Nearby: a time or location that is close to the current situation
Return: go back to the origin
Tomorrow: a period 24 hours from now
Above: looking up from here
Local: very familiar with a location
Ahead: further away from now
A John had smoked before
B There are Russian students
C Mary eats meat
D Everyone has a paper
E Students enjoy studying semantics
F Students in the music school can’t do a minor
G Sue’s students get chocolate in class
H There is a bumper sticker on the wall
I There are no donuts anymore
a your answer to the question was adequate would flout the maxim of relevance when asking
if someone answered the question clear enough
b it’s a wonderful party, but I have to get up early would flout the maxim of quantity when
asking if someone is enjoying themselves
c I’ll die if you don’t give me another bite of that delicious cake would flout the maxim of
quality when asking if someone wants a piece of cake
1. Examine the letter to the editor below and circle at least five indexicals.
After time period the story broke about President Bush's secret order to allow the wiretapping
of U.S.
citizens without any judicial review ["On Hill, Anger and Calls for Hearings Greet News of
Stateside Surveillance," front page, Dec. 17], I writer asked myself why we in Congress, as
part of he USA Patriot Act reauthorization, have been passionately debating the balance between
civil liberties, on one hand, and the investigative and surveillance powers of the FBI and
other executive branch agencies, on the other. The president's newly claimed authority
renders significant portions of the Patriot Act debate -- especially as it Patriot Act relates to
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court process -- meaningless.
What is the point of Congress drawing legal standards and developing procedures to protect
our security and secure our civil liberties if the president secretly decides he president has the
to ignore much of what we citizens do?
Mr. Bush's decision to unilaterally wiretap U.S. citizens raises serious questions about
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