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Resúmenes más vendidos de Cambridge IGCSE (R) Computer Science Revision Guide
(CAIE ) Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Revision Notes (0478) NEW
- Resumen • 21 páginas • 2021 Popular
- 6,50 €
- 2x vendido
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These are the full revision notes which cover all topics required for the Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Paper 1 Theory exam. They cover all parts required by the syllabus, chapters from 1 to 5. The syllabus code is 0478. Please try these notes and good luck with your exams! I recommend them as I got A* in my Computer Science IGCSE. If you have any doubts don't hesitate in contacting me! It would be very helpful if you give a review as feedback. Thank you!
Resúmenes más recientes de Cambridge IGCSE (R) Computer Science Revision Guide
(CAIE ) Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Revision Notes (0478) NEW
- Resumen • 21 páginas • 2021 Nuevo
- 6,50 €
- 2x vendido
- + aprende más y mejor
These are the full revision notes which cover all topics required for the Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science Paper 1 Theory exam. They cover all parts required by the syllabus, chapters from 1 to 5. The syllabus code is 0478. Please try these notes and good luck with your exams! I recommend them as I got A* in my Computer Science IGCSE. If you have any doubts don't hesitate in contacting me! It would be very helpful if you give a review as feedback. Thank you!
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