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WSET level 3 Exam practice Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
pairing for goat cheese - ANSWER Sancerre 
local food pairs with - ANSWER local wine 
pairing with stilton cheese - ANSWER port
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 39 pages •
pairing for goat cheese - ANSWER Sancerre 
local food pairs with - ANSWER local wine 
pairing with stilton cheese - ANSWER port
WSET Level 1 Practice Quiz || Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Which wine is an example of a full-bodied wine? 
1) Pinot grigio 
2) Cabernet Sauvignon 
3) Cotes du Rhone 
4) Sancerre - ANSWER Cabernet Sauvignon 
Which is true of Port? 
1) Always sweet and high in alcohol 
2) Always dry and high in alcohol 
3) Can be dry, medium or sweet 
4) It is like Sherry only made in Portugal - ANSWER It is always sweet and high in alcohol 
Which grape is white? 
1) Chardonnay 
2) Riesling 
3) Pinot Gris 
4) All of the above - ANSWER All of the above
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
Which wine is an example of a full-bodied wine? 
1) Pinot grigio 
2) Cabernet Sauvignon 
3) Cotes du Rhone 
4) Sancerre - ANSWER Cabernet Sauvignon 
Which is true of Port? 
1) Always sweet and high in alcohol 
2) Always dry and high in alcohol 
3) Can be dry, medium or sweet 
4) It is like Sherry only made in Portugal - ANSWER It is always sweet and high in alcohol 
Which grape is white? 
1) Chardonnay 
2) Riesling 
3) Pinot Gris 
4) All of the above - ANSWER All of the above
WSET Level 2 Award: Mock Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Which one of the following does not affect temperature in the vineyard? 
1. Climate 
2. Weather 
3. Gape Variety 
4. Soil - ANSWER Which one of the following does not affect temperature in the vineyard? 
*3. Gape Variety* 
Which one of the following statements is true? 
1. Top quality wine can only be made from hand harvested grapes. 
2. Top quality wines can only be made from machine harvested grapes. 
3. Top quality wine can be made from hand and machine harvested grapes. 
4. Top quality wine ...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
Which one of the following does not affect temperature in the vineyard? 
1. Climate 
2. Weather 
3. Gape Variety 
4. Soil - ANSWER Which one of the following does not affect temperature in the vineyard? 
*3. Gape Variety* 
Which one of the following statements is true? 
1. Top quality wine can only be made from hand harvested grapes. 
2. Top quality wines can only be made from machine harvested grapes. 
3. Top quality wine can be made from hand and machine harvested grapes. 
4. Top quality wine ...
WSET Level 4 D2 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Describe what happens when relative supply and demand change - ANSWER - When supply 
exceeds demand: price falls, consumer have greater choice of cheaper alternatives. Producers 
lower price to remain competitive. Fall in prices lead to increased demand in the long run 
- When demand exceeds supply: price increase, consumers willing to pay higher for some 
wines; others simply switch to another wine or a different alcoholic drink 
The general factors affecting demand for wine - ANSWER - Social 
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 38 pages •
Describe what happens when relative supply and demand change - ANSWER - When supply 
exceeds demand: price falls, consumer have greater choice of cheaper alternatives. Producers 
lower price to remain competitive. Fall in prices lead to increased demand in the long run 
- When demand exceeds supply: price increase, consumers willing to pay higher for some 
wines; others simply switch to another wine or a different alcoholic drink 
The general factors affecting demand for wine - ANSWER - Social 
WSET Level 2 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Both Tank and Bottled-Fermented Sparking Wines start with what? - ANSWER Still Base 
Wine, usually light in alchohol, and processes add approximately 1-2% abv 
What is Tank Method? - ANSWER part of fermentation takes place in sealed tank, which 
prevents any carbon dioxide gas from escaping 
True or False: The base wine could be partially fermented must, where the last part of the 
fermentation takes place in a sealed tank - ANSWER True
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 30 pages •
Both Tank and Bottled-Fermented Sparking Wines start with what? - ANSWER Still Base 
Wine, usually light in alchohol, and processes add approximately 1-2% abv 
What is Tank Method? - ANSWER part of fermentation takes place in sealed tank, which 
prevents any carbon dioxide gas from escaping 
True or False: The base wine could be partially fermented must, where the last part of the 
fermentation takes place in a sealed tank - ANSWER True
WSET 2 Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Ideal tasting room should be: - ANSWER odor free, good natural light, white surface 
WSET Level 2 approach to tasting - ANSWER Appearance, Nose, Palate, Conclusion 
Tasting palate should be - ANSWER clean and unaffected by flavors
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 23 pages •
Ideal tasting room should be: - ANSWER odor free, good natural light, white surface 
WSET Level 2 approach to tasting - ANSWER Appearance, Nose, Palate, Conclusion 
Tasting palate should be - ANSWER clean and unaffected by flavors
WSET Level 2 Mock Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
In which season do flower clusters form? 
