AQA Psychology for A Level Year 1 & AS - Student Book
Comprehensive study notes on AQA Psychology topic of OCD. Can easily be turned into flashcards for effective revision. Includes practice questions at the end of the document.
Behavioural characteristics of OCD- Compulsions
1- Repetitive compulsions-
→ Repetitive- e.g. hand washing, counting, tidying/ordering
2- Compulsions reduce anxiety-
→ 10% of sufferers show only compulsive behaviours.
→ Majority of compulsive behaviours are responses to reduce
→ E.g. compulsive handwashing= fear of germs, compulsive
checking= fear that something is left unsecured.
Behavioural characteristics of OCD- Avoidance
- Avoiding an anxiety triggering situation.
- E.g. compulsive hand washing= avoid coming into contact with
→ This avoidance can interfere with daily activities.
Emotional characteristics of OCD- Anxiety and distress
- Powerful anxiety accompanies obsessions and compulsions.
- Obsessive thoughts= unpleasant & frightening, and so triggers
- Compulsions create anxiety.
Emotional characteristics of OCD- Accompanying depression
- OCD often comes with depression.
→ So the anxiety triggered by the OCD can come with low mood
& lack of enjoyment in activities.
→ Compulsive behaviour brings some relief, but this is
Emotional characteristics of OCD- Guilt and disgust
- Sufferers can feel irrational guilt over minor moral issues.
- Sufferers can feel disgust- can be directed at the self or something
external, e.g. dirt.
Cognitive characteristics of OCD- Obsessive thoughts
- 90% of OCD sufferers have obsessive, recurring thoughts which are
always unpleasant.
- E.g.- being contaminated by dirt/ germs, a door is unlocked,
impulses to hurt someone.
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