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Test Bank: Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing, 9th Edition by Kurzen - Chapters 1-16, 9781975136215 | Rationals Included 21,52 €
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Test Bank: Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing, 9th Edition by Kurzen - Chapters 1-16, 9781975136215 | Rationals Included

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Test Bank: Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing, 9th Edition by Kurzen - Chapters 1-16, 9781975136215 | Rationals Included

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  • Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing

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Test Bank
Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing

Kevin M. Lynch; Frank C. Park
9th Edition


,Table of content
Chapter 1: Adjusting to Student Life
Chapter 2: The Student Nurse as a Person
Chapter 3: Communication Skills
Chapter 4: Education for Nursing
Chapter 5: The NCLEX-PN®
Chapter 6: Nursing From Past to Present
Chapter 7: The Health Care System
Chapter 8: The Health Care Team
Chapter 9: Theory, Culture, and Diversity in Nursing Care
Chapter 10: Ethical Issues in Health Care
Chapter 11: Legally Responsible Nursing Practice
Chapter 12: Leadership and Followership Skills
Chapter 13: Management Skills
Chapter 14: Beginning Your Nursing Career
Chapter 15: Challenges in the Workplace
Chapter 16: Current Issues and Future Concerns

, Contemporary Practical/Vocational Nursing 9th Edition Kurzen Test Bank

Chapter 1 Adjusting to Student Life &
Chapter 2 The Student Nurse as a Person
1. During orientation, a novice nurse sits and “virtually spends” the first few paychecks,
envisioning the money going into a personal bank account. In the dream state, the nurse
smiles and knows that the pain of nursing school was worth it. Which phase of reality shock
the nurse experiencing?
a. Honeymoon
b. Shock or rejection
c. Recovery
d. Resolution
During the honeymoon phase, the novice nurse has a positive image of nursing that coincides
with the reason for becoming a nurse; this feeling is experienced immediately after the nurse
begins work and often while still in orientation.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 416-417
2. A novice nurse is assigned a patient who has an order to draw blood for culture and
from a central line before antibiotic therapy is started. The novice reads and rereads the
procedure manual. An hour later he stands at the bedside of the patient and stares at the
line, without knowing how to proceed. This phase of reality shock is termed:
a. honeymoon.
b. shock or rejection.
c. recovery.
d. resolution.
During the shock or rejection phase, there is inconsistency with what was learned in school
and the work environment, and the novice nurse lacks many of the skills needed to be
independent in this new role.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
3. According to Kramer, nurses in the shock phase should ask themselves:
a. “How can I fit in with other staff?”
b. “Why can’t I perform as everyone expects?”
c. “What changes can I make to make me feel good about the choice to become a

d. “How can I get the rest of the staff to change?”
During the shock or rejection phase, novice nurses must ask themselves what they must do


,become the type of nurse envisioned and to make a contribution.
DIF: Application REF:

2. The novice nurse arrives on the nursing unit, is introduced to the staff, is assigned a
and is asked to participate in the next staff meeting. This introduction into nursing is
a. biculturalism.
appropriately termed:
b. socialization.
c. transition.
d. “going native.”
Socialization involves the acceptance and integration of the novice nurse into the profession
of nursing, as well as the identification of the novice nurse with the profession of nursing.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p.
5. Several novice nurses share lunch breaks and have comments such as, “I have
insomnia from
worrying about what I forgot to do for my patient,” and “I have no energy,” and “I can’t believe
I can’t do my job correctly.” These novice nurses are each experiencing different symptoms of:
a. burnout.
b. low self-esteem.
c. lack of confidence.
d. resilience.
Symptoms of burnout include extreme fatigue, headaches, difficulty sleeping, mood swings,
anxiety, poor work quality, depression, and anger.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
e. Which
6. 417-418nurse is more prone to burnout? The nurse who:
a. graduated last in the class.
b. is industrious and conscientious.
c. refuses to work an extra shift even though he or she needs the money.
d. volunteers to serve on only one committee and keeps in touch with schoolmates.
Burnout is more common among nurses with type A personalities and those who are
DIF: Application REF: d
7. A novice nurse notices the medication nurse hurriedly gathering medications to be
administered for the entire day, removing them from the packages, and placing them in a
paper cup with the patient’s name and room number on the cup. When one of the

points at a pill and asks, “What is this?” and “What does this do?” the medication nurse is
uncertain, because it has long since been removed from the packaging. The novice nurse
speaks to the nurse manager about her observations and describes her concerns. The novice
nurse has assumed the role of:
a. loner.
b. “rutter.”


