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341 items

PARASITOLOGY (PROTOZOANS) questions and answers

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PARASITOLOGY (PROTOZOANS) questions and answers non-motile, non feeding stage and infective stagecyst has protoplasmic processes or pseudopodia for locomotionclass sarcodina only class sarcodina with no cystic stageEntamoeba gingivalis class sarcodina inhabits the large intestine exceptEntamoeba gingivalis Class sarcodina members are commensal exceptEntamoeba histolytica T/F: amoeba excreted as trophozoites can mature into cystfalse. amoeba excreted as trophozoites CANNOT mature ...

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  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers PACKAGE

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structu

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  •  • 7 items • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Exam (elaborations) wgu c949

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child. Hash TableA data structure that stores...

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  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Exam (elaborations) wgu c949

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child. Hash TableA data structure that stores...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 1 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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wgu c949

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child. Hash TableA data structure that stores...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Exam (elaborations) wgu c949

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child. Hash TableA data structure that stores...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Exam (elaborations) wgu c949

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WGU C949 Data Types STUDY GUIDE and answers ArrayA data structure that stores an ordered list of items, with each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked ListA data structure that stores ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Bianary Search TreeA data structure in which each node stores data and has up to two children, known as a left child and a right child. Hash TableA data structure that stores...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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WGU C949 Sorting Algorithm Big O questions and answers

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WGU C949 Sorting Algorithm Big O Bubble Sort - Average Time ComplexityO(n^2) Bubble Sort - Worst Time ComplexityO(n^2) Selection Sort - Average Time ComplexityO(n^2) Selection Sort - Worst Time ComplexityO(n^2) Insertion Sort - Average Time ComplexityO(n^2) Insertion Sort - Worst Time ComplexityO(n^2) Quick Sort - Average Time ComplexityO(n log(n)) Quick Sort - Worst Time ComplexityO(n^2) Bucket Sort - Average Time ComplexityO(n) Bucket Sort - Worst Time ComplexityO(n^2) He...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 1 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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WGU C949 questions and answers

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WGU C949 questions and answers RecordA record is the data structure that stores subitems, often called fields, with a name associated with each subitem ArrayAn array is a data structure that stores an ordered list of items, where each item is directly accessible by a positional index. Linked listA linked list is a data structure that stores an ordered list of items in nodes, where each node stores data and has a pointer to the next node. Binary treeA binary tree is a data ...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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WGU C949 Data Structures & Algorithms Chapters 1-4 questions and answers

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WGU C949 Data Structures & Algorithms Chapters 1-4 questions and answers In-line, Multiline, Documentation Strings (Docstrings)In Python, there are three (3) different types of commenting styles. What are they? In-line"Comments used to add meaning to a program and explain logic in-line with the code being discussed. These comments are good for quick explanations and are indicated by using the # character and a space. if n % 2 == 1: # n is odd" Multiline"Comments, a...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by WorkAce • 
  • uploaded  2024
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