1. Elabora un título para tu artículo de revisión y selecciona las palabras clave que
incluirás en el mismo.
Título: Infecciones en mamíferos marinos: Morbillivirus en cetáceos.
Palabras Clave: Mamíferos marinos, Cetáceos, Infección, Virus y Morbillivirus
2. Lee el resumen de tus dos artículos e identifica las frases correspondientes a la
introducción, objetivo, los materiales y métodos, los resultados y la discusión. ¿Qué
componente predomina en tus resúmenes?
Artículo 1. Morbillivirus Infections in Aquatic Mammals: A Brief Overview.
Since 1987, at least eight morbillivirus infection (MI) epidemics have caused mass
mortality of several free-living pinniped and cetacean populations around the world.
The responsible agents, all belonging to the genus Morbillivirus (family
Paramyxoviridae), have been characterized as either canine distemper virus-strains,
infecting pinnipeds, or as three new morbilliviruses, namely phocid (phocine)
distemper virus, porpoise morbillivirus and dolphin morbillivirus. The last two agents
are currently gathered under the common denomination of cetacean morbillivirus. At
post-mortem examination, a commonly occurring macroscopic lesion is represented
by more or less severe bilateral pneumonia, with consolidation, congestion and
oedema of both lungs, which fail to collapse. Histologically, a nonsuppurative
broncho-interstitial pneumonia, characterized by type II pneumocyte hyperplasia and
by formation of endobronchial, endobronchiolar and endoalveolar Warthin Finkeldey
type syncytia, as well as a multifocal, non-suppurative encephalitis, associated with a
severe and generalized lymphoid tissue depletion, are common pathological
findings. Furthermore, eosinophilic viral inclusions are often detected, at both the
intracytoplasmic and intranuclear level, within bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial,
pulmonary syncytial, neuronal and other cell types. These inclusions, along with
lymphoid and other cellular elements, are often found to be immunohistochemically
positive for morbillivirus antigen. Among the still debated, or even controversial
issues regarding MI in sea mammals, the one related to the origin of their causative
agents is of particular concern.