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BIO 291 - Chapter 4 Study Guide
Review of Chapter 4: The Tissue Level of Organization
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
Review of Chapter 4: The Tissue Level of Organization

BIO 291 - Chapter 3 Study Guide
Review of Chapter 3: The Cellular Level of Organization
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Review of Chapter 3: The Cellular Level of Organization

EDM 250 - Exam 3 Study Guide
Review for Exam 3, covering topics such as: hazards, intensity scales, media, emergency management cycles, alert and warning messages, floodplains, GIS and emergency management tools, types of terrorism, and international disaster relief.
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
Review for Exam 3, covering topics such as: hazards, intensity scales, media, emergency management cycles, alert and warning messages, floodplains, GIS and emergency management tools, types of terrorism, and international disaster relief.

EDM 250 - Final Exam Study Guide
Review of materials from Exams 1-3
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
Review of materials from Exams 1-3

EDM 250 - Exam 2 Study Guide
Review for Exam 2, covering topics such as: mitigation, preparedness, response, and incident command system.
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Review for Exam 2, covering topics such as: mitigation, preparedness, response, and incident command system.

Chapter 17 Definitions
Summary of Chapter 17: The Persuasive Speech, covering topics such as: types of persuasive speech, know your audience, topic research, speech organization, support material, what is persuasive speaking, organizing and supporting persuasive speeches, appealing to your audience needs and emotions, and guidelines for persuasive speech.
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Summary of Chapter 17: The Persuasive Speech, covering topics such as: types of persuasive speech, know your audience, topic research, speech organization, support material, what is persuasive speaking, organizing and supporting persuasive speeches, appealing to your audience needs and emotions, and guidelines for persuasive speech.

Chapter 14, 16 Definitions
Summary of Chapter 14: Organizing and Outlining and Chapter 16: Informative Speaking, covering topics such as: developing your speech thesis, identifying and supporting your main points, organizing your speech, introducing and concluding your speech, putting it all out on speech outlines, what is informative speaking, types of informative speaking, and guidelines for informative speaking.
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
Summary of Chapter 14: Organizing and Outlining and Chapter 16: Informative Speaking, covering topics such as: developing your speech thesis, identifying and supporting your main points, organizing your speech, introducing and concluding your speech, putting it all out on speech outlines, what is informative speaking, types of informative speaking, and guidelines for informative speaking.

Chapter 11, 13 Definitions
Summary of Chapter 11: Small Groups and Chapter 13: Public Speaking, covering topics such as: development of small groups, balancing group roles, building cohesiveness, establishing positive norms, sharing responsibility, managing physical space, communication triage, improving communication in virtual small groups, preparing your speech, identifying your general purpose, considering speech topics, understanding your audience, identifying your information needs, documenting your research finding...
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Summary of Chapter 11: Small Groups and Chapter 13: Public Speaking, covering topics such as: development of small groups, balancing group roles, building cohesiveness, establishing positive norms, sharing responsibility, managing physical space, communication triage, improving communication in virtual small groups, preparing your speech, identifying your general purpose, considering speech topics, understanding your audience, identifying your information needs, documenting your research finding...

Chapter 10,12 Definitions
Summary of Chapter 10: Managing Conflict and Chapter 12: Leadership, covering topics such as: defining conflict, selecting an approach to conflict, conflict endings barriers to constructive conflict, perspectives on leadership, leading with communication, leading problem solving, decision making, and meetings.
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
Summary of Chapter 10: Managing Conflict and Chapter 12: Leadership, covering topics such as: defining conflict, selecting an approach to conflict, conflict endings barriers to constructive conflict, perspectives on leadership, leading with communication, leading problem solving, decision making, and meetings.

BIO 292 - Chapter 18 Study Guide
Review of Chapter 18: Endocrine System
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
Review of Chapter 18: Endocrine System