,c. change agent.
d. “native.”
The novice nurse is working to improve the safety and patient environment and is a patient
DIF: Comprehension REF:
8. The novice nurse calls a supervisor and requests that a “float nurse” be assigned to
help with
all “assessments of new admissions and postoperative patients.” The supervisor asks, “How
many admissions and surgery patients have you received?” The novice nurse becomes
flustered because she has not checked the census but simply bases the need on feeling
overwhelmed. This situation best indicates a lack of skills.
a. organizational
b. communication
c. interpersonal
d. clinical
The novice nurse lacks proficiency, which may be exaggerated by feelings of being
overwhelmed by the new environment, causing him or her to not get the facts before asking
for help.
DIF: Comprehension REF:
e. 422-423
9. is
skill When the novice nurse asks, “What will happen if this task is not completed,” which
being demonstrated?
a. Priority setting
b. Delegation
c. Organization
d. Clinical skills
The novice nurse is considering the legal and safety ramifications if the task is not completed.
DIF: Comprehension REF: d
10. In distinguishing between evaluation methods used in school versus those
used in the work

environment, it is noted that the work environment evaluation includes:
a. determining whether steps are logical.
b. formulating increments in correct order.
c. efficiently organizing stages of the procedure.
d. appraising outcomes according to policy.
Outcomes are based on meeting existing criteria rather than on knowing how the outcome
DIF: Application RE
11. When comparing mentoring and role modeling, the role of mentoring is
represented by which


,of the following situations?
a. The experienced nurse is unaware that the novice nurse is observing him or her
gathering supplies needed to start intravenous antibiotics.
b. The novice nurse mimics conversations with his or her own patients that were
unobtrusively overheard between the experienced nurse and his or her patients.
c. The novice nurse receives feedback from the experienced nurse related to the use of
a new occlusive dressing product and is told, “I couldn’t have done it better myself.”
d. An experienced nurse is nominated for outstanding employee of the month by the
novice nurse.
The experienced nurse knowingly enters into a relationship to advocate for and to enhance
self-esteem of the novice nurse.
DIF: Analysis REF: p. 425

12. A certified oncology nurse notices that a novice nurse is unsure of decision

making and lacks

technical skills. The novice nurse gains confidence by sharing and learning with the
experienced nurse. This relationship continues and builds, allowing the novice nurse to become

more confident. This relationship is known as:
a. mentoring.
b. role modeling.
c. a preceptorship.
d. socialization.

The experienced and novice nurses have entered into a mutually agreed upon interactive

relationship to ease the transition of the novice nurse into the profession.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 425

13. A novice nurse is unsure how to correctly administer an injection using the Z-

track method.
What is the best approach for learning this procedure?

a. Read the procedure manual and follow the steps exactly.
b. Make an appointment at the skills laboratory of the former nursing school to


c. Ask to observe the skill as it is being performed; then perform it under direct

d. Try to remember how the task was previously performed during a simulation.
The novice nurse can become familiar with the technique, then can perform the skill under
supervision of an experienced nurse, ensuring competency.
DIF: Application REF: p. 429
14. A student nurse wants to meet other nursing students from different countries
and to learn of
employment possibilities. The student nurse should:
a. participate in the clinical facility’s employee satisfaction task force.


,b. join the Student Nurses Association.
c. take part in self-mentoring.
d. postpone taking the licensure examination so he or she can take a tour of foreign
Students who participate in preprofessional organizations such as the Student Nurses
Association have an opportunity to meet students across the nation and around the world
can network with leaders to gain knowledge about employment possibilities.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 426-427
15. An experienced nurse working in oncology is shocked to realize that he feels
little empathy
when a patient explains, “I developed cancer from having to work in the dry cleaning industry
since I was only 8 years old to help support my younger siblings during the depression.


they have all moved away and refuse to help me financially, and it takes everything I have

pay for my chemotherapy medicine.” The nurse is experiencing:
a. burnout.

b. compassion fatigue.
c. reality shock.
d. horizontal hostility.

The nurse is experiencing a gradual decline in compassion over time as a result of being
exposed to events that have distressed his or her patients, such as working at a young age to

support a family while inadvertently being exposed to carcinogens.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 417-418

16. A recruiter is explaining benefits to a group of nursing externs who are highly

sought for
employment. The recruiter states, “We are the only hospital in town that offers a residency

program.” The recruiter further explains that a residency program:

a. provides housing for the graduate nurse to decrease expenses until income is

b. partners a medical resident with a nurse resident to learn interprofessional care.

c. allows new graduates to work on a higher degree in nursing while being paid fulltime.
d. offers extended time for both theory and clinical activities that promote problem
solving and clinical decision making.
Residency programs offer a longer precepted orientation period (often 12 months) to bridge
the gap between the classroom and practice.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 425-426
17. A novice nurse is stressed due to always being behind with her assignments.
She is overheard
saying, “No one here worries about checking nasogastric tube placement before they give
medications and hang feedings. Skipping that step would save me an extra 30 minutes to be


,used for charting. If they can do it, so can I.” This nurse is experiencing which stage of reality
a. loner.
b. “rutter.”
c. change agent.
d. “native.”
The novice nurse is mimicking the actions of the experienced nurse taking shortcuts that
not taught in school and not following policy and procedure.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 417
18. A novice nurse is placed in charge just after orientation ends. Which
statement by the novice
nurse would ensure a smooth delegation experience when delegating to an experienced staff


a. “You have the patients in rooms 1 to 7. These patients require little skill so you

will be fine.”
b. “Your assignments are posted in writing by the nurses’ station. Be certain all your

tasks are completed so the next shift is not behind.”
c. “You have patients in rooms 5 through 10 and I will administer all IV medications.
I will let you know if I have to adjust. If you see you need help let me know.”
d. “Everyone is capable of providing the best care, so please sign up for the patients
you would like to be assigned to.”

