ENGLAND (dossier pages 1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Several Germanic tribes shared the same language, that is, they spoke different dialects from the same language,
based on German. It was highly inflected, with a rather free word order.
Social organization: In general, German society was tribal, that is, it emphasized the relation and loyalties of kinship
rather than of citizenship. It was a kin-based society, made up of large units whose members shared blood ties (as
clans do).
There was a hierarchy structure:
1. King/ Lord
2. Nobles: People who helped the king controlling and leading armies.
Thanes (retainers) members of the nobility who were more close to the king.
3. Peasants (the backbone) : Free men or serfs (prisoners of war, slaves)
It highlights the heroic ideal, it represents a model of behavior. It is based on the notion of the
Physical (strength)
excellence, which has three parts Mental (intelligence/cool-headed)
Spiritual (moral values)
The system of comitatus is the agreement between a Germanic lord and his subservients. It is a code of honor
between the lord and the thanes. It was based on the interrelation, where one expects something from the other.
The thanes promised him their loyalty. They fight and die for him and avenge him if he is murdered.
The lord offered them his generosity, he had to share the spoils (botín) of war.
Epic poetry: Is the most relevant genre in this literature. It is connected with the warrior culture. It is about great
deeds of great men. It is narrative poetry, it tells a story.
Epic poetry in elevated style has formal features. It uses solemn, serious language.
Elevating, refers to the effect that the poetry has on the audience /readers.
Men are main characters. There are also women, but they are secondary characters (wife of x, daughter)
Women: They are usually hostesses, counsellors and mourners (lamentarse por la muerte de alguien). As death is a
usual event, they have a stoic attitude, and attitude of acceptance. They are also goaders (to goad: to incite, to
push), they push the men to fight, because they are worry about honor.
The group- the individual
Male bounding: There are special ties between men, which unite the man in a group.
It emphasis the group, that is very important.
Stories are about heroes, who are individuals that stand out. The individual is the hero, who is different from the
others. He shows off his achievements and attributes.
Wyrd- fate
The future is predetermined. The heroes fight against all kind of adversities, but there is a force against which they
cannot fight.
, Fame
It is an important topic in these stories. It is a way you live on after dead. It is a way of surviving people’s memory.
Stories are telling in order to be remembered.
The scop
The scop was the bard (poet) of Anglo-Saxon time. He was a valued member if the court. He had to be good at
memorizing and improvising. He was who composed and recited.
Oral poetry
This was initially oral poetry, 1st consequence: is that most of that is lost.
Nothing was written until after the Christianization of the country, nothing after the Vikings came and destroyed all.
The four manuscripts collection
Anglo-Saxon poetry has survived, in its most, thanks to four manuscripts.
The Exeter Book: It is kept at Exeter
The Vercelli Book: (Italy)
The Junius XI manuscript (Franciscus Junius) They are part of the collection of these
The Cotton Vitellus A. xv manuscript (Robert Cotton) two people. They are named after the two
It contains Beowulf. It is known as Beowulf manuscript. collectors that own them.
There are different versions of the same works, although the bases of the stories are the same.
2nd consequence: there is a gap between the time of the composition and the time of the writing.
We can distinguish between:
Primary epic: No single author (each is a product of the oral tradition). Written down after centuries of oral
transmission — e. g., Beowulf and the Iliad. It belongs to the oral tradition and is thus composed orally and recited.
Secondary epic: is a literary work of art.
3rd consequence: The blend between pagan and Christian materials, because poems were written after
Christianization. The bases of a story are adapted and readapted to the context. Pagan stories were adapted to the
new context. After England was Christianized, poems were addressed to people who became Christian. Pagan and
Christian elements mixed together.
God decides what is going to happen (Christian).
Fate (Pagan).
Stylistic features
Variation: It refers paraphrase, is a repetition but using other words. There is variation between half-lines and lines,
which closes to one another.
Near synonyms: They tried to use not the same words all the time. They have to do with versification rules. It shows
the lexical richness of the poet.
E.g.: Mece, brand, sweord= sword
Weard (Guardian), Meatod (Measurer), Wuldor-Faeder (Glory-Father), Drihten (Lord), Scyppend (Creator),
Frea (Master) = God
Formulae phrases: They are used exactly in the same way as near synonyms. They are repeated within the poem,
although these kinds of formulae are repeated in different poems.
E.g.: x, son of…: It is like a formula. It shows the importance of genealogy. You inherit the fame of your ancestors
and have to keep it or increase it.
Kennings: Is a compound noun that has a metaphorical meaning. It must be a compound and a metaphor.
E.g.: The gold-giver: it is not a metaphor, it shares things made of gold (rings, bracelets, weapons), so it is not a
Rodores- candel; sky- candle: it is a metaphor for sun