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The History of Murder
A digital notebook, including law and order, history of violence, Murder Justice and Harmony, gender and work, colonial Boston, John Adams Under Fire, serial killers, The Man from the Train, and an essay outline.
- Class notes
- • 44 pages •
A digital notebook, including law and order, history of violence, Murder Justice and Harmony, gender and work, colonial Boston, John Adams Under Fire, serial killers, The Man from the Train, and an essay outline.
Introduction to Sociology
A digital notebook including the sociological imagination, origins of sociology, the sociological imagination, theoretical perspective, positivist sociology, methods of research, modern society, culture, socialization, mass media, social stratification, inequality, social class, poverty, race and ethnicity, intergroup relationships, racism, gender, the economy, corporations, power and authority, political states, theories of power, and social movements.
- Class notes
- • 49 pages •
A digital notebook including the sociological imagination, origins of sociology, the sociological imagination, theoretical perspective, positivist sociology, methods of research, modern society, culture, socialization, mass media, social stratification, inequality, social class, poverty, race and ethnicity, intergroup relationships, racism, gender, the economy, corporations, power and authority, political states, theories of power, and social movements.
Introduction to Psychology
A digital notebook, including definitions, examples, diagrams, and articles from the book
- Book
- Class notes
- • 77 pages •
A digital notebook, including definitions, examples, diagrams, and articles from the book
Early Western Literature Tradition
Complete digital notebook including Sappho poems, analyzing literature, model of the hero's journey, Sir Gawain, Beowulf, Virgil's Aeneid, The Tragic Queen of Carthage, origin stories, communities, Hebrew Bible: Genesis 1-4, From Metamorphoses, essay outlines, The Iliad, The Canterbury Tales, Don Quixote, Creating the Self, the Pain of Self Discovery, the Odyssey, Dante's Inferno, Antigone, Paradise Lost, Hamlet, confessions, Everyman and the Golden Ass.
- Class notes
- • 62 pages •
Complete digital notebook including Sappho poems, analyzing literature, model of the hero's journey, Sir Gawain, Beowulf, Virgil's Aeneid, The Tragic Queen of Carthage, origin stories, communities, Hebrew Bible: Genesis 1-4, From Metamorphoses, essay outlines, The Iliad, The Canterbury Tales, Don Quixote, Creating the Self, the Pain of Self Discovery, the Odyssey, Dante's Inferno, Antigone, Paradise Lost, Hamlet, confessions, Everyman and the Golden Ass.
Criminal Justice 101 Notes
Criminal Justice 101 digital notebook. It includes the criminal justice system, foundations of law, morality, legal philosophy, ethics, deviance, social control, criminal behavior, the criminal mind, concepts of justice, criminal punishment, procedural justice, law enforcement, types of offenses and defenses, and the court system. Articles read throughout the class are also included with annotations
- Class notes
- • 57 pages •
Criminal Justice 101 digital notebook. It includes the criminal justice system, foundations of law, morality, legal philosophy, ethics, deviance, social control, criminal behavior, the criminal mind, concepts of justice, criminal punishment, procedural justice, law enforcement, types of offenses and defenses, and the court system. Articles read throughout the class are also included with annotations