The nurse is clearly stating the assignments, allowing for a need to adjust both to needs of the

unit and the delegate’s needs.
DIF: Application REF: dm 422-423

19. A novice nurse is in the “rejection phase” of stress and wonders if she made the
right decision

when deciding nursing was her chosen career. Which strategy would help the novice nurse
cope with transition into practice and reduce stress?

a. When asked by the charge nurse to accept the new admission even though she had no
discharges, the novice nurse stops and considers if this request is acceptable and safe, then

accepts the assignment based on two patients having a low acuity level.

b. Refusing to eat anywhere but the hospital cafeteria to ensure a balanced diet and
time to socialize with other staff and visitors.
c. Avoid wasting time by listening to coworkers’ problems or ideas on how to staff
the unit during the upcoming holiday since the novice nurse’s time is valuable and
better spent getting her own work completed.
d. Make an effort to “win over” hostile or angry coworkers who find fault with
the novice nurse’s work performance.
To reduce stress and cope with the rejection phase of transition, the novice nurse should
before answering—take a few minutes before answering and deciding what is best course of


DIF: Analysis REF: dm
416-417 MULTIPLE
1. In orientation, a new graduate is surprised to learn of workplace violence in health
agencies and asks, “What kind of violence is common in hospitals?” The educator describes
workplace violence as: (select all that apply)
a. care of patients admitted who are victims of domestic violence.
b. experienced nurses withholding pertinent information from coworkers to portray
them as incompetent.
c. coworkers participating in an employee assistance program (EAP) to learn more
about anger management for adult children living at home.
d. care of persons being held for treatment prior to be incarcerated for committing


e. statements such as “The new nurse has book sense but can’t perform an admission

physical without the help of everyone on the unit.”

Withholding information from novices or coworkers to purposely cause them to appear
inadequate or unskilled is considered workplace violence because of the anxiety and stress it
produces. This should not be tolerated and should be reported. Such statements, which belittle
employees, lead to job dissatisfaction, lack of teamwork, and burnout and are considered
lateral or workplace violence. This should not be tolerated and should be reported.

DIF: Application REF: p. 424

2. Faculty comes to class to present information about joining the Student Nurses

(SNA). A student is heard saying, “Why join this organization? It is just a bunch of students

like us. I’ll wait and join the real nursing organization after graduation.” This student is not
aware of which benefits of SNA? (select all that apply)
a. Members are eligible to sit for the licensure examination at a reduced rate.

b. Leadership skills can be refined by working with other schools of nursing.
c. The National SNA provides discounted rates for study abroad opportunities.

d. A global view of nursing can be obtained through networking internationally.

e. Lobbying efforts are a major benefit of belonging to SNA.

Leadership opportunities are available as officers and through conferences. SNA members
work with other nursing students across the nation and internationally.
DIF: Comprehension REF: dm 426-427
3. A novice nurse notices a patient is pacing the floor and twisting his hands. When the
enters the room, the patient stares at her and mumbles, “Can’t anyone understand what I
want?” while smiling and reaching out to shake the nurse’s hand. The nurse recognizes a risk
for violence based on which clinical findings? (select all that apply)
a. Glaring at the nurse
b. Nervousness, twisting of hands


, c. Murmuring when talking
d. Diagnosis of a terminal illness
e. Isolation, desire to be alone
ANS: A, B, C
Nurses can recognize a risk for workplace violence by using the acronym STAMPEDAR
(staring, tone of voice, anxiety, mumbling, pacing, emotions, disease process, assertive/
nonassertive behavior, and resources).

Chapter 3 Communication Skills
1. A nurse is listening to a patient’s apical heart rate. The patient asks, “Is everything
okay?” The
nurse says nothing and shrugs her shoulders. The nurse is demonstrating:

a. open communication.

b. filtration.

c. blocking.
d. false assurance.

Blocking occurs when the nurse responds with noncommittal or generalized answers.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 335 st
2. A teenage patient is using earphones to listen to hard rock music and is making
gestures in

rhythm to the music. The nurse assesses the amount of urine output in the Foley catheter and
leaves the room. What communication technique is demonstrated in both of these situations?

a. Blocking
b. Filtration

c. Empathy

d. False assurance

Filtration is the unconscious exclusion of extraneous stimuli in communication.
DIF: Comprehension REF: p. 331

3. In today’s world of fast, effective communication, what is the most commonly used
means of

societal communication?

a. Facial expression
b. Spoken word
c. Written messages
d. Electronic messaging
Verbal communication, which involves talking and listening, is the most common form of
interpersonal communication. An important clue to verbal communication is the tone or
inflection with which words are spoken and the general attitude used when speaking.

DIF: Knowledge REF: p. 331
4. Which statement accurately describes communication?


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