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The Wastewater Treatment B Test exam with correct answers Graded A+ 2024
Liftstations at a treatment plant or those which discharge directly to a treatment plant with an average flow greater than 0.1 MGD shall have three or more pumps or have automatically controlled variable capacity pumps, these pumps should be adjusted to actual flow conditions and controlled to operate so as to: correct answers Minimize surges in the treatment in the treatment units. 
In the contact stabilization system of activated sludge treatment, the detention time in the contact zone is d...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Liftstations at a treatment plant or those which discharge directly to a treatment plant with an average flow greater than 0.1 MGD shall have three or more pumps or have automatically controlled variable capacity pumps, these pumps should be adjusted to actual flow conditions and controlled to operate so as to: correct answers Minimize surges in the treatment in the treatment units. 
In the contact stabilization system of activated sludge treatment, the detention time in the contact zone is d...
Florida Wastewater Operator class B certification exam With 100% correct answers Graded A+ 2024
A common remedy for activated sludge system problems is to increase the waste activated sludge flow rate, when would an increase of WAS rate not be correct? correct answers When straggler Floc is present in clarifier and settleometer 
The chlorine residual is falling An inspection of the 150lb cylinder and chlorine feed equipment shows ice forming on the chlorine regulator and feed lines. The best method to fix the falling chlorine residual is? correct answers Put another chlorine cylinder o...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
A common remedy for activated sludge system problems is to increase the waste activated sludge flow rate, when would an increase of WAS rate not be correct? correct answers When straggler Floc is present in clarifier and settleometer 
The chlorine residual is falling An inspection of the 150lb cylinder and chlorine feed equipment shows ice forming on the chlorine regulator and feed lines. The best method to fix the falling chlorine residual is? correct answers Put another chlorine cylinder o...
If wastewater contains dissolved oxygen, the biological breakdown will reduce sulfate to sulfide. 
T or F correct answers False 
At a pH below 5, all sulfide is present in the gaseous h2s form and most of it can be released from wastewater. 
T or F correct answers True 
In order to control odors effectively, the operator should know where odors originate and the cause. 
T or F correct answers True 
Chlorination is one of the oldest and least effective methods of controlling odors. 
T o...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 35 pages •
If wastewater contains dissolved oxygen, the biological breakdown will reduce sulfate to sulfide. 
T or F correct answers False 
At a pH below 5, all sulfide is present in the gaseous h2s form and most of it can be released from wastewater. 
T or F correct answers True 
In order to control odors effectively, the operator should know where odors originate and the cause. 
T or F correct answers True 
Chlorination is one of the oldest and least effective methods of controlling odors. 
T o...
Wastewater B Test exam with correct answers 2024 Graded A+
Percent of volatile solids normally in sludge correct answers 70-80% 
D.O. levels in a primary clarifier correct answers 0.5-1.0 MG/L 
Why are precautionary measures needed around an aeration basin? correct answers undertow and turbulence 
O.S.H.A. approved trench correct answers narrow excavation in which the depth is greater than the width; the width must be less than 15 feet 
What causes bulking? correct answers 1. Excessive hydraulic loading, 
2. Solids not promptly removed fro...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
Percent of volatile solids normally in sludge correct answers 70-80% 
D.O. levels in a primary clarifier correct answers 0.5-1.0 MG/L 
Why are precautionary measures needed around an aeration basin? correct answers undertow and turbulence 
O.S.H.A. approved trench correct answers narrow excavation in which the depth is greater than the width; the width must be less than 15 feet 
What causes bulking? correct answers 1. Excessive hydraulic loading, 
2. Solids not promptly removed fro...
INSY 3305 Exam with correct answers 2024
Which of the following are used to create objects? Correct answers Concrete classes 
An _________ of an analysis class represents a piece of information that is relevant to the description of the class. Correct answers Attribute 
Which of the following would most likely not be an example of an attribute? Correct answers Cancel Appointment 
Which of the following types of attributes is not proper in an analysis class? Correct answers Compound 
A(n) _________ of an analysis class is where ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
Which of the following are used to create objects? Correct answers Concrete classes 
An _________ of an analysis class represents a piece of information that is relevant to the description of the class. Correct answers Attribute 
Which of the following would most likely not be an example of an attribute? Correct answers Cancel Appointment 
Which of the following types of attributes is not proper in an analysis class? Correct answers Compound 
A(n) _________ of an analysis class is where ...
