Assignment 4
Semester 2
Due 26 October 2024
, Overall Instruction
Part 1: Before the Pitch (Preparation)
According to sections and of the textbook, effective preparation for a pitch
involves the following steps:
1. Define Your Core Message
• Identify the essence of your idea and what problem it solves. Write down a clear, concise
sentence that captures the value of your idea in the simplest terms.
2. Understand Your Audience
• Consider who will be listening to your pitch. Tailor your message to their needs, interests,
and potential questions. Highlight aspects of your idea that will be most relevant and
engaging to them.
3. Research and Anticipate Questions
• Think about the kinds of questions your audience may ask. Prepare answers that showcase
the strengths of your idea, focusing on areas like feasibility, market need, and potential
4. Create a Visual Outline
• Map out your pitch in a way that flows logically. Start with a hook to grab attention,
introduce the problem, present your solution, and then outline benefits, potential impact,
and implementation strategies.
5. Practice Your Delivery
• Time yourself to ensure your pitch stays within the 10-minute limit. Practice speaking
confidently, keeping your language simple, clear, and persuasive. This helps in delivering a
pitch that feels natural and engaging.