Customs Border protection With Questions And 100% ALL CORRECT ANSWERS
Practice questions for this set
D) Some crimes characterized as malum prohibitum are not declared by a legislatur
to be an offense
, E) Sometimes failing to file a tax return is characterized as malum in se
Answer: B - This question is concerned with classification of crimes into sets-that is,
with the classification of crimes as either malum in se or malum prohibitum. The last
phrase in the last sentence tells us that many jurisdictions make the distinction
between these two categories of crimes. Response B follows from that sentence,
because if many jurisdictions make the distinction, some jurisdictions make the
distinction. From the fact that many jurisdictions make the distinction, it cannot be
nferred that many do not make the distinction Therefore Response A is incorrect
Choose matching term
A rapidly changing technical environment in government is promoting greater reliance on
electronic mail (e-mail) systems. As this usage grows, there are increasing chances of conflict
between the users? expectations of privacy and public access rights. In some investigations,
access to all e-mail, including those messages stored in archival files and messages outside the
scope of the investigation, has been sought and granted. In spite of this, some people send
messages through e-mail that would never be said face-to-face or written formally.
Often, crimes are characterized as either malum in se-inherently evil-or malum prohibitum-
criminal because they are declared as offenses by a legislature. Murder is an example of the
former. Failing to file a tax return illustrates the latter. Some jurisdictions no longer distinguish
between crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum, although many still do
The Chief of Police strives to provide quality service to the community while using resources
efficiently. Accordingly, the Chief must take into account several factors when allocating
resources. For example, if it is a holiday weekend, additional staff are assigned to duty. However,
if additional staff are assigned to duty, special funding is needed from the city council.
Twenty-five percent of the nation?s incoming cargo containers are shipped to the port of Cary,
and 10% are shipped to the port of Davidson. Merchandise that arrives at these ports in
containers is shipped by truck and rail to its final destination in the United States. Cary is one of
the biggest targets for cargo thieves due to the large volume of merchandise shipped there.
Customs Border protection
, Terms in this set (40)
A) Many jurisdictions no longer distinguish between crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum
B) Some jurisdictions still distinguish between crimes malum in se and malum prohibitum
C) Some crimes characterized as malum in se are not inherently evil
Often, crimes are characterized as either malum in
se-inherently evil-or malum prohibitum- criminal
D) Some crimes characterized as malum prohibitum are not declared by a legislature to be an
because they are declared as offenses by a
legislature. Murder is an example of the former.
Failing to file a tax return illustrates the latter. Some
E) Sometimes failing to file a tax return is characterized as malum in se
jurisdictions no longer distinguish between crimes
malum in se and malum prohibitum, although many
Answer: B - This question is concerned with classification of crimes into sets-that is, with the
still do
classification of crimes as either malum in se or malum prohibitum. The last phrase in the last
sentence tells us that many jurisdictions make the distinction between these two categories of
crimes. Response B follows from that sentence, because if many jurisdictions make the distinction,
some jurisdictions make the distinction. From the fact that many jurisdictions make the distinction, it
cannot be inferred that many do not make the distinction. Therefore, Response A is incorrect.
A) If Claus Inc. is liable, then it can show that it was not negligent
A trucking company can act as a common carrier- B) If Claus Inc. cannot show that it was not negligent, then it is not liable
for hire to the general public at published rates. As a
common carrier, it is liable for any cargo damage, C) If Claus Inc. can show that it was not negligent, then it is not liable
unless the company can show that it was not
negligent. If the company can demonstrate that it D) If Nichols Inc. is liable, then it cannot show that it is negligent
was not negligent, then it is not liable for cargo
damage. In contrast, a contract carrier (a trucking E) If Nichols Inc. can show that it is not negligent, then it is not liable
company hired by a shipper under a specific
contract) is only responsible for cargo damage as Answer: C - The second sentence states the liability rule for common carriers: all common carriers
spelled out in the contract. A Claus Inc. are liable for cargo damage unless they can show that they are not negligent; if they can show that
tractortrailer, acting under common carrier they are not negligent, then they are not liable for cargo damage. Claus Inc. is a common carrier,
authority, was in a 5-vehicle accident that damaged and accordingly this rule applies to it. From this rule it follows that if Claus Inc. can show it was not
its cargo. A Nichols Inc. tractor-trailer, acting under negligent, then it is not liable, Response C. Response A contradicts this rule by claiming that when
contract carrier authority, was involved in the same Claus Inc. is liable it can show that it was not negligent. Response B contradicts this rule by claiming
accident, and its cargo was also damaged. that Claus Inc. is not liable even when it cannot show that it is not negligent. Responses D and E
Customs Border protection
concern Nichols Inc., a contract carrier. However, the terms of the Nichols Inc. contract were not
disclosed in the paragraph, so neither response is supported.