INSY 2303 Exam 2 UTA with correct answers 2024
Chapter 5: SMTPS (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure) Correct answers A communications protocol used to send email across a network or the Internet. 
POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) Correct answers A standard for retrieving email messages from an email server. 
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Correct answers A protocol similar to POP that is used to retrieve email messages from an email server, but offers additional features, such as choosing which emails to download from the...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
Chapter 5: SMTPS (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Secure) Correct answers A communications protocol used to send email across a network or the Internet. 
POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) Correct answers A standard for retrieving email messages from an email server. 
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Correct answers A protocol similar to POP that is used to retrieve email messages from an email server, but offers additional features, such as choosing which emails to download from the...
Data definition language Correct answers DDL 
Data manipulation language Correct answers DML 
CREAT SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION Correct answers Creates a database schema 
CREATE TABLE Correct answers Creates a new table in the user's databse schema 
NOT NULL Correct answers Ensures that a column will not have null values 
UNIQUE Correct answers Ensures that a column will not have duplicate values 
PRIMARY KEY Correct answers Defines a primary key for a table 
FOREIGN KEY Correct answer...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Data definition language Correct answers DDL 
Data manipulation language Correct answers DML 
CREAT SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION Correct answers Creates a database schema 
CREATE TABLE Correct answers Creates a new table in the user's databse schema 
NOT NULL Correct answers Ensures that a column will not have null values 
UNIQUE Correct answers Ensures that a column will not have duplicate values 
PRIMARY KEY Correct answers Defines a primary key for a table 
FOREIGN KEY Correct answer...
INSY 2303 Exam with correct answers Graded A + 2024
SMTP Correct answers (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) A communications protocol used to send email across a network or the Internet. 
POP3 Correct answers (Post Office Protocol version 3) A standard for retrieving email messages from an email server. 
IMAP Correct answers (Internet Message Access Protocol) A protocol similar to POP that is used to retrieve email messages from an email server, but offers additional features, such as choosing which emails to download from the server. 
VOIP Co...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
SMTP Correct answers (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) A communications protocol used to send email across a network or the Internet. 
POP3 Correct answers (Post Office Protocol version 3) A standard for retrieving email messages from an email server. 
IMAP Correct answers (Internet Message Access Protocol) A protocol similar to POP that is used to retrieve email messages from an email server, but offers additional features, such as choosing which emails to download from the server. 
VOIP Co...
INSY 2303 Exam with correct answers Graded A+ 2024
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Correct answers A code that represents characters as a series of 1s and 0s. 
Most computers use this code to represent text, making it possible to transfer data between computers. 
Binary Correct answers The representation of data using two options, such as off-on or 1-0. 
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Correct answers The ability of a device or software to digitize text from printed sources. 
microprocessor clock Correct ans...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Correct answers A code that represents characters as a series of 1s and 0s. 
Most computers use this code to represent text, making it possible to transfer data between computers. 
Binary Correct answers The representation of data using two options, such as off-on or 1-0. 
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Correct answers The ability of a device or software to digitize text from printed sources. 
microprocessor clock Correct ans...
INSY 3303 Exam with correct answers 2024
Access Layer Correct answers The layer that provides network access. 
Ex. Local Area Network (LAN) 
ACK (acknowledgement message) Correct answers the part of the ARQ algorithm that lets the sender know that the package has been correctly received without errors. 
Address Resolution Correct answers the process of translating the application layer address (or server name) of the destination into a network layer address, and in turn translate that into a data link layer address 
Server Name...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Access Layer Correct answers The layer that provides network access. 
Ex. Local Area Network (LAN) 
ACK (acknowledgement message) Correct answers the part of the ARQ algorithm that lets the sender know that the package has been correctly received without errors. 
Address Resolution Correct answers the process of translating the application layer address (or server name) of the destination into a network layer address, and in turn translate that into a data link layer address 
Server Name...
cx coordinator exam stellantis with 100% correct solutions 2024
This test has 120 questions only 12 are here