UNISA is the largest and oldest open distance learning institution in the world. UNISA is trying to provide internet access to all their students by negotiating deals with ISP’s which will complement their efforts of moving to a paperless environment. This in turn will cut textbook and other related costs; However, UNISA is experiencing great challenges in this regard as the majority of their students rely on funding from institutions, such as NSFAS, and simply cannot afford smartphones or other devices. All things considered, UNISA is still the most affordable option for the working student.
At Unisa the average student takes between 4 and 6 modules per year at a cost of between R1 000 and R2 000 per module. These modules can add up to some hefty amounts of cash.
Below are links to the study fees of Unisa 2020
Look here for the prescribed fees for the various undergraduate modules and degrees, together with the payment dates and minimum fees due by those dates. Click here to calculate your study fees.Stuvia has a wide variety of study notes, past papers and other resources available on our platform. Some are free, and some available for a small fee. If you need extra resources to help you pass look no further and join Stuvia today to see how we can help you.
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