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311 items
Cells that are alive, have thickened cell walls, and support the plant body are 
A) parenchyma cells. 
B) sclerenchyma cells. 
C) tracheids. 
D) collenchyma cells. 
E) vessel elements. d 
Conifers do not have flowers to attract pollinators. Instead, fertilization occurs 
A) via wind pollination. 
B) as the sperm and egg unite inside the woody cone. 
C) when the endosperm takes the place of the male gametes. 
D) when insects coated with pollen are trapped in the sticky resin. 
E) when birds trans...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 19 pages •
Cells that are alive, have thickened cell walls, and support the plant body are 
A) parenchyma cells. 
B) sclerenchyma cells. 
C) tracheids. 
D) collenchyma cells. 
E) vessel elements. d 
Conifers do not have flowers to attract pollinators. Instead, fertilization occurs 
A) via wind pollination. 
B) as the sperm and egg unite inside the woody cone. 
C) when the endosperm takes the place of the male gametes. 
D) when insects coated with pollen are trapped in the sticky resin. 
E) when birds trans...
ATI Maternal Newborn Assessment A
A nurse is performing a physical assessment of a newborn. which of the following clinical findings should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply) 
a. Heart rate 154/min 
b. Axillary temperature 36 C (96.8 F) 
c. Respiratory rate 58/min 
d. Length 43 cm (16.9 in) 
e. Weight 2.6 kg (5 lb 12 oz) a. Heart rate 154/min 
c. Respiratory rate 58/min 
e. Weight 2.6 kg (5 lb 12 oz) 
a. The expected reference range for a newborn's heart rate is from 110/min to 160/min while awake. 
c. The expected refer...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 67 pages •
A nurse is performing a physical assessment of a newborn. which of the following clinical findings should the nurse expect? (Select all that apply) 
a. Heart rate 154/min 
b. Axillary temperature 36 C (96.8 F) 
c. Respiratory rate 58/min 
d. Length 43 cm (16.9 in) 
e. Weight 2.6 kg (5 lb 12 oz) a. Heart rate 154/min 
c. Respiratory rate 58/min 
e. Weight 2.6 kg (5 lb 12 oz) 
a. The expected reference range for a newborn's heart rate is from 110/min to 160/min while awake. 
c. The expected refer...
ATI Maternal newborn 29latest 2023
"This will resolve on its own within 3 to 4 days." A caput succedaneum is present at birth and extends across suture lines. It is edema of the scalp and will resolve in 3 to 4 days. "The provider might drain this area with a syringe." The provider will not aspirate the fluid due to the risk of infection when puncturing the skin. "This is expected at birth so you don't need to worry about it."
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 34 pages •
"This will resolve on its own within 3 to 4 days." A caput succedaneum is present at birth and extends across suture lines. It is edema of the scalp and will resolve in 3 to 4 days. "The provider might drain this area with a syringe." The provider will not aspirate the fluid due to the risk of infection when puncturing the skin. "This is expected at birth so you don't need to worry about it."
Name the defense mechanism: 
Dad loses his job so he goes home and destroys his son's toy. - 
65. Name the defense mechanism: 
A married woman who is attracted to another man accuses husband 
of cheating. - Projection 
66. What actions can the nurse take to reduce the risk of IICP? - 
elevate HOB 30 degrees, avoid extreme flexion of head, give 
O2 as indicated, c-spine, provide adequate fluids, ventilation; 
give stool softener to avoid valsalva maneuver; avoid moving 
neck and pl...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
Name the defense mechanism: 
Dad loses his job so he goes home and destroys his son's toy. - 
65. Name the defense mechanism: 
A married woman who is attracted to another man accuses husband 
of cheating. - Projection 
66. What actions can the nurse take to reduce the risk of IICP? - 
elevate HOB 30 degrees, avoid extreme flexion of head, give 
O2 as indicated, c-spine, provide adequate fluids, ventilation; 
give stool softener to avoid valsalva maneuver; avoid moving 
neck and pl...
