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Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing 7th Edition Harding Snyder Test Bank (Contains All chapters, Newly updated 2024) A+ Rated 15,89 €
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Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing 7th Edition Harding Snyder Test Bank (Contains All chapters, Newly updated 2024) A+ Rated

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Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing 7th Edition Harding Snyder Test Bank Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing 7th Edition Harding Snyder Test Bank Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing 7th Edition Harding Snyder Test Bank Question and Answers, With Rationales A+ Rated Guide Download Instantly for an A...

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Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing
h h h h

7th Edition Harding Snyder Test
h h h h h


, Clinical hReasoning hCases hin hNursing h7th hEdition hHarding hSnyder hTest hBank

Chapter h1.Perfusion

1. The hnurse his hexplaining hto ha hstudent hnurse habout himpaired hcentral hperfusion. hThe
hnurse hknowshthe hstudent h understands hthis hproblem hwhen hthe hstudent h states, hCentral

a. is hmonitored honly hby hthe hphysician.
b. involves hthe hentire hbody.
c. is hdecreased hwith hhypertension.
d. is htoxic hto hthe hcardiac
hsystem.hANS: hB
Central hperfusion hdoes hinvolve hthe hentire hbody has hall horgans hare hsupplied hwith hoxygen hand hvital
nutrients. hThe hphysician hdoes hnot hcontrol hthe hbodys hability hfor hperfusion. hCentral
hperfusion his hnothdecreased hwith hhypertension. hCentral hperfusion his hnot htoxic hto hthe
hcardiac hsystem.
2. A hpatient hwas hdiagnosed hwith hhypertension. hThe hpatient hasks hthe hnurse hhow hthis
hdisease hcouldhhave hhappened hto hthem. h The hnurses h best hresponse h is hHypertension

a. happens hto heveryone hsooner hor hlater. hDont hbe hconcerned habout hit.
b. can hhappen hfrom heating ha hpoor hdiet, hso hchange hwhat hyou hare heating.
c. can hhappen hfrom harterial hchanges hthat himpede hthe hblood hflow.
d. happens hwhen hpeople hdo hnot hexercise, hso hyou hshould hwalk
hevery hday.hANS: hC
Hardening hof hthe harteries hfrom hatherosclerosis hcan hcause hhypertension hin hthe hpatient.
Hypertension hdoes hnot hhappen hto heveryone. hChanging hthe hpatients hdiet hand hexercising
hmay hbe ha hpositive hlife hchange, hbut hthese hanswers hdo hnot hexplain hto hthe hpatient hhow hthe
hdisease hcould hhavehhappened.
3. The hpatient hasks hthe hnurse hto hexplain hthe hsinoatrial hnode hin hthe hheart. hThe hnurses hbest
hresponsehwould hbe, h The hsinoatrial h node

a. provides hthe hheart hwith hthe hstimulation hto hbeat hin ha hnormal hrhythm.
b. protects hthe hheart hfrom hatherosclerotic hchanges.
c. provides hthe hheart hwith hoxygenated hblood.
d. protects hthe hheart hfrom
hinfection.hANS: hA
The hsinoatrial hnode his hthe hnatural hpacemaker hof hthe hheart, hand hit hassists hthe hheart hto hbeat hin ha
normal hrhythm. hThe hsinoatrial hnode hdoes hnot hprotect hfrom hatherosclerotic hchanges hor
hinfection,hand h it h does hnot hdirectly hprovide hthe hheart hwith hoxygenated hblood.
4. The hpatient h is hbrought hto hthe hemergency hdepartment hafter ha hmotor hvehicle haccident.
hThe hpatienthis hdiagnosed hwith hinternal hbleeding. hThe hnurses hprimary hconcern h is hto
hmonitor hfor

,a. mental halertness.
b. perfusion.

, c. pain.
d. reaction hto
hmedications.hANS: hB
Perfusion his hthe hcorrect hanswer, hbecause hwith hinternal hbleeding, hthe hnurse hshould h monitor hvital
signs hto hbe hsure hperfusion his hhappening. hMental halertness, hpain, hand hmedication hreactions
harehimportant hbut hnot hthe hprimary hconcern.
5. A hpatients hserum helectrolytes hare hbeing hmonitored. hThe hnurse hnotices hthat hthe
hpotassium hlevelhis hlow. hThe hnurse hknows hthat hthe hpatient h should h be hobserved h for

a. tissue hischemia.
b. brain hmalformations.
c. intestinal hblockage.
d. cardiac
hdysthymia.hANS: hD
Cardiac hdysthymia h is ha hpossibility hwhen hserum hpotassium his hhigh hor hlow. hTissue hischemia, hbrain
malformations, hor hintestinal hblockage hdo hnot hhave ha hdirect hcorrelation hto hpotassium hirregularities.
6. A hnurse his hexplaining hto ha hstudent hnurse habout hperfusion. hThe hnurse hknows hthe
hstudenthunderstands hthe hconcept hof hperfusion hwhen hthe hstudent h states, hPerfusion

a. is ha hnormal hfunction hof hthe hbody, hand hI hdont hhave hto hbe hconcerned habout hit.
b. is hmonitored hby hthe hphysician, hand hI hjust hfollow horders.
c. is hmonitored hby hvital hsigns hand hcapillary hrefill.
d. varies has ha hperson hages, hso hI hwould hexpect hchanges hin
hthe hbody.hANS: hC
The hbest hmethod hto hmonitor hperfusion his hto hmonitor hvital hsigns hand hcapillary hrefill. hThis hallows
the hnurse hto hknow hif hperfusion his hadequate hto hmaintain hvital horgans. hThe hnurse hdoes
hhave hto hbe hconcerned habout hperfusion. hPerfusion his hnot honly hmonitored hby hthe hphysician
hbut hthe hnurse htoo.hPerfusion hdoes hnot halways hchange has hthe hperson hages.
7. The hnurse his hconducting ha hpatient hassessment. hThe hpatient htells hthe hnurse hthat hhe
hhas hsmokedhtwo hpacks hof hcigarettes hper hday hfor h27 hyears. hThe hnurse hmay hfind hwhich
hdata hupon hassessment?

a. Blood hpressure habove hthe hnormal hrange
b. Bounding hpedal hpulses
c. Night hblindness
d. Reflux
hdiseasehANS: hA
Smokers hhave ha hconstriction hof hthe hblood hvessels hdue hto hthe htar hand hnicotine hin hcigarettes. hThis
constriction hmay hlead hto hhypertension. hBounding hpulses, hnight hblindness, hand hreflux
hdisease hdohnot hhave ha hdirect h link h to hsmoking.

Chapter h2.Gas hExchange


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