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DCF Certification Test 2024- Health, Safety & Nutrition with 100% Solved Solutions
The three A's of a healthy child are: - Appetite (eat a substantial amount of food, 
consume a variety of food, interested in eating, appears content after eating) 
& Appearance (clear bright eyes, clear skin, well-developed muscles, gains steadily in 
height and body weight) 
& Activity (has plenty of energy, is alert, sleeps soundly, few aches and pains) 
Good way of preventing, identifying, and controlling illness in a child care environment 
. - Daily Health Checks (includes behavior, face ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
The three A's of a healthy child are: - Appetite (eat a substantial amount of food, 
consume a variety of food, interested in eating, appears content after eating) 
& Appearance (clear bright eyes, clear skin, well-developed muscles, gains steadily in 
height and body weight) 
& Activity (has plenty of energy, is alert, sleeps soundly, few aches and pains) 
Good way of preventing, identifying, and controlling illness in a child care environment 
. - Daily Health Checks (includes behavior, face ...
DCF 40 Hours Child Care (HSAN) Health, Safety, and Nutrition Latest Guide with Correct Questions and Answers
Appetite - A desire to eat. 
Isolation Area - A designated area for a child who becomes ill at the facility, which 
must be away from the other, healthy children. 
Safety Hazards - Things in the environment that can be identified as dangerous to 
one's health and welfare. 
Communicable Disease - Disease that can be spread from one person to another. 
Disinfect - To kill germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals. This process 
does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove all germs, ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 19 pages •
Appetite - A desire to eat. 
Isolation Area - A designated area for a child who becomes ill at the facility, which 
must be away from the other, healthy children. 
Safety Hazards - Things in the environment that can be identified as dangerous to 
one's health and welfare. 
Communicable Disease - Disease that can be spread from one person to another. 
Disinfect - To kill germs on surfaces or objects by using chemicals. This process 
does not necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove all germs, ...
CNRN Exam 2024 Questions and their Correct Solutions
specific condition of small vessels that can lead to lacunar strokes - lipohyalinosis 
what is the greatest risk factor for lacunar strokes - hypertension 
tiny areas of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of small penetrating arteries - 
lacunar strokes 
what percentage of ischemic strokes do lacunar strokes account for - 25% 
what are the 5 classic syndromes of lacunar strokes - pure motor hemiparesis, 
ataxic hemiparesis, dysarthria/clumsy hand syndrome, pure sensory stroke, and mixed 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
specific condition of small vessels that can lead to lacunar strokes - lipohyalinosis 
what is the greatest risk factor for lacunar strokes - hypertension 
tiny areas of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of small penetrating arteries - 
lacunar strokes 
what percentage of ischemic strokes do lacunar strokes account for - 25% 
what are the 5 classic syndromes of lacunar strokes - pure motor hemiparesis, 
ataxic hemiparesis, dysarthria/clumsy hand syndrome, pure sensory stroke, and mixed 
CASPer Test Prep 2024/2025 with Complete solutions
What are the steps I should follow before answering a question? - BEFORE 
- Read the question twice. 
- Gather the facts. 
- Remain purely objective. Your response should be non-judgemental, nonconfrontational, and you should not jump to conclusions. "First, I will remain objective, 
non-judgemental, non-confrontational, and not jump to any conclusions." 
- If applicable, mention holding a private conversation with the individual to gather all 
facts. This should be done in a non-acc...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
What are the steps I should follow before answering a question? - BEFORE 
- Read the question twice. 
- Gather the facts. 
- Remain purely objective. Your response should be non-judgemental, nonconfrontational, and you should not jump to conclusions. "First, I will remain objective, 
non-judgemental, non-confrontational, and not jump to any conclusions." 
- If applicable, mention holding a private conversation with the individual to gather all 
facts. This should be done in a non-acc...
Answers Navy Aviation Machinist Mate A School Week 1 Quiz 2024 with 100% Correct Solutions
Matter - Anything that takes up space. Can change from one state to another. Made 
up of Elements or Compounds. 
states of matter - solid, liquid, gas 
Solid - state of matter with a definite shape and volume 
liquid - A state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape. 
Gas - A state of matter with no definite shape or volume 
Volume - the amount of space an object occupies 
Mass - the amount of matter in an object 
Weight - A measure of the force of gravity acting on an object ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
Matter - Anything that takes up space. Can change from one state to another. Made 
up of Elements or Compounds. 
states of matter - solid, liquid, gas 
Solid - state of matter with a definite shape and volume 
liquid - A state of matter that has a definite volume but no definite shape. 
Gas - A state of matter with no definite shape or volume 
Volume - the amount of space an object occupies 
Mass - the amount of matter in an object 
Weight - A measure of the force of gravity acting on an object ...
