
Chemistry and Biology notes

The best documents of Chemistry and Biology are available in the store and each document helps the student to get better grades in respected fields of education.


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Electrochemistry - essential basics

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The study material deals with important basics of electrochemistry to understand the complex concepts in advanced electrochemistry. The basic terminology of electrochemistry, molar conductance, equivalent conductance, ionic mobility, transport number, kohlrausch law and it's applications, debye-huckel theory of strong electrolytes, debye-huckel onsagar equation, activity coefficients of electrolytesionic strength, debye-huckel limiting law

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  • Interview
  •  • 35 pages • 
  • by chiranjeevi492 • 
  • uploaded  2021
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identification_isolation_methods of bacteria

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The most important task of a bacteriology is to identify the pathogens from the clinical sample so that appropriate treatment can be instituted. There are several methods to identified the different type of bacteria. They are, 1. Isolation in pure form 2. Staining reaction 3. Morphology of bacterial colony 4. Cultural characteristics 5. Metabolism 6. Biochemical properties Biochemical tests to identify different species of bacteria: • Case Study Tests • Indole • Methyl Red/Vo...

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  • Class notes
  •  • 33 pages • 
  • by chiranjeevi492 • 
  • uploaded  2021
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