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Western Civ JCJC|100 Final Exam Review End Of Sem Exam Practice Questions With Answers
The Peasants' War of - ️️was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's divine order. 
The Pole Star as a navigational device was useless - ️️south of the equator 
The primarily motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was - ️️economic, the desire for precious metals and new areas for trade 
The Edict Nantes was all of the following EXCEPT it - ️️expelled the Huguenots from France 
The Edict of Worms - ️️made Lut...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
The Peasants' War of - ️️was strongly opposed by Luther who saw it as a social revolution from below against God's divine order. 
The Pole Star as a navigational device was useless - ️️south of the equator 
The primarily motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was - ️️economic, the desire for precious metals and new areas for trade 
The Edict Nantes was all of the following EXCEPT it - ️️expelled the Huguenots from France 
The Edict of Worms - ️️made Lut...
Answers to Your 70 Most Common Questions American History 2 JCJC Online Final Chapter 22-28|70
What happened shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963? - ️️a Kennedy-supported military coup against Ngo Dinh Diem 
One of HUAC's major targets was the film industry, most likely because - ️️the movies had broad power to influence American views. 
One reason why search-and-destroy missions against the Vietcong were so challenging was because - ️️it was hard to differentiate between the Vietcong and civilians. 
President Truman put pressure on the Sovie...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
What happened shortly before the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November 1963? - ️️a Kennedy-supported military coup against Ngo Dinh Diem 
One of HUAC's major targets was the film industry, most likely because - ️️the movies had broad power to influence American views. 
One reason why search-and-destroy missions against the Vietcong were so challenging was because - ️️it was hard to differentiate between the Vietcong and civilians. 
President Truman put pressure on the Sovie...
American Government Midterm JCJC 96 Quiz Questions With Answers|13 Pages
In __ Which of the following accommodations would an employer most likely need to implement to be in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act? - ️️installing a ramp and other physical accommodations for someone in a wheelchair 
Which of the following affirmative action programs would be a clear violation of the Supreme Courts decision in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke? - ️️setting aside a certain percentage of admissions slots for African American students 
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
In __ Which of the following accommodations would an employer most likely need to implement to be in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act? - ️️installing a ramp and other physical accommodations for someone in a wheelchair 
Which of the following affirmative action programs would be a clear violation of the Supreme Courts decision in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke? - ️️setting aside a certain percentage of admissions slots for African American students 
Art Appreciation Final: Chapter 11 - 19 - JCJC, Melanie Eubanks 167 Review Questions With 100% Correct Answers|24 Pages
The Pyramid of Chefren is the largest of the Pyramids at Giza. It is __________ tall. - ️️450 feet 
Short lines that end the upper and lower strokes of a letter in some fonts are _____________. - ️️serifs 
Small figurines like the Woman of Willendorf were made by _______________. - ️️nomadic people 
Some of the earliest art dates from ______________. - ️️the end of the last Ice Age 
The ____________ style is primarily an architectural style that prevailed in Western Europe from t...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 24 pages •
The Pyramid of Chefren is the largest of the Pyramids at Giza. It is __________ tall. - ️️450 feet 
Short lines that end the upper and lower strokes of a letter in some fonts are _____________. - ️️serifs 
Small figurines like the Woman of Willendorf were made by _______________. - ️️nomadic people 
Some of the earliest art dates from ______________. - ️️the end of the last Ice Age 
The ____________ style is primarily an architectural style that prevailed in Western Europe from t...
JCJC Western Civ. II Chapters 27 & 28|50 Frequently Asked Questions With Correct Answers
Jackson Pollock is a painter in what style? - ️️abstract expressionism 
Like World War I, World War II ended with ________. - ️️a German surrender 
Looking at Map 28.1, "After World War II," which of these explains Russian movements in this map? - ️️troops returning home and Soviet expansion into eastern Europe 
Structuralists argued that s________. - ️️all cultures share common structures 
The Allies ________. - ️️knew about the Holocaust as early as 1941 
The American...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 55 pages •
Jackson Pollock is a painter in what style? - ️️abstract expressionism 
Like World War I, World War II ended with ________. - ️️a German surrender 
Looking at Map 28.1, "After World War II," which of these explains Russian movements in this map? - ️️troops returning home and Soviet expansion into eastern Europe 
Structuralists argued that s________. - ️️all cultures share common structures 
The Allies ________. - ️️knew about the Holocaust as early as 1941 
The American...
JCJC Sociology 365 Final Exam Review Questions With Correct Answers|55 Pages
Which of the following perspectives is most appropriate for a research sociologist to use? - ️️both macro and microsociology, depending upon the situation 
Which of the following statements best describes how feminists view sexual harassment? - ️️ 
Which of the following statements is the best example of a hypothesis? - ️️"Unemployed men are more likely to commit spousal abuse than employed men." 
Which of the following topics would most likely be approached based on a macrosoc...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 55 pages •
Which of the following perspectives is most appropriate for a research sociologist to use? - ️️both macro and microsociology, depending upon the situation 
Which of the following statements best describes how feminists view sexual harassment? - ️️ 
Which of the following statements is the best example of a hypothesis? - ️️"Unemployed men are more likely to commit spousal abuse than employed men." 
Which of the following topics would most likely be approached based on a macrosoc...
American History 2|163 Final JCJC Q&A: Everything You Need to Know
The Watergate scandal involved a break-in of the - ️️Democratic National Committee headquarters. 
The winner of the 1968 presidential election was - ️️Richard Nixon 
Troubling aspects of the Watergate scandal included all of the following EXCEPT for - ️️the indifference of the American public to the situation. 
Under the leadership of Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court issued important rulings on all of following EXCEPT - ️️same-sex marriage. 
Which of the following BES...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 20 pages •
The Watergate scandal involved a break-in of the - ️️Democratic National Committee headquarters. 
The winner of the 1968 presidential election was - ️️Richard Nixon 
Troubling aspects of the Watergate scandal included all of the following EXCEPT for - ️️the indifference of the American public to the situation. 
Under the leadership of Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court issued important rulings on all of following EXCEPT - ️️same-sex marriage. 
Which of the following BES...
109 Questions and Answers on robertson chemistry jcjc
1.	Give the ground state electron configuration for Sr. - ️️[Kr]5s2 
2.	Give the ground state electron configurations for Se - ️️[Ar]4s23d104p4 
3.	Give the number of core elections for Cd. - ️️46 
4.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'd' orbital. - ️️-2,-1,0,1,2 
5.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'f' orbital. - ️️-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 
6.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'p' orbital. - ️️-1,0,1 
7.	How many atoms are in 15.6 grams of...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
1.	Give the ground state electron configuration for Sr. - ️️[Kr]5s2 
2.	Give the ground state electron configurations for Se - ️️[Ar]4s23d104p4 
3.	Give the number of core elections for Cd. - ️️46 
4.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'd' orbital. - ️️-2,-1,0,1,2 
5.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'f' orbital. - ️️-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 
6.	Give the possible values for (ml) for an 'p' orbital. - ️️-1,0,1 
7.	How many atoms are in 15.6 grams of...
JCJC Western Civ I Midterm|85 Questions With Correct Answers
The ___________ _________ saw the emergence of human food production. - ️️Neolithic Age 
The _____________ ______________ gave Roman citizenship to nearly all free men and women in the empire. - ️️Antonine Decree 
The _____________ invaded Mesopotamia and caused the collapse of Ur. - ️️Amorites 
The ______________ were a group of elite families in the Roman Republic. - ️️patricians 
The ________________ War destroyed the Athenian Empire. - ️️Peloponnesian 
The _______________...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
The ___________ _________ saw the emergence of human food production. - ️️Neolithic Age 
The _____________ ______________ gave Roman citizenship to nearly all free men and women in the empire. - ️️Antonine Decree 
The _____________ invaded Mesopotamia and caused the collapse of Ur. - ️️Amorites 
The ______________ were a group of elite families in the Roman Republic. - ️️patricians 
The ________________ War destroyed the Athenian Empire. - ️️Peloponnesian 
The _______________...
Western Civ JCJC 100 Final Exam Review Questions With Answers
Which empire was described as "an old, crazy, first-rate man of war" but because of incompetent leadership was destined to be "dashed to pieces on the shore"? - ️️the Chinese Empire 
Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement? - ️️predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God 
Which of the following statements best applies to the economy of sixteenth-and seventeenth century Europe? - ️️The joint stock company enable...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Which empire was described as "an old, crazy, first-rate man of war" but because of incompetent leadership was destined to be "dashed to pieces on the shore"? - ️️the Chinese Empire 
Which of the following are among the chief characteristics of John Calvin's reform movement? - ️️predestination and the absolute sovereignty of God 
Which of the following statements best applies to the economy of sixteenth-and seventeenth century Europe? - ️️The joint stock company enable...
Science 101 Final Exam 263 Review | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified
SCI 101 Exam 1|145 Exam Questions and Answers |Download To Score A+|2024
SCI 101|225 FINAL Review | Questions And Answers|100% Correct
SCI 101 Physcial Science 72 |Review | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update
PSY 121 Exam 3|198 Review Questions Which Have Been Correctly Answered