Alberta College of Paramedics Exam Questions with their Solutions Graded A+
What are the 6 rights or medication administration? - Right patient 
Right dose 
Right route 
Right medication 
Right time 
Right documentation 
How long does oral administration take to absorb? - 30 to 90 minutes 
How long does an inter muscular injection take to absorb? - 10 to 20 minutes 
Which medication, within an EMRs scope of practice, is an adrenergic agonist? - 
What is the parenteral route of administration? - All routes that are not oral; IV, 
subcutaneous, IM 
What are k...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
What are the 6 rights or medication administration? - Right patient 
Right dose 
Right route 
Right medication 
Right time 
Right documentation 
How long does oral administration take to absorb? - 30 to 90 minutes 
How long does an inter muscular injection take to absorb? - 10 to 20 minutes 
Which medication, within an EMRs scope of practice, is an adrenergic agonist? - 
What is the parenteral route of administration? - All routes that are not oral; IV, 
subcutaneous, IM 
What are k...
Sports Medicine HOSA Study Guide 2024 With Correct Answers
Adult pulse - 60-80 beats/minute 
Child - 80-100 beats/minute 
Rapid and weak pulse indicates - Shock, bleeding, diabetic coma, 
and/or heat exhaustion 
Rapid but stein pulse indicates - Heat stroke and/or severe fright 
Strong bit slow pulse indicates - Skull fracture and/or stroke 
No pulse indicates - Cardiac arrest and/or death 
2 most convenient sites for taking the pulse - Neck (carotid artery) 
And the wrist (radial artery) is 
2 most convenient sites for taking the pulse - Neck (carotid ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Adult pulse - 60-80 beats/minute 
Child - 80-100 beats/minute 
Rapid and weak pulse indicates - Shock, bleeding, diabetic coma, 
and/or heat exhaustion 
Rapid but stein pulse indicates - Heat stroke and/or severe fright 
Strong bit slow pulse indicates - Skull fracture and/or stroke 
No pulse indicates - Cardiac arrest and/or death 
2 most convenient sites for taking the pulse - Neck (carotid artery) 
And the wrist (radial artery) is 
2 most convenient sites for taking the pulse - Neck (carotid ...
PERS 1101 - Final Exam Concepts 2024 Correctly Solved Questions and Answers
From the food guide pyramid, how many categories are there of food? What are they? - 
Four; veggies, fruits, whole grains, and proteins 
Though fruit is acceptable within a normal diet, ___ fats are never okay. ___ and ___ 
fats are preferred: - Trans; mono and saturated 
From Ashley Gearhardt's video, what were the three ways that our society views food? 
Include biological, clinical, and sociological evidence: - - 
Substance dependence has a ___ impact on our lives: - Negative 
What's substa...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
From the food guide pyramid, how many categories are there of food? What are they? - 
Four; veggies, fruits, whole grains, and proteins 
Though fruit is acceptable within a normal diet, ___ fats are never okay. ___ and ___ 
fats are preferred: - Trans; mono and saturated 
From Ashley Gearhardt's video, what were the three ways that our society views food? 
Include biological, clinical, and sociological evidence: - - 
Substance dependence has a ___ impact on our lives: - Negative 
What's substa...
MEDICATION AIDE TEST/315 100% Solved Graded A+
Which does for is not a liquid? 
a. emulsions 
b. elixirs 
c. troches 
d. syrups - Troches 
To apply ear drops to a person 3 years of age or older, you: 
a. instill the drops without pulling the ear 
b. pull the ear down and back 
c. pull the ear upward and back 
d. pull the ear down and foward - pull the ear upward and back 
A watery preparation containing suspended particles is: 
a. lotion 
b. cream 
c. ointment 
d. powder - lotion 
A drug interaction occurs when: 
a. person cannot control the...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 64 pages •
Which does for is not a liquid? 
a. emulsions 
b. elixirs 
c. troches 
d. syrups - Troches 
To apply ear drops to a person 3 years of age or older, you: 
a. instill the drops without pulling the ear 
b. pull the ear down and back 
c. pull the ear upward and back 
d. pull the ear down and foward - pull the ear upward and back 
A watery preparation containing suspended particles is: 
a. lotion 
b. cream 
c. ointment 
d. powder - lotion 
A drug interaction occurs when: 
a. person cannot control the...
Hospitality & Tourism Study Guide (math) 100% Solved Questions and Solutions
You interview 913 persons and only 5 prefer Cajun food. What percentage prefer Cajun 
food? - 0.5% 
When the national economy goes from bad to better, market research shows changes 
in the sales at various types of restaurants. Projected 2011 sales at quick-service 
restaurants are $164.8 billion, which was 3% better than in 2010. Projected 2011 sales 
at full-service restaurants are $184.2 billion, which was 1.2% better than in 2010. How 
will the dollar growth in quick-service restaurants sale...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
You interview 913 persons and only 5 prefer Cajun food. What percentage prefer Cajun 
food? - 0.5% 
When the national economy goes from bad to better, market research shows changes 
in the sales at various types of restaurants. Projected 2011 sales at quick-service 
restaurants are $164.8 billion, which was 3% better than in 2010. Projected 2011 sales 
at full-service restaurants are $184.2 billion, which was 1.2% better than in 2010. How 
will the dollar growth in quick-service restaurants sale...