A. Autumn 
B. Winter 
C. Summer 
D. Spring - ANSWER D. Spring 
What does the pulp of a grape contain? 
A. water and sugar 
B. acid and tannins 
C. tannins and sugar 
D. sugar and yeast - ANSWER A. water and sugar 
Which latitudes north and south of the equator mark the zone where most vineyards are found? 
A. 40 and 50 
B. 20 and 40 
C. 30 and 50 
D. 30 and 40 - ANSWER C. 30 and 50
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
In which season do flower clusters form? 
A. Autumn 
B. Winter 
C. Summer 
D. Spring - ANSWER D. Spring 
What does the pulp of a grape contain? 
A. water and sugar 
B. acid and tannins 
C. tannins and sugar 
D. sugar and yeast - ANSWER A. water and sugar 
Which latitudes north and south of the equator mark the zone where most vineyards are found? 
A. 40 and 50 
B. 20 and 40 
C. 30 and 50 
D. 30 and 40 - ANSWER C. 30 and 50
SCCJA cumulative academy study Guide Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
List the characteristics of culture? 
1. Learned 
2. Gives a range of acceptable behaviors 
3. subject to change 
4. Can't remain in isolation 
preconceived judgement, or opinion, or an adverse opinion or leaning formed without 
just grounds or before sufficient knowledge:it can be favorable or unfavorable and 
shows a lack of tolerance. 
results from careful consideration and study and from a full understanding of a given 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
List the characteristics of culture? 
1. Learned 
2. Gives a range of acceptable behaviors 
3. subject to change 
4. Can't remain in isolation 
preconceived judgement, or opinion, or an adverse opinion or leaning formed without 
just grounds or before sufficient knowledge:it can be favorable or unfavorable and 
shows a lack of tolerance. 
results from careful consideration and study and from a full understanding of a given 
California Optometry Law Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
A OD cannot perform corneal scraping - ANSWER False 
An OD can perform venipuncture - ANSWER True 
Expression of sebbaceous cysts in permitted - ANSWER True
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
A OD cannot perform corneal scraping - ANSWER False 
An OD can perform venipuncture - ANSWER True 
Expression of sebbaceous cysts in permitted - ANSWER True
California Law Exam Optometry Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Any person holding a license shall notify the issuing board of any changes in mailing address 
within ____ days after change - ANSWER 30 days 
It is prohibited to dispense, prescribe of sell eyeglasses not made of shatter-resistant lenses or 
non-flammable frames to _______ - ANSWER 1. one eyed person 
2. law enforcement officer 
3. fireman 
4. person < 18 years old 
*note: a practitioner, unless informed by person obtaining the eyeglasses or has personal 
knowledge of age or occupation, is n...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Any person holding a license shall notify the issuing board of any changes in mailing address 
within ____ days after change - ANSWER 30 days 
It is prohibited to dispense, prescribe of sell eyeglasses not made of shatter-resistant lenses or 
non-flammable frames to _______ - ANSWER 1. one eyed person 
2. law enforcement officer 
3. fireman 
4. person < 18 years old 
*note: a practitioner, unless informed by person obtaining the eyeglasses or has personal 
knowledge of age or occupation, is n...
Primary Care: Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing - An Interprofessional Approach 5th edition Test Bank ( Dunphy 2019) Chapter 1-79||All Chapters Complete||A+ Solution Guide
Just started using this test bank. I wished I had it earlier for exams. Loving it!
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Fire Instructor 1 Final Exam (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS )(2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Not really accurate
A&P 2 Final Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)
Portage Learning Anatomy Physiology II: Lab 8 Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)