers - how does a child's growth vary over time? 
- how do these variable differ between children & by sex? 
- How do these variable differ between different populat...
KNES 355 Quiz 3 || with Right Answers.
adult head size correct answers 1/8 body 
birth head size correct answers 1/4 body 
fetus head size correct answers 1/2 body 
jaw at birth correct answers small with big cranium 
proportional change correct answers w/ age body becomes more proportional 
how bones grow correct answers growth from distal end (opposite of rest of body) 
baby mechanical advantage correct answers 2nd and 3rd order levers length optimizes mechanical forces 
growth of lever correct answers increased speed...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
adult head size correct answers 1/8 body 
birth head size correct answers 1/4 body 
fetus head size correct answers 1/2 body 
jaw at birth correct answers small with big cranium 
proportional change correct answers w/ age body becomes more proportional 
how bones grow correct answers growth from distal end (opposite of rest of body) 
baby mechanical advantage correct answers 2nd and 3rd order levers length optimizes mechanical forces 
growth of lever correct answers increased speed...
KNES 355 QUIZ 1 || with Precise Solutions.
Why do we study G, M,D correct answers To learn about normal patterns of biological variation at individual and population levels in humans 
How does a child growth vary over time correct answers Within subject 
How do these variables differ between children and by sex correct answers Between subject and between group variation 
How do these variables differ between population correct answers Between population variation 
What can we modify during growth and development correct answers P...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Why do we study G, M,D correct answers To learn about normal patterns of biological variation at individual and population levels in humans 
How does a child growth vary over time correct answers Within subject 
How do these variables differ between children and by sex correct answers Between subject and between group variation 
How do these variables differ between population correct answers Between population variation 
What can we modify during growth and development correct answers P...
NBME 30 || with Error-free Solutions.
NBME Form 30 || A Verified A+ Pass.
NUR 111 Final (with Errorless Answers 100%)
IET 43640 Midterm Exam || A Verified A+ Pass.
HECM Exam 3- home equity conversion mortgage (100% correct answers)