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The era of republican party dominance is also known as what? - ️️The progressive era 
Which is one result of party polarization? - ️️Congress may fail to pass legislation because parties are competing with each other. 
Which issues led to conflict within the democratic party during the 1968 election cycle? - ️️The vietnam war and civil rights. 
Which of the following explains the reasons for the two party system in the United states? - ️️Duverger's Law. 
Which of the following...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
The era of republican party dominance is also known as what? - ️️The progressive era 
Which is one result of party polarization? - ️️Congress may fail to pass legislation because parties are competing with each other. 
Which issues led to conflict within the democratic party during the 1968 election cycle? - ️️The vietnam war and civil rights. 
Which of the following explains the reasons for the two party system in the United states? - ️️Duverger's Law. 
Which of the following...
PSCI 2305-208 Exam 1 Comprehensive Review Questions With Answers|2025|65 Pages
Supporting the actions of the Democratic Party simply because one identifies oneself as a member of that party is an example of ________. 
A. Partisanship 
B. Ideology 
C. Latent preference 
D. Social capital - ️️A. Partisanship 
supremacy clause - ️️the statement in Article VI of the Constitution that federal law is superior to laws passed by state legislatures 
Which statement is most accurate about the sources of revenue for local and state governments? 
A. Taxes generate well ove...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 67 pages •
Supporting the actions of the Democratic Party simply because one identifies oneself as a member of that party is an example of ________. 
A. Partisanship 
B. Ideology 
C. Latent preference 
D. Social capital - ️️A. Partisanship 
supremacy clause - ️️the statement in Article VI of the Constitution that federal law is superior to laws passed by state legislatures 
Which statement is most accurate about the sources of revenue for local and state governments? 
A. Taxes generate well ove...
PSCI 2305|41 Questions With Answers|2025
According to Freedom in America ch.21. newspapers in America have always attempted to be objective and "fair and balanced" in their coverage and presentation of the news until the 21st century. - ️️False 
According to Freedom in America ch.7. what most impressed Tocqueville during his visit to America was its? - ️️Individualism 
True or False? In Freedom in America ch.8. the power of reciprocity requires forced labor from at least some part of society? - ️️False 
True or False?...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
According to Freedom in America ch.21. newspapers in America have always attempted to be objective and "fair and balanced" in their coverage and presentation of the news until the 21st century. - ️️False 
According to Freedom in America ch.7. what most impressed Tocqueville during his visit to America was its? - ️️Individualism 
True or False? In Freedom in America ch.8. the power of reciprocity requires forced labor from at least some part of society? - ️️False 
True or False?...
psci 2305|121 exam 1 (1-5) Review Questions With Answers|2025
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 69 pages •
PSCI 2305 -94 Exam 2 Q&A: Everything You Need to Know With Answers
Which of these is the best example of an episodic frame in news coverage? - ️️A crime story that focuses on the prime suspect and their criminal record 
An uninformed public makes it difficult to evaluate polling results. - T/F - ️️TRUE 
According to Figure 2, Americans age 18-29 are least likely to get political and election news from which type of source? - ️️- Network tv 
According to Figure 2, Americans age 18-29 are most likely to get political and election news from which type ...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 19 pages •
Which of these is the best example of an episodic frame in news coverage? - ️️A crime story that focuses on the prime suspect and their criminal record 
An uninformed public makes it difficult to evaluate polling results. - T/F - ️️TRUE 
According to Figure 2, Americans age 18-29 are least likely to get political and election news from which type of source? - ️️- Network tv 
According to Figure 2, Americans age 18-29 are most likely to get political and election news from which type ...
PSCI 2305 -75 Midterm Exam Questions Correctly Answered
Conservatives - ️️Those who are willing to use government to promote order but not equality (as much) 
Cooperative Federalism - ️️Marble cake 
Democratization - ️️A process of transition where one country moves from one form of the government to a democratic one. 
Dual Federalism - ️️Layer-Cake 
Executive Branch - ️️Executes of enforces laws 
False - ️️Communitarians favor freedom more than equality, and equality more than order. 
False - ️️Conservatives favor equalit...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
Conservatives - ️️Those who are willing to use government to promote order but not equality (as much) 
Cooperative Federalism - ️️Marble cake 
Democratization - ️️A process of transition where one country moves from one form of the government to a democratic one. 
Dual Federalism - ️️Layer-Cake 
Executive Branch - ️️Executes of enforces laws 
False - ️️Communitarians favor freedom more than equality, and equality more than order. 
False - ️️Conservatives favor equalit...
PSCI 2305 Frequently Asked Questions With Well And Correct Answers
1.	The Electoral College was established in which of the following? - ️️Article II, section 1 of the Constitution 
2.	The Founders designed the electoral process to do which of the following? - ️️ensure that the government has political legitimacy 
3.	A party-centered strategy would be more useful in which of the following? - ️️the general election 
4.	According to the text, what is the main qualification party members consider when nominating congressional candidates? - ️️ideolo...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
1.	The Electoral College was established in which of the following? - ️️Article II, section 1 of the Constitution 
2.	The Founders designed the electoral process to do which of the following? - ️️ensure that the government has political legitimacy 
3.	A party-centered strategy would be more useful in which of the following? - ️️the general election 
4.	According to the text, what is the main qualification party members consider when nominating congressional candidates? - ️️ideolo...
PSCI 2305 - Chapter 6 - The Media|61 Questions With Answers
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
What are the possible factors that encourage/discourage political participation? Which group of people are the most active in participating, which group are the least likely? - ️️- interest in politics 
- efficacy 
- sense of civic duty 
- group consciousness 
- party identification 
- commitment to issues 
 Has the public's trust in government changed? Describe. - ️️The government has increasingly lost trust in the government because of past actions from politicians and how the media...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
What are the possible factors that encourage/discourage political participation? Which group of people are the most active in participating, which group are the least likely? - ️️- interest in politics 
- efficacy 
- sense of civic duty 
- group consciousness 
- party identification 
- commitment to issues 
 Has the public's trust in government changed? Describe. - ️️The government has increasingly lost trust in the government because of past actions from politicians and how the media...
UNT PSCI 2305 Chapter 12|37 Review Questions With Correct Solutions
Campaign financing for federal elections is currently regulated by which of the following? 
A. Citizens United 
B. the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 
C. the First Amendment 
D. McConnell v. Federal Election Commission - ️️B. the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 
Which of the following represented the largest source of funding for the Obama campaign in 2008? 
A. PACs 
B. individual donations 
C. self-financing 
D. federal financing - ️️B. individual donations 
Which of the following re...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
Campaign financing for federal elections is currently regulated by which of the following? 
A. Citizens United 
B. the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 
C. the First Amendment 
D. McConnell v. Federal Election Commission - ️️B. the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act 
Which of the following represented the largest source of funding for the Obama campaign in 2008? 
A. PACs 
B. individual donations 
C. self-financing 
D. federal financing - ️️B. individual donations 
Which of the following re...
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SCI 101|225 FINAL Review | Questions And Answers|100% Correct
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