The first leaves produced by an embryo while still inside the seed are 
A) cotyledons. 
B) endosperms. 
C) embryo sacs. 
D) coleoptiles. 
E) epicotyls. A 
The umbilical cord of a mammal connects the 
A) fetus and the placenta. 
B) amnion and the chorion. 
C) yolk sac and the allantois. 
D) embryo and the amnion. a
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 19 pages •
The first leaves produced by an embryo while still inside the seed are 
A) cotyledons. 
B) endosperms. 
C) embryo sacs. 
D) coleoptiles. 
E) epicotyls. A 
The umbilical cord of a mammal connects the 
A) fetus and the placenta. 
B) amnion and the chorion. 
C) yolk sac and the allantois. 
D) embryo and the amnion. a
Pharmacy Naplex 2023 latest examination
Drugs that should be protected from light during administration - "*Deliver Every Needed Medication* with a light protective cover" 
*D*oxycycline *E*poprostenol (Flolan) *N*itroprusside (Nitropress) *M*icafungin (Mycamine)
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
Drugs that should be protected from light during administration - "*Deliver Every Needed Medication* with a light protective cover" 
*D*oxycycline *E*poprostenol (Flolan) *N*itroprusside (Nitropress) *M*icafungin (Mycamine)
Pharmacy satellite A branch of the main pharmacy that services a specific area of the hospital i.e. Children's, chemotherapeutic, etc...

Central pharmacy The main pharmacy in the hospital; its the place where medications are store, and prepared for the whole hospital
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
- Pharmacy technician • Summary
- Pharmacy technician Final Review • Summary
Pharmacy satellite A branch of the main pharmacy that services a specific area of the hospital i.e. Children's, chemotherapeutic, etc...

Central pharmacy The main pharmacy in the hospital; its the place where medications are store, and prepared for the whole hospital
Addiction Counselor Practice Test Book
*58.* What is the usual recommended minimum duration of days for the intensive outpatient treatment (IOT) phase? a. Thirty days b. Sixty days c. Ninety days d. One hundred twenty days - *58. C: Ninety days*
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 65 pages •
*58.* What is the usual recommended minimum duration of days for the intensive outpatient treatment (IOT) phase? a. Thirty days b. Sixty days c. Ninety days d. One hundred twenty days - *58. C: Ninety days*
Emergency Medicine
Tachycardia with pulses [stable] 
Narrow QRS (<0.12s) with regular rhythm 1. Attempt vagal maneuers and give adenosine 
- If convert : reentry SVT -> observe for recrurence and tx recurrence with adenosine / longer 
acting AV nodal blocking agetns 
- If does not convert : atrial flutter, ectopic atrial tachycardia, junctional tachcyardia -> control 
rate , tx underlying cause
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Tachycardia with pulses [stable] 
Narrow QRS (<0.12s) with regular rhythm 1. Attempt vagal maneuers and give adenosine 
- If convert : reentry SVT -> observe for recrurence and tx recurrence with adenosine / longer 
acting AV nodal blocking agetns 
- If does not convert : atrial flutter, ectopic atrial tachycardia, junctional tachcyardia -> control 
rate , tx underlying cause
COMT Flashcards Ophthalmology Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist
What are the two principal characteristics of images produced by a plus lens?,1) magnified; and 2) inverted 
What area of the retina is impotant to photograph if a patient is suspected of having CSR?,Macula 
What at the eight pieces of information that are needed for the history of present illness?,Location, quality, severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs and symptoms 
What camera is used to photograph the corneal endothelium?,Specular microscope 
What c...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 33 pages •
What are the two principal characteristics of images produced by a plus lens?,1) magnified; and 2) inverted 
What area of the retina is impotant to photograph if a patient is suspected of having CSR?,Macula 
What at the eight pieces of information that are needed for the history of present illness?,Location, quality, severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs and symptoms 
What camera is used to photograph the corneal endothelium?,Specular microscope 
What c...