A clear and structured summary of the content of the exam in the second period. Great way to prepare yourself for the exam. Only the part about Discourse is missing.
Week 10 Lecture
Language and culture doing business across countries
Possible differences between cultures:
- Informal agreements vs. formal contracts
- Showing emotons or not
- Written vs. face to face communicaton
- Eye contact or not
- Punctuality
- Negotatons: winning a battle or win-win
Interacton on the work floor is influenced by:
- How we conduct work
- Our behaviour and style
- Our use of language
- How we solve challenges, problems, conflicts
- How we negotate
- How we go about creatng relatonships
- Language profciency
Culture = the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a partcular group of people
at a partcular tme.
o Words, gestures, pictures or objects with a
partcular 羥eaning that is recognieed onle
be 羥e羥bers of a partcular culture
o People with characteristcs i羥portant to the
羥e羥bers of a culture. Heroes functon as
role 羥odels
o Collectve actvites, that
are essental to a
, o Broad tendencies for preference for certain state of afairs to others (good-bad, right-
Layers of culture
- National level
o Associated with the naton
- Regional level
o Associated with ethnic, linguistc or religious differences within the naton
- Gender level
o Associated with gender differences
- Generation level
o Associated with the differences between generatons
- Social class level
o Associated with level of educatonal occupaton
- Corporate level
o Associated with the partcular culture of an organizaton
How do we measure culture? (Hofstede, 4 dimensions)
1. Power distance = a cultural dimension that measures the degree to which less powerful
members of organizatons and insttutons accept the fact that power is not distributed
2. Uncertainty avoidance = the extent to which people feel threatened by ambiguous situatons
and have created insttutons and beliefs for minimizing or avoiding those uncertaintes
3. Individualism = the tendency of people to look afer themselves and their immediate family
4. Masculinity = the degree to which the dominant values of a society are success, money and
material things
How do we measure culture? (Trompenaar, 7 dimensions)
1. Universalism vs. particularism
a. Universalism = the uniform applicaton of rules and procedures, regardless of
situaton, context or individuals involved.
b. Partcularism = judging a situaton and adjustng rules and procedures according to
the specifc situaton or individuals involved.
2. Individualism vs. collectivism
a. Collectvism = the tendency of people to belong to groups who look afer each other
in exchange for loyalty.
3. Neutral vs. emotional
a. Neutral = a preference for unemotonal, objectve analysis of a situaton or a decision
and for limited displays of emotons and feelings in the workplace.
b. Emotonal = an acceptance of emoton and subjectvity as the bases for some
decision making and a preference for explicit displays of emotons and feelings in the
4. Specific vs. diffuse
a. Specifc = a tendency to limit workplace relatonships and obligatons, including
relatve status and hierarchical positon, to the workplace.
, b. Diffuse = a tendency for workplace relatonships and obligatons, including relatve
status and hierarchical positon, to extend into social situatons and actvites outside
of work
5. Achievement vs. ascription
a. Achievement = where status is earned rather than a right: recruitment and
promoton opportunites tend to be more dependent on performance, as in
b. Ascripton = where status is more of a right than earned; recruitment and promoton
opportunites tend to be more dependent on seniority, ethnicity, gender, religion or
6. Sequential vs. synchronic (tme)
a. Sequental = cultures that view tme in a sequental or linear fashion; order comes
from separatng actvites and commitments
b. Synchronic = cultures that view events in parallel over tme; order comes from
coordinatng multple actvites and commitments.
7. ?
- Social values, attitudes & stereotypes
- Societal well-being
- Social capital, trust and organizatonal membership
- Economic values
- Corrupton
- Migraton
- Post-material index
- Science & technology
- Religious values
- Security
- Ethical values & norms
- Politcal interest and politcal partcipaton
- Politcal culture and politcal regimes
- Demography
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