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CDFM Module 3:4 (Auditing) questions with verified answers
** Appropriateness refers to Ans the quality of evidence (relevance, validity and reliability) ** GAGAS requires auditors to prepare written or electronic audits reports that Ans Comply with standards for form, content and distribution. ** Key function of the DoD IG Ans Conducts, supervises, monitors and initiates audits and investigations related to DoD programs and operations **An Audit Review of Internal Control can be useful in what regards Ans It is useful in designing the nature, ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
** Appropriateness refers to Ans the quality of evidence (relevance, validity and reliability) ** GAGAS requires auditors to prepare written or electronic audits reports that Ans Comply with standards for form, content and distribution. ** Key function of the DoD IG Ans Conducts, supervises, monitors and initiates audits and investigations related to DoD programs and operations **An Audit Review of Internal Control can be useful in what regards Ans It is useful in designing the nature, ...

CDFM Module 3: Accounting and Finance; Competency Area 1: Fiscal Law questions with verified answers
3.1.11 The ____ is the basic authority for the use of public monies? Ans US Constitution 3.1.12 ______ conveys the responsibility of PHYSICAL CONTROL of the monies entrusted to the care of an accountable official of the Government. Ans Pecuniary 3.1.12 Are there relief for a Pecuniary Certifier who losses case or miscertification when certain conditions are met? Ans Yes 3.1.12 Disbursing officers, cashiers, and collecting officers are examples of what type of certifier? Ans Pecuniary Ce...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 20 pages •
3.1.11 The ____ is the basic authority for the use of public monies? Ans US Constitution 3.1.12 ______ conveys the responsibility of PHYSICAL CONTROL of the monies entrusted to the care of an accountable official of the Government. Ans Pecuniary 3.1.12 Are there relief for a Pecuniary Certifier who losses case or miscertification when certain conditions are met? Ans Yes 3.1.12 Disbursing officers, cashiers, and collecting officers are examples of what type of certifier? Ans Pecuniary Ce...

CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers
CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 39 pages •
CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers

CDFM: Module 3: Part 1/3 Fiscal Law questions with verified answers
_______________ must grant relief is __________________ determines that relief is appropriate given the criteria specified in these two sections of the US Code (31 USC 3527 and 3528). Ans CG; SecDef __________________ is one of the few agencies having authority to accept and keep gifts in what two situations? Ans DoD 1. First, DoD may accept contributions of money or real property from any person, foreign Government, or international organization. The proceeds from the sale of property are c...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
_______________ must grant relief is __________________ determines that relief is appropriate given the criteria specified in these two sections of the US Code (31 USC 3527 and 3528). Ans CG; SecDef __________________ is one of the few agencies having authority to accept and keep gifts in what two situations? Ans DoD 1. First, DoD may accept contributions of money or real property from any person, foreign Government, or international organization. The proceeds from the sale of property are c...

CDFM Module 1 Competency 1: Government Resource Management Environment questions with verified answers
___ ___ is the amount by which the Government's budget outlays exceed its budget receipts for any given period. Ans Budget Deficit ___ ____ is spending that is controlled by laws other than appropriations acts (including spending for entitlement programs and spending for the food stamp program). Ans Mandatory Spending ____ ____ are estimates transmitted to Congress that amend (revise) budget estimates transmitted previously and on which Congress has not completed action. Ans Budget Amen...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 29 pages •
___ ___ is the amount by which the Government's budget outlays exceed its budget receipts for any given period. Ans Budget Deficit ___ ____ is spending that is controlled by laws other than appropriations acts (including spending for entitlement programs and spending for the food stamp program). Ans Mandatory Spending ____ ____ are estimates transmitted to Congress that amend (revise) budget estimates transmitted previously and on which Congress has not completed action. Ans Budget Amen...

CDFM Module 3 competency 4 – Auditing questions with verified answers
Can an auditor claim cost savings if their recommendation leads to reduction of approved program? Ans Yes do auditors verify computer based data is accurate? Ans Yes - they should obtain evidence that it is accurate. Often done by performing physical inventory. Indepdent verification necessary regardless of whether date are provided to aduditors or if auditors extract them ^^ will be scenario trust but verify is common theme here (3.4.26) do performance audit objectives differ based ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
Can an auditor claim cost savings if their recommendation leads to reduction of approved program? Ans Yes do auditors verify computer based data is accurate? Ans Yes - they should obtain evidence that it is accurate. Often done by performing physical inventory. Indepdent verification necessary regardless of whether date are provided to aduditors or if auditors extract them ^^ will be scenario trust but verify is common theme here (3.4.26) do performance audit objectives differ based ...

CDFM Exam 3 Module 3: Accounting and Finance Global Investment Performance Standards questions with verified answers
1921 Budget and Accounting Act Ans established GAO to audit the Executive Branch, established OMB, and required the President to submit an National annual budget. GAO was given the authority to approve financial systems and to establish GAAP for the Federal Government 1949 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act Ans established the GSA 1950 Accounting and Auditing Procedures Act Ans required apportionment and allocation systems, expanded anti-deficiency to require reporting, manda...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
1921 Budget and Accounting Act Ans established GAO to audit the Executive Branch, established OMB, and required the President to submit an National annual budget. GAO was given the authority to approve financial systems and to establish GAAP for the Federal Government 1949 Federal Property and Administrative Services Act Ans established the GSA 1950 Accounting and Auditing Procedures Act Ans required apportionment and allocation systems, expanded anti-deficiency to require reporting, manda...

CDFM - Module 1 - Knowledge Check questions with verified answers
After the DoD Appropriation Bill is signed into law, what does DoD request from OMB? Ans Apportionment An administrative reservation of funds is known as what? Ans Commitment Approximately what percent of total federal spending is discretionary spending? Ans 30% Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, of the US Constitution empowers which branch of the federal government to collect taxes? Ans The Legislative Branch For what program is the full scope of management responsibility defined in Do...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
After the DoD Appropriation Bill is signed into law, what does DoD request from OMB? Ans Apportionment An administrative reservation of funds is known as what? Ans Commitment Approximately what percent of total federal spending is discretionary spending? Ans 30% Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1, of the US Constitution empowers which branch of the federal government to collect taxes? Ans The Legislative Branch For what program is the full scope of management responsibility defined in Do...

CDFM Module 2.3 questions with verified answers
1. Allows leasing out of non excess real and personal property 2. Proceeds must represent fair market value 3. Accepts in-kind proceeds: construction of new facilities, provision of facilities, facilities operation support, maintenance, repair, improvement or restoration Ans Out-Lease and Easements Title 10, USC 2667 1. Allows retention of proceeds from the sale of excess non-base realignment and closure real property. 2. Proceeds are available for facility maintenance and repair or for en...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
1. Allows leasing out of non excess real and personal property 2. Proceeds must represent fair market value 3. Accepts in-kind proceeds: construction of new facilities, provision of facilities, facilities operation support, maintenance, repair, improvement or restoration Ans Out-Lease and Easements Title 10, USC 2667 1. Allows retention of proceeds from the sale of excess non-base realignment and closure real property. 2. Proceeds are available for facility maintenance and repair or for en...

Devrim's CDFM Module 4 Flashset questions with verified answers
- a Capstone document that addresses current and future threats to a defined U.S. warfighting capability - a system-specific threat assessment for programs subject to Defense Acquisition Board review Ans What form can DIA-validated threat assessments for Major Defense Acquisition Programs take? - Acquisition of Services Planning (requirements development, acquisition planning, solicitation and contract award, risk management, contract tracking and oversight, performance evaluation) - Review...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 56 pages •
- a Capstone document that addresses current and future threats to a defined U.S. warfighting capability - a system-specific threat assessment for programs subject to Defense Acquisition Board review Ans What form can DIA-validated threat assessments for Major Defense Acquisition Programs take? - Acquisition of Services Planning (requirements development, acquisition planning, solicitation and contract award, risk management, contract tracking and oversight, performance evaluation) - Review...
AIC 304 STUDY questions with verified answers
NURS 5315 Advanced Pathophysiology questions with correct answers
NURS 5315 UTA Exam 2 questions with correct answers
Nurs 5315: Adv Patho Exam 1 questions with correct answers