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You can also search for study books on Stuvia. Use your textbook as a starting point to find the best summaries, practice exams or notes.


Do you need summaries or notes during your time at UNISA? On Stuvia you'll find all kinds of documents that make studying for subjects easier.


Tabaldi Education and its founders are passionate about helping as many students obtain their accounting degrees through UNISA as possible. The platform to achieve this calling is The Tabaldi Online Classroom.

The goal – to get UNISA students to pass!

The approach – interacive videos and lecturer support

The key to success – the best lecturers and you, the rockstar student!

Studying through distance education is challenging and can be a lonely experience, Tabaldi is here to give you the support and community you need to make a success of your accounting studies!

Why Tabaldi?

The Tabaldi study aids take an interactive approach, we believe that you need to “DO” in order to learn and understand. There will be no learning by watching alone – you will need to pick up that pen and calculator and take a proactive approach when studying with us.

We have analysed the past UNISA exam papers for you in order to identify what the most important topics are. Particular emphasis will be placed on these topics. The approach taken is an interactive one so you will “learn as you do”. You will be guided through the curriculum as follows:

  • There is a lecture video that will explain the topic at hand and tell you what you need to
  • LEARN in order to be proficient in that topic.
  • Your presenter will do a step-by-step class example with you.
  • You will be given a tutorial to do. Tutorials are based on past exam questions.

Your presenter will do the tutorial answer with you. You will be given great insight into good exam technique:

  • Where the easy marks are scored;
  • Common pitfalls pointed out;
  • How and why to reference your workings.

Not convinced go watch some free videos, click here to go there now. Then visit and buy with confidence!

Don’t take our word for it, read some of the testimonials from our students and like our Facebook page before you get started.

How do I sign up to Tabaldi?

Visit and select the course and product you wish to purchase. We have included an option to purchase all the videos and content on USB memory sticks for those of you who have limited bandwidth, as well as an option to purchase the workbook already printed to reduce your printing costs, the choice is yours.

Alternatively, visit your nearest Van Schaiks Bookstore and purchase in store.

If you have any questions or would like one of The Tabaldi Team to contact you please mail us at with your contact number and email address.