How to buy notes on Stuvia without getting a credit card
Have you ever tried to buy notes on Stuvia, but then you don’t, because you need a credit card? You don’t have Stuvia credits because you don’t have the time to create notes to sell.
You don’t know how celbux works.
You just want to get the notes, but you’re stuck!
Don’t worry, I know how you feel.
Let me show you how to turn your Capitec Global One card into a credit card without the credit part so you can make online purchases!
What you need to do:
- Visit your nearest Capitec branch with the documents below and you’ll have your account before you can say Global One Card. a. Identification document
b. Original proof of residential address (any of the approved documents in your name with your street address) - Follow this tutorial to activate your Mastercard Securecode.
Once you have activated your Mastercard Securecode you can follow the guide on how to buy notes on Stuvia.