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Resúmenes más vendidos de Introduction to Financial Accounting:Pearson International Edition
Financial Accounting guide notes
- Resumen • 12 páginas • 2023 Popular
- 16,49 €
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This document contains guided notes on how to do the straight-line method and accelerated depreciation, how to make the journal entries with depreciation in various types of transactions (ex. A sale made for less amount than the purchase amount), how to make the journal entries for the distinct types of transactions involving sales revenue (ex. For sales returns and sales allowance), how to make the journal entries with discounts (ex. “Buys 10 units at $10 each with 10% off”), how to make an...
Resúmenes más recientes de Introduction to Financial Accounting:Pearson International Edition
Financial Accounting guide notes
- Resumen • 12 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
- 16,49 €
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This document contains guided notes on how to do the straight-line method and accelerated depreciation, how to make the journal entries with depreciation in various types of transactions (ex. A sale made for less amount than the purchase amount), how to make the journal entries for the distinct types of transactions involving sales revenue (ex. For sales returns and sales allowance), how to make the journal entries with discounts (ex. “Buys 10 units at $10 each with 10% off”), how to make an...
Business Environment Q2 summaries
- Lote • 4 artículos • 2021 Nuevo
- 10,49 €
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including: supply chain, service industry, financial and management accounting
Financial accounting Q2
- Resumen • 5 páginas • 2021 Nuevo
Disponible en paquete
- 3,99 €
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Summary of the book and powerpoints; finance book only
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Introduction to financial accounting H. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8
- Resumen • 41 páginas • 2017 Nuevo
- 5,99 €
- 17x vendido
- + aprende más y mejor
This summary includes: H. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 8 of the book an introduction to financial accounting, 9